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How to cook chicken satsivi. Georgian chicken satsivi: who’s against it? Secrets of Caucasian cuisine and Georgian chicken satsivi recipes

The history of Georgian chicken in Satsivi

Georgians claim that you can make chicken satsivi very tasty, but using turkey will make this dish even more tempting for gourmets. But since turkey came to Europe, including the Caucasus, from America already in the post-Columbian era, we will consider the classic recipe for chicken satsivi to be more ancient and authentic. If you find yourself in Georgia, you may hear that chicken satsivi is called chicken bazhe or chicken in bazhe sauce. This is a very similar dish, but has one important technological difference - the nuts are not boiled in the bazhe sauce, but are only brewed with a thin stream of boiling water (sometimes vegetable or chicken broth). It should be noted that chicken satsivi recipe is the national pride of the Caucasus, so the cook in every Georgian family pays tribute to this national dish, adding more and more new recipes to the treasury of Caucasian cuisine.

These recipes may differ significantly. So one Georgian chicken in satsivi will only be lightly fried in the oven until a soft golden color, and the other will be boiled until half cooked, and only after that will be fried in a frying pan with butter. In the third case, the chicken will be boiled until fully cooked, and then will disintegrate into the smallest fractions during frying and stewing in the sauce, becoming the basis of the nut-meat sauce. The same variety exists in the use of spices. A particularly controversial issue is the carnation, which has both supporters and active opponents.

About the benefits of chicken satsivi according to a Georgian recipe

Which chicken satsivi (Georgian recipe) is the most healthy? Of course, KhozOboz recommends heat treating walnuts as little as possible in order to preserve as many valuable substances as possible in their natural form. Useful information: when cooking using the bazhe method, cooks even squeeze out partially raw butter from the nuts to pour over the finished dish. Lots of proteins, animal and vegetable, and healthy fats make satsivi an excellent energy dish for those who like to be more physically active or need quick recovery. When feeding separately, only the combination “poultry meat and yolk” is problematic. All other ingredients fit together perfectly.

Master class on cooking chicken satsivi

A good homemade broiler chicken satsivi in ​​the recipe with a photo is the most important element for preparing a successful satsivi, so buying fresh poultry from the supermarket will only be a compromise - a true Caucasian gourmet will even choose among home-grown chickens the one that is fed with wheat or corn (depending on his preferences) . KhozOboz suggests looking at chicken satsivi, the photo of which is posted below, in a detailed step-by-step description of this dish, in order to be inspired by the idea of ​​​​its preparation.


  • Chicken – 1.5 kg
  • Chicken broth – 1l
  • Butter – 0.2 kg
  • Flour – 2 tbsp.
  • Walnut – 0.3 kg
  • Onions – 3 pcs.
  • Garlic – 1 head
  • Greens (cilantro, parsley) – 1 bunch
  • Bay leaf – 6 pcs
  • Egg (yolk) – 3 pcs.
  • Imeretian saffron – 1 tsp.
  • Utskho-suneli – 1 tsp.
  • Allspice – 1 tsp.
  • Coriander beans – 1 tsp.
  • Dry adjika – 1 tsp.
  • Cloves – 6 pcs.
  • Wine vinegar - to taste
  • Salt - to taste.

Instructions for preparing chicken satsivi

  1. Step. Wash and dry the previously tarred large chicken.
  2. Step. Cut it into large pieces.

  3. Step. Boil the poultry pieces in not too much water. We'll also need the broth later.

  4. Step. We prepare the boiled chicken (clean it of skin and bones), peel the walnuts (choose the freshest and lightest!), wash the herbs and peel the garlic. We set out the base products and measured additional components needed for this recipe.

  5. Step. Melt 100 grams of butter in a wok.

  6. Step. Cut onion and garlic into small cubes.

  7. Step. Fry the cleaned chicken until lightly browned.

  8. Step. Add bay leaf and remove meat from wok.

  9. Step. Grind the walnuts the way you like. This can be either nut powder or larger pieces. KhozOboz did this using a coffee grinder attachment, but it is better to use a mechanical meat grinder with a fine grid.

  10. Step. Add the remaining butter to the wok.

  11. Step. Sauté the onion until transparent. Add garlic.

  12. Step. Finely chop fresh herbs.

  13. Step. We beautifully separate the yolks of chicken eggs from the whites.

  14. Step. Mix ground nuts with yolks, salt, herbs and spices.

  15. Step. Add flour to the sautéed onions. Mix.

  16. Step. Add chicken broth.

  17. Step. Add wine vinegar to taste.

  18. Step. Add the nut-egg mixture.

  19. Step. Mix satsivi sauce thoroughly.

  20. Step. Place pieces of fried chicken meat from which the bay leaf has been removed into the sauce.

  21. Step. We warm it up for literally five minutes, without bringing it to a boil.

  22. Step. Place in a beautiful bowl to be used for serving. Place in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours. Chicken satsivi is especially good on the second day.

