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Relationship between FACE and Maryana Ro. Who is Face? What is he famous for? What is his real name? Biography and creativity of the young rapper Who is Face dating now?

Face is a rap artist who is often called the face of modern youth culture. In his compositions, the musician often refers to concepts and realities characteristic of the Internet. Almost all of the rapper’s songs are very provocative, often containing obscene language. Perhaps it was precisely this eccentricity that allowed the musician to achieve incredible popularity, first on the Internet, and then beyond its borders.

Childhood and youth

Ivan Dremin - this is the musician’s passport name - was born on April 8, 1997 in Ufa. It is known that the rapper has an older brother. School knowledge was difficult for Ivan: the boy received “twos” and “threes” and constantly clashed with teachers and classmates. As he grew older, the young man became involved with a bandit company. The teenagers extorted money and robbed passers-by. Ivan himself repeatedly became a guest of police stations.

Nevertheless, Ivan managed to finish school. After this, Dremin planned to go to college, but did not score enough points on the Unified State Exam. But Ivan’s parents could not afford to pay for their son’s education. The future rap star worked part-time for a while, but soon realized that he wanted to achieve more. Then the decision came to take music seriously.


By his own admission, Face loved listening to music since childhood. As he grew older, the young man became interested in the creativity of the groups Slipknot and Rammstein. But he decided to try his hand at rap. The musician’s first pseudonym, Punk Face, was not liked by Ivan’s brother. He suggested changing this nickname to Face, which translates into Russian as “Face.”

Ivan himself later admits in an interview that the pseudonym perfectly reflects the diversity and diversity of his creative views and preferences. In addition, the rapper appeared on stage under the names Lil Montana and Black Forest.

In 2015, Face released his first album. The album included six songs. The most popular was the composition called “Gosha Rubchinsky”. The video for this song, according to the musician, cost only 200 rubles, but this did not stop the video from collecting millions of views on social networks and bringing Ivan Dremin his first fans. He himself, a popular clothing designer, is an example and source of inspiration for the rapper.

Already in March 2016, Face pleased listeners with the next album “Vlone”. Fans especially loved the song “Megan Fox,” recorded together with singer Enique. Deciding not to stop there, Ivan Dremin released two more albums in a row that same year.

The beginning of 2017 in the artist’s musical biography is marked by the release of a video for the song “I Don’t Give a F*ck.” This video was shot by Cole Bennett, a well-known American music video director. Following this, the album “Revenge” and a composition called “Flow”, recorded together with rappers Markul and Yanix, were presented to the audience.

In April of the same year, Face recorded the album “Hate love”. The album included 17 songs. The performer emphasized that this musical work came during a difficult period in his life. Ivan, by his own admission, then suffered from panic attacks and was on antidepressants.

After some time, Ivan Dremin managed to once again conquer Russian-language YouTube with the track “I’m Dropping the West.” The title of this song eventually became a kind of meme, popular in the rap community. Face’s next hit was the song “Believe,” also recorded together with Yanix (Yanis Badurov). This composition is dedicated to the theme of mercantile relations.

The next video that caused a wave of discussions on the Internet is the video for the song “Burger”. However, this time the reaction from fans was mixed. Many people did not like this video, although the song itself was immediately disassembled into quotes.

It is worth noting that not everyone is ready for such music and extravagance. For example, in the fall of 2017, the Face concert in Belarus was canceled. Initially, the performance was banned by the country's Prosecutor General's Office, considering that Ivan Dremin's songs contained too much obscene language. Later, the concert was officially allowed, but the concert venue was closed that day, allegedly due to technical problems.

Personal life

For a long time, fans who are interested in Ivan’s personal life were haunted by the heroine of several of the artist’s songs - a girl named Lisa. Soon the secret was revealed. It turned out that such a girl really exists, her name is Lisa Semina. She became the musician's first love. Elizaveta studied in a parallel class with Ivan Dremin. The rapper himself admits that he has been in love with Lisa since elementary school. Unfortunately, not mutually.

Having already become famous, Ivan had no shortage of fans. The young man proudly states that there were about 150 girls in his life. However, soon the rapper’s free morals were put to an end by a new love. Now Face is dating a popular blogger.