  23. Step. Decorate each serving with a cherry tomato and fresh barberry. Satsivi is served cold. Try how delicious it is!

Alternative Recipes

Satsivi goes well with almost any food, so in Georgia this sauce is eaten with fried and baked eggplants, turkey, fish, bread and fresh vegetables.

If you cook bazhe, you can not use chicken broth, but brew the nuts with the hottest boiling water, pouring it in a very thin stream.

HozOboz hopes to continue to maintain your interest in authentic Caucasian cuisine. Try cooking with us, completely following the instructions, or conducting culinary experiments “based on” if you are confident of a positive result. Have a pleasant gastronomic experience!

By 10/25/2015

S atsivi, a typical dish of Georgian cuisine, is like borscht, there are many recipes. Usually satsivi is prepared from poultry, but there are options for preparing it from beef or pork, at least that’s what the author of the book “Georgian Cuisine” T.P. claims. Sulakvelitsa. Now let’s consider an option that is closer to the classic one, “chicken satsivi”.

Since satsivi is a combined dish, the main role in it is played by the sauce, it doesn’t matter what kind of meat is used, what matters is the sauce, what the taste of the sauce is, that’s what satsivi will be.


  • Chicken - 1-1.5 kg.
  • Walnut (peeled) - 0.5 kg.
  • Chicken broth - 1.5 l
  • Onions - 4-5 pcs.
  • Cilantro, parsley, dill, basil - 1 bunch each (large)
  • Khmeli-suneli - 1 tsp.
  • Coriander, cloves, mint, black pepper - 1 tsp each.
  • Salt - to taste

Step-by-step cooking process at home

  1. We prepare the chicken, wash it thoroughly, remove any remaining feathers (if any), it is better not to remove the skin, it can be removed later, otherwise the meat will be dry when frying. Peel the onions and wash them as well.
  2. We are preparing the walnuts, it is worth sorting them out, removing any partitions and spoiled kernels, they will be black in color or with areas of mold, if they are not removed, the sauce will be very bitter and taste unpleasant. Pepper and cloves can be crushed if you don’t have a blender.
  3. Onions can be cut into half rings or into small squares; there will not be much difference in taste.
  4. The onion is fried in a small amount of vegetable or butter until lightly caramelized.
  5. The chicken is fried until done. There are two options: if you have ready-made chicken broth, then simply fry the chicken; if there is no broth, then first boil the chicken, pour the broth into a separate bowl, and fry the chicken carcass until golden brown.
  6. It is better to fry or bake the chicken until golden brown; the crust gives satsivi a light aroma of baked meat.
  7. We separate the chicken meat from the bones, although there are options for cutting it into small pieces and satsivi is cooked together with the bones, but these are more modern options, we do not take them into account.
  8. Place nuts, spices and herbs in a separate bowl, add a little broth and chop everything.
  9. The mixture is crushed to a homogeneous paste; it is better to use a blender for this purpose, but if you don’t have one, then you can grind it with anything, and then grind the mixture until smooth in a mortar, as grandmothers used to do. The thickness of the sauce can be adjusted by the amount of nuts; if there are not enough nuts and too much broth, we use cornmeal, it is fried and added to the sauce. Just don’t forget that when it cools, the sauce tends to thicken.
  10. Now take a suitable container, pour in all the broth and add the poultry meat separated from the bone. Stir lightly.
  11. Add the resulting paste of nuts, herbs and spices to the mixture of broth and poultry meat and stir thoroughly. Here you can remove it and let it brew for about six hours, the more satsivi steeps, the brighter the taste it will have.
  12. Satsivi is served both hot and cold, as mentioned above, the longer the satsivi is infused, the tastier it is. Hot flatbreads “mchadi” made from corn flour go very well with satsivi.

Satsivi has a very long history, so it is a source of national pride in Georgian cuisine, and the main composition of its components cannot be

interpret freely so as not to offend the proud Caucasian people. But in the technology of preparing traditional satsivi there are also moments where

you can improvise.

If you once had a chance to try a dish at dinner in one of the Georgian families living in the Caucasus, or appreciate the skill of a real

Georgian chef, please share the secret of cooking. There are not so many “correct” recipes for satsivi on the Internet, written in Russian, and housewives I know from Georgia say that satsivi is like borscht; each family prepares it differently.

We will try to catch the main notes of the bright and so different Georgian cuisine in order to determine the boundary between unshakable traditions and

opportunities for improvisation.

Georgian chicken satsivi - basic technological principles

Satsivi is a sauce and, at the same time, the name of a dish that is often prepared from poultry: chicken or turkey. There are also variants of satsivi from

fish. This is a cold dish, without which not a single holiday is complete in Georgia, especially New Year and Christmas, like New Year in Russian

can't do without jellied meat. Satsivi, of course, is not jellied meat, but rich meat or fish broth, as you know, tends to turn

into a jelly-like mass.

You can, of course, eat chicken with nut sauce and hot, but then it’s just regular chicken with nut sauce. Meat with sauce

it is kept so that it absorbs the aroma that distinguishes satsivi from boiled chicken with gravy. The transformation process lasts 7-8 hours.

Walnuts, garlic, cilantro (ground coriander), Imeretian saffron, utskho suneli (fenugreek) are the required components of satsivi. By the way,

they are very often used in all dishes of Georgian cuisine. A few words about these ingredients:

Walnut - only this nut is used for satsivi, and no other. Nut butter can be added, but it will not fully replace

ground kernels, giving a paste-like consistency. There should be a lot of nuts, at least 1/3 of the part in relation to the mass of meat.

Everything is clear with garlic: peel and chop. The quantity depends on taste preferences. Please note: the characteristic odor and

The aftertaste of garlic is lost when combined with fresh cilantro.

If you use fresh cilantro, then you need to squeeze the juice out of it: the sauce should have a characteristic nutty color. Of course, it's no big deal

will happen if small pieces of greenery are noticeable in the sauce, but this point relates to the issue of culinary aesthetics.

Utskho suneli: do not confuse it with the seasoning khmeli suneli, which consists of a set of spices! Utskho suneli has many other names, which are only

indicate its wide distribution and special role in the cooking of all peoples of the world: shambhala, chaman, curry (mixed with turmeric),

fengurek. When you look for seasoning in the spice department, remember these names. We call this herb fenugreek, and we use it many times

seen: blue or lilac flowers, also called clover. Dried and ground seeds are used as spices.

You can also use suneli hops to prepare satsivi, but keep in mind that you will get a completely different taste.

Marigold - Imeretian saffron. If anyone is surprised, don’t be surprised! These are exactly the same bright yellow or orange flowers, but for food

Only ground petals of basic varieties are used: the brighter the better. By the way, if marigolds are planted between rows of tomatoes,

potatoes, strawberries, then you can, in addition, not only get beauty and a very pleasant seasoning, but also save your harvest from

pests. Another important point: if you have never been familiar with this spice, then flowers grown with your own hands will save you from deception

spice sellers who can sell turmeric instead of marigold powder (also a healthy spice, but different and cheap!).

If you pay attention to the chemical composition of marigolds, fenugreek and other traditional spices used in Georgian cuisine, you will find out

the main secret of Caucasian health and longevity. In the cuisine of this people, everything is thought out to the smallest detail: every inconspicuous-looking herb

has deep meaning. That’s why the aromas of Caucasian cuisine are so fascinating.

Let's get back to the sauce. The rest of the ingredients are the same as for all sauces. Just never add adjika, potato starch and

tomatoes. This is a different dish. Now about the meat for satsivi, and let’s move on to recipes that differ from each other only in the sauce set.

It is not true that it is correct to cook satsivi only from turkey. If in a dispute about what came first, the egg or the chicken, some other

intrigue, then satsivi appeared in Georgia much earlier than turkeys. Pheasant dishes are often prepared, but this bird is already a luxury, but chicken

ideal for price, availability, ease of processing and neutral taste of meat. But the chicken must be good, homemade, with yellow

fat, if she’s already middle-aged, even better.

The detailed technology for preparing Georgian chicken satsivi is in the first recipe, because the main principles of cooking are almost unknown.

vary, with the exception of different ways of pre-preparing the bird, and with sauce recipes you can even improvise, because

the main meaning is already clear.

1. Georgian chicken satsivi - first method


Medium chicken, domestic – 1 carcass (2.0 -2.2 kg)

For the broth:

Onions, black pepper, bay leaf, parsley root, salt

Onion 350 – 400 g (onion)

Nuts 750-800 g (net)

Cilantro 75 g

Garlic 60-70 g

Imeretian saffron (marigold)



Red pepper

Vegetable oil

Cooking technology:

Place the prepared chicken carcass in boiling water. Cook as usual until the flesh begins to separate from the bone. Don't forget to shoot

foam. At the end of cooking, add spices, roots and salt. Transfer chicken to a platter. If desired, you can separate the meat from the bone when the chicken is

will cool down. Strain the broth.

Pass the cilantro, nuts and garlic through a fine mesh grinder twice.