The love story of Ivan and Maryana began romantically: Face complimented the girl on social networks for some time. After some time, the young people met at one of the festivals. Ivan gave his beloved a funny toy - a small crocodile from Kinder Surprise. Since then, this touching crocodile has become a symbol and a kind of amulet of relationships for Maryana Ro and Face. The lovers even created a page for him on Instagram, which immediately gathered a huge number of subscribers appreciating the photo of the toy.

The image of an idol is discussed by fans and admirers no less than songs and videos. In 2017, the rapper surprised music lovers with new tattoos on his face. Now the inscription “Numb”, which means “Mute”, is emblazoned above the musician’s right eyebrow, and the words “Love” and “Hate” are tattooed under his eyes.

Face admits that he is completely happy. A favorite activity that also brings good income (one concert brings a musician over 250 thousand rubles), this is real luck. Although, according to Ivan, money does not play a primary role for him.

Face now

In the fall of 2017, Ivan Dremin released another album, “No Love,” which was ahead of the band’s album in terms of the number of reposts on the VKontakte social network.

And now, according to rumors, Face is recording another album, which already promises to become no less popular than the rapper’s previous works.


  • 2015 - “Cursed Seal”
  • 2016 - “Vlone”
  • 2016 - "Mayhem"
  • 2016 - “Playboy”
  • 2017 - "Revenge"
  • 2017 - “Hate love”
  • 2017 - “No love”

Real name: Ivan Dremin
Date of birth: 04/08/1997
Place of birth: Ufa

Ivan Dremin, aka rapper FACE, is an eccentric representative of the new school of Russian rap. Thanks to its atypical style, FACE became a discovery of 2017. Thanks to his work and mainstream creativity, the guy managed to achieve popularity among teenagers.

Biography of Ivan Dremin

Vanya FACE was born in the capital of Bashkortostan, the city of Ufa. Even from kindergarten, it was noticeable that the boy was growing up as a hyperactive prankster. Since the parents of other children often complained about little Vanya, the boy’s father decided to hire a nanny for his son. Dremin Jr. did not stay under the tutelage of a nanny for long, about six months, after which the boy was enrolled in the first grade of school No. 71.

Introduction to rap

In 9th grade, FACE began to get involved in rap culture. At that time, she just gained particular popularity. Before that, Dremin listened to emocore and was a fan of the band Tokio Hotel. Of the rappers, the guy most highlighted the work of Lil Pump. Vanya tried to imitate Western rappers and often went to Ufa second-hand stores in search of branded items.

After finishing 11th grade, the guy was faced with a choice - what to do next. Without thinking twice, FACE refused to enroll in a university, preferring idleness. Vanya started hanging out with guys from the area, drinking beer in the hallways in the evenings and wandering around his native streets. One day, Dremin nevertheless attempted to get a job as an assistant manager at a hotel, but when he learned about the salary awaiting him, he left his post.

Creativity FACE

First attempts to express yourself

In 2015, 3 months after graduating from school, Ivan Dremin decides to start a rapper career. First, it was necessary to choose a creative pseudonym; Dremin settled on the FACE option. Later, the guy came up with a decoding for his nickname: “FACE is the face of youth.”
The guy’s first work was called “Cursed Seal,” but this release did not receive much success. Then, at the beginning of 2016, FACE filmed the video “Gosha Rubchinsky”, in which he praises the clothes and Rubchinsky himself, while simultaneously drinking beer and dancing in the entrance. It was from this work that Vanya’s popularity gradually began to creep up.

Creative success FACE

Dremin realized that he couldn’t stop. The guy began recording tracks, copying the style of Western rappers. And it bore fruit. The video work “Face, here you are flexing” brought a new batch of fans to the young Ufa rapper.

In 2016, FACE released 3 albums at once - Vlone, Mayhem and Playboy. But all of them did not appeal to fans as much as the 2 popular clips. Then FACE decides to record a truly high-quality album. As a result, after the “warm-up” release at the beginning of 2017 “Revenge”, in April FACE will present the lyrical album “Hate love”, dedicated to his first unrequited love - his girlfriend Valeria. In September 2017, FACE released the album “No love”.

FACE – the face of youth

The released tracks “I'm Dropping the West” and “Burger” finally take Face to the top of the hype. Hundreds of thousands of teenagers are beginning to get acquainted with the works of the Ufa rapper. Vanya begins to organize the first major concerts, which are mostly attended by teenagers from 14 to 18 years old. Then Vanya Dremin comes up with a slogan for himself related to his pseudonym - Vanya calls himself the face of youth.

Relationship between FACE and Maryana Ro

In the summer, FACE begins to pay special attention to the popular video blogger Maryana Ro. First, he compliments her and declares his love on Maryana’s Instagram broadcast. Then he actively courtes at the Vidfest video bloggers event, where Dremin was invited to speak by the festival organizers. Maryana Ro accepted FACE's courtship and now the young people are in a relationship. Sometimes, FACE posts photos with his beloved on his Instagram.

Together with this artist, we look through biographies:

The Russian rapper, known under the pseudonym Face, turned 20 in 2017. Despite such a young age, he managed to win a lot of fans and gain worldwide popularity. He breaks records among listening sessions on the social network VKontakte. In just one day, one of his albums received more than 27,000 reposts and 160,000 likes. The young artist’s community has more than 450,000 fans. The hooligan appearance of rapper Face, as can be seen from the photo, matches his eccentric character.

The musician has a standard build: rapper Face is 176 cm tall and weighs 70 kg.

Biography of rapper Face: childhood and youth

What is the name of rapper Face? Face's real name is Ivan Dremin. He was born on April 8, 1997 in the city of Ufa. His family was not rich, so the boy did not count on great prospects in life since childhood.

The biography of the Russian rapper Face does not stand out in anything remarkable. From an early age, Dremin was interested in music. His favorite performers were the King and the Jester, Zemfira, Rick Ross and others. As a child, the future rapper Face dreamed of seriously pursuing musical creativity.

Ivan studied at the lyceum of his hometown, did not perform well, and was not friends with his classmates. He grew up as a hooligan, engaged in robbery and extortion, which is why he was registered with the police. When Dremin received a certificate of secondary education, his Unified State Examination scores were not enough to enter a university on a budget place. Since there was no money for paid training, he periodically worked in small positions in local organizations. Vanya didn’t like this kind of life, the work was boring, so soon the guy decided to take up music, giving up everything. Thus, Dremin radically changed his life.

On a note! At first Ivan came up with a pseudonym for himselfPunkFace, but the future rapper’s older brother convinced him to change his nickname to Face. Translated from English, this means “Face,” which accurately characterizes the musician’s many faces.

Creativity and popularity

His young age did not stop rapper Face from writing music on his own. He gained popularity after the video “Gosha Rubchinsky”. It was then that people started talking about the musician as a rapper. A full release took place only in the fall of 2015. The album “Cursed Seal” was created, consisting of 6 compositions. These included the song “Gosha Rubchinsky”. From that moment on, users of Instagram, VK and other social networks began to actively discuss the life and work of the famous rapper Face.

On a note! It is worth noting that the video for the song “Gosha Rubchinsky,” which provided the rapper with such wide popularity, cost the musician only 200 rubles.

A little later, the rapper admitted to his fans that Gosha Rubchinsky, a streetwear designer, is his idol and role model. He inspires the musician to create new songs.

In March 2016, the album Vlone was released, and then a few days later fans were able to watch the video filmed for the song “Megan Fox.” It was recorded together with R&B artist Enique from Moscow.

Further, the creative activity of rapper Face continued to develop, more and more network users recognized his face, and today almost all young people know what the famous musician looks like. Members of VK groups actively discussed his new songs and image. Some social network users even put a photo of rapper Face in a tattoo on his “ava”.

On a note! On the rapper's faceFaceI have two tattoos - the English words Love and Hate. Translated into Russian, this means “I hate love.” There is also a tattoo on his hands in the form of a swear word.

Shortly after Vlone, two more albums were released: Mayhem and Playboy. Then a new video and song were released, performed together with the famous rapper Lizer. Face's popularity has increased so much that he even surpassed the Mushrooms group. Some may consider the musician too rude and dissolute, however, as rapper Face himself claims, he shows young people real life, as it is.

On the Internet you can see many pictures depicting rapper Face, made in art studios.

In April 2017, Face's seventh release was released. It was an album called Hatelove, which consisted of 17 tracks. According to the rapper himself, the period of creating the release turned out to be difficult for him. He often took antidepressants. From time to time I panicked and wanted to quit everything. But the artist pulled himself together and, as it turned out, not in vain. Already in July, a new track called “I’m Dropping the West” was presented to the public. He became a real meme in the rapper community. A few months later, Oxymeron uttered this phrase, expressing his impression of the battle. That's what he tweeted.

After this, fans of rapper Face were once again pleasantly surprised by the release of a song performed together with Yanix, as evidenced by the many comments under the photo on the idol’s “ava” on the social network Instagram. Next came a video for the song “Burger,” which was shot professionally for the first time. True, not every fan liked it; some received the video clip with criticism. The track was broken down into quotes, one of which is “I’m going to the Gucci store in St. Petersburg.” This phrase made up half of the song.

Personal life

Ivan Dremin has a composition that is named after some Lisa. The girl's name can be heard in other songs by rapper Face. In one of the interviews, the artist admitted that Lisa Semina is a girl from a parallel class. During his school years, Ivan was in love with her. Perhaps love has not passed for so many years, otherwise how can we explain the fact that the photo of Lisa, which rapper Face took from his personal Instagram page, became the cover for the album? This begs a completely reasonable question: why aren’t they together? As the musician himself admits, his feelings are not mutual. Elizaveta Semina, who now works as an architect, never loved Ivan.

Despite the fact that the artist still has feelings for the girl, whose love began in childhood, this did not stop him from having relationships with numerous fans. As rapper Face admitted in an interview on one of the sites, he had about 150 girls in total. It is worth recognizing that this is more than respectable, given his age.

At the beginning of autumn, rumors appeared that video blogger Maryana Ro was dating a famous rapper. Ivan recently confirmed them. The couple started a common Instagram page for a crocodile toy, which was given to the girl upon her first meeting with the rapper. This page already has about 50,000 subscribers. As for Maryana herself, she does not confirm that she is dating Face, and generally prefers to remain silent about the details of her personal life.

Rapper Face now

Recently, rapper Face released another album called No Love. It included 9 compositions. After listening to half the tracks, you can immediately identify the musician’s daring style, to which his fans have already become accustomed. The second half is performed in an unusual manner for the rapper, which came as a surprise to fans. Some songs surprised us with their lyricism. Many users perceived this turn in the musician’s creative activity with a grin - what can you do, the guy fell in love. But no one can say for sure what exactly were the reasons that prompted him to change his style.

Recently, Ivan Dremin took part in Sergei Druzhko’s show, visited the Comedy Club, and gave an interview to journalist Yuri Dudu. All this indicates that Face’s creative activity is actively developing, and his popularity is steadily growing. A video was specially made for him, lasting 50 minutes. In it, the rapper told how he feels about drugs, music, tattoos, and told the audience about his past and personal life.

On a note! According to the zodiac sign, rapper Face is Aries. Perhaps it was the stubbornness inherent in this constellation that helped the musician make such a career in such a short time.

Despite his popularity, the rapper claims that he receives small fees. But he is not going to stop there and plans to become quite wealthy in the future.

Face is a rap artist who gained wide popularity after the release of the video for the track “Gosha Rubchinsky”. His work, full of parodic humor and references to youth Internet culture, is classified as meme-rap.

Childhood and youth

Ivan Dremin, performing under the pseudonym Face, was born on April 8, 1997 in Ufa. The artist has an older brother. At school, Dremin did not do well - he often got bad marks and fought with his classmates. At some point, Ivan even became a member of a street gang. The teenager was sent to police stations more than once for robbery and extortion.

After graduating from the local lyceum, Ivan was going to enter a university, but did not get enough points on the Unified State Exam to enter the budget. The teenager’s parents did not have enough money to pay for their son’s studies, so Dremin got a job. Quite soon, Ivan decided for himself that such a life did not suit him, and decided to quit and take up music seriously.

Creativity and popularity

From an early age, Ivan was interested in good music - he was fascinated by the work of such famous performers as the King and the Jester, Zemfira, Slipknot, Rammstein. However, he himself began to create rap music. At first he chose the nickname Punk Face, but his older brother advised the guy to change his nickname to simply Face, which translated into Russian means “Face”. Dremin later explained that this nickname best characterizes his diversity in creative views. The rapper also performed under the nicknames Lil Montana and Black Forest.

The artist’s first full-fledged release took place at the end of October 2015. The album “Cursed Seal” includes 6 compositions. One of them was the song “Gosha Rubchinsky,” for which the musician later shot a video clip, which cost the musician 200 rubles. It was this song, named after the Russian streetwear designer, that brought Face unexpected popularity. Later, the artist admitted that Rubchinsky is his role model and object of inspiration.

Face – Gosha Rubchinsky

In March of the following year, Ivan released the mini-album “Vlone”, and a few days later, fans of the young artist were able to appreciate the video clip for the song “Megan Fox”, recorded together with the Moscow R&B artist Enique. This was followed by two mini-albums “Mayhem” and “Playboy”, the release of a new video, as well as a joint song with Moscow rapper Lizer.

At the beginning of 2017, viewers were able to see Face’s video for the song “I Don’t Give a F**k,” which was edited by American music video director Cole Bennett. Soon the musician’s album “Revenge” and the track “Flow” were published, which Ivan recorded together with Yanix and Markul.

In April, the musician’s next (seventh) release was released - a full-length album “Hatelove”, which included 17 tracks. The artist admitted that his new creation was created during a difficult period of his life with panic attacks and antidepressants.

In July, the musician presented his new track “I’m dropping the West,” the name of which turned into something of a meme in the rap community (a few months later, Oksimiron expressed his impressions of the battle with his American colleague Dizaster with this phrase: “I’m dropping the West, ooh,” wrote he's on Twitter). Then the artist pleased fans with another song together with Yanix - “Believe”, dedicated to the sensitive topic of mercantile love.

Face – Burger

Then, for the song “Burger,” the artist released his first professionally shot video. Although not all YouTube users reacted positively to the track, it was widely shared with quotes, the most popular of which was “I’m going to the Gucci store in St. Petersburg” (not surprising - this phrase made up about half of the entire track).

In September 2017, Face released the album “No Love” with 9 tracks. Half of the album is made in the artist’s traditional daring style, and the remaining songs surprised fans with their lyricism. More than 27,000 users of the VKontakte network reposted the news about the album - this is how Ivan broke the record of the group “Mushrooms” with their project “House on Wheels, Part 1.”

"vDud": rapper Face

Soon, Dremin took part in Sergei Druzhko’s show in the “Meme Exchange” section from Lev Shaginyan, became a guest of the Comedy Club show, and then gave a detailed interview to journalist Yuri Dudu. In a 50-minute video, the rapper clarified his attitude towards modern music, drugs, tattoos, talked about his past and the story of his acquaintance with Maryana Ro.

Personal life Face

In Ivan’s album “Hatelove” there is a composition named after a certain Lisa - this name can be found in other songs of the artist. In an interview with Fast Food Music, the artist admitted that the song is dedicated to Elizaveta Semina, a girl from a parallel class with whom the musician was unrequitedly in love since elementary school. Dremin chose a photo of the girl from her personal Instagram page as the cover for the album. “Lisa doesn’t love me,” the artist shared on Twitter.

Face once admitted that he had about 150 girls, incl. fans

In September, Dremin confirmed rumors about his affair with video blogger Maryana Ro, the ex-girlfriend of the most popular YouTuber Ivangay. The lovers started a common Instagram page for a toy crocodile, which the guy gave to Ro during their first meeting. More than 50,000 users have subscribed to the toy’s page.

In April 2017, Face got tattoos on his face - the inscription “Numb” above his right eyebrow and the words “Hate” and “Love” under his eyes. These are not the young artist’s first tattoos - Dremin has the “PlayBoy” and “Vlone” logos, as well as the inscriptions “F*ck Love” and “Rock Star” tattooed.

The artist admitted that concerts in Moscow bring him 2 million rubles, in the regions - from 250 thousand rubles.

Rapper Face now

In 2018, the rapper stated that he had outgrown his previous work and “eschkere” in particular. He believes that as a voice for youth, he must be responsible and lead listeners in the right direction. The singer promised that in the new album “Public Enemy” fans will see a new Face.

In February of the same year, he released his clothing line, No Love. It included basic items of a simple cut with the symbols of his brand.

In September, the promised album was released, in which listeners really felt the development of the artist. True, it was not called “Public Enemy”, but “Inscrutable Paths”. As one might expect from the album cover – a double-headed eagle with an oil rig – the rapper criticized the state of affairs in modern Russia. He touched on the topics of corruption, poverty, the World Cup, and the Russian mentality. The release was praised by many liberal publications and rapper Oksimiron.

The rapper Face's real name is Ivan Dremin, he is 20 years old and was born on April 8, 1997, in his hometown of Ufa.

At the moment, he is a very popular performer and gained his fame through the social networks VKontakte by posting his album there.

As for the young man’s personal life, he was very often seen with a certain Maryana Ro, a blogger, but they do not officially voice their relationship.

The real name of rapper Face is Ivan Dremin.

The young man comes from the city of Ufa. Ivan celebrates his birthday on April 8, 1997. This year, 2017, the rapper turned 20 years old.

According to the horoscope, Ivan is Aries, and, as you know, this zodiac sign is characterized by assertiveness and stubbornness.

Despite the fact that Ivan was not particularly successful at school, since childhood he dreamed of studying music. The rapper's dream came true: thanks to his hard work and catchy tracks, many users gradually learned about the rapper Face.

Ivan has a fan group on VKontakte, which already has more than 6,000 subscribers.

Like many rappers, Face has many tattoos that are part of hip-hop culture.

In particular, these are inscriptions on the hands of the artist “Rock” “Star”, tattoos on the face in the form of the inscriptions “Numb” and many others. As Ivan himself stated, he is not going to stop decorating his body.

As for his personal life, the guy is currently credited with having an affair with video blogger Maryana Ro (Rozhkova).

Rapper Face biography, who is Face dating? How much does a rapper earn? He is dating Maryana Ro

Rapper Face unexpectedly became popular, and as soon as he posted his album with tracks on the social network VKontakte, he became famous.

Face's real name is Ivan Dremov, he is only 20 years old, very young, but talented.

Face’s compositions are very good: pleasant music and meaningful lyrics, now Face often performs in clubs and at various parties, the fees are certainly not millions, but quite decent.

There are rumors that Face is dating Maryana Go (a famous blogger), but all this has not been confirmed by anything yet, perhaps the guy is catching his wave of hype due to this rumor.

Instagram page.

The rapper, who is called Face, gained fame on the Internet when he posted his new album on the social network. His real name is Ivan Dremin, Face. He is a young guy and he is only twenty years old, he has tattoos all over his body, this is how he shows his nature.

Now they are writing about them with Maryana and they are supposedly dating, but they have not confirmed this information yet. The rapper tours and makes great money, he already has many fans, even critics write that his songs are not annoying and are well received by listeners. He has everything ahead of him, he lives in Moscow, is a fan of social networks, where he communicates with fans.

Rapper Face or Ivan Dremin is from Ufa. This city truly, as they say, produces talent. from there, for example, two musicians who once made waves in the 90s are Yura Shatunov and Andrey Gubin. Now here is a new generation. Ivan reassured the music industry with his unusual sound and quality material. He is only 20 years old, and his name (or rather pseudonym) is heard by almost everyone. The young performer has pleasant and lyrical compositions performed lively and with humor in the me rap style. The author covers youth trends in his songs, including clothing and his lifestyle.

Personal life

There are persistent rumors online that Ivan is dating blogger Maryana Ro (ex-girlfriend of Ivan Guy), but neither Face nor Maryana have officially confirmed these rumors. I don’t rule out that this is all just a PR stunt to promote a young musician.


Of course, the guy still has a long way to go before he earns fabulous fees, but even now he earns quite well, although his concerts are only club ones, and he gives part of the money to his label. The most important thing is that he is growing upward as a musician and is constantly improving the quality of his material from record to record. It's nice to listen to him.

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