Separately, chop the onion into a puree. You can do this using a blender. Pour oil into a heated frying pan, add onion puree and

sauté to remove bitterness, just until translucent. If it starts to burn, add a little broth. Transfer the stewed onions

Add nut butter and broth to the pan in which the sauce will be prepared. It is important to guess the consistency of the sauce: add this

the amount of broth so that after hardening the sauce looks like thick sour cream. Mix thoroughly, removing any lumps, add spices:

ground coriander, a little red pepper, salt.

Place the pan over low heat: the sauce should simmer with occasional stirring. Be careful not to burn the thick nut mixture.

settled to the bottom of the pan.

When the sauce boils, add wine vinegar in such an amount that its acidity is clearly visible. Place the pieces into the pan with the sauce

chicken and heat through slightly. Remove the pan from the stove. Place the satsivi in ​​tureens, preferably cover with lids.

2. Georgian chicken satsivi - second method

Ingredients– according to recipe No. 1


The entire cooking technology is absolutely similar to the first method, with the exception of preparing the meat. Cut boiled chicken into portions

pieces, fry in a frying pan or in the oven. Place the fried meat in tureens and pour over the nut sauce.

When frying, the liquid is removed from the meat, and after soaking in the sauce, the taste of satsivi becomes more intense.

3. Georgian chicken satsivi with egg yolks

It is not known how and when the recipe for Hollandaise sauce, which is thickened with egg yolk, came to Georgia, but in some Georgian

families use this technique to prepare satsivi.


Wings, legs - according to the number of servings

Vegetable oil (or margarine) – for frying

Garlic, ground black pepper

Chicken bouillon:

Poultry meat;


Spicy roots;

Pepper (peas);

Bay leaf;

Sauce ingredients - according to recipe No. 1, as well as 3 yolks

Preparation procedure:

If you have ready-made meat broth, use it for satsivi; if not, cook as usual. Try to use chicken backs, necks,

Rub the legs, wings and breast with a mixture of ground garlic and pepper and fry until golden brown.

Prepare nut paste as described in the first recipe, add the yolks to it, mash well and add warm broth. Stir until

homogeneous consistency and heat slowly on the stove until thickened. Place the meat, fried until done, into the prepared portion.

dishes, pour sauce, cover. Serve after cooling and steeping, with gomi (corn flour porridge).

4. Georgian chicken satsivi with pomegranate

Let's face it: in our area, housewives do not often use wine vinegar in home cooking; it's not cheap. If satsivi is planned, and

the required ingredient is left on the shelf in the store, what should I do? Don't worry, everything can be fixed: lemons, pomegranates or sour fruits will do.

taste. Just don’t forget about the nutty color and taste of the dish, and that tomatoes in satsivi are bad manners.


Chicken thighs, wings 2 kg

Broth 1.5 – 2.0 l

Butter for sautéing


White pepper

Ingredients for the sauce - according to recipe No. 1

Pomegranate juice (fresh) - instead of wine vinegar


Add ground nutmeg, cloves and white pepper to flour (70-100 g). Dredge the cooked meat in the flour mixture. Heat the frying pan, put it in

add butter, finely chopped onion, and fry the wings and thighs. Transfer the meat to serving plates. Sauté in the same pan

finely chop the onion until transparent, and add it to the nut mixture, mix well. Add broth and simmer until sauce is done.

Pour hot satsivi into plates with meat. Cover the cooled dish with film or lids and place in a cool place to infuse.

5. Georgian chicken satsivi with dried cilantro and chicken fat


Chicken, boiled

Chicken fat

For the sauce:

Dried cilantro, red pepper, coriander, ground nuts, garlic, salt, corn and wheat flour;

Wine vinegar;

The broth is rich


Combine ground nuts, garlic and dry spices, add flour. Stir the dry mixture.

Chop the onion. Melt the chopped fat in a frying pan, sauté the onion until soft. Combine with prepared nut mixture.

stir, add broth.

When using flour to prepare satsivi broth, you need to add more so that the sauce does not turn out too thick after hardening.

Simmer the resulting mixture over low heat. 3-4 minutes after the sauce boils, add vinegar and pour over the meat placed in the tureens.

6. Georgian chicken satsivi – Adjarian cuisine


Chicken 1.8 - 2 kg

Chicken broth 700 ml

Oil (sunflower or corn) 120 ml

Nuts 800 g

Garlic 50 g


Imereti saffron

Lemons 2 pcs.

Celery, parsley, cilantro (leaves)

Cooking method:

Cook the broth by placing the carcass in cold water. Separate the flesh of the cooked bird from the bones. Strain the broth, removing any spices.

Prepare the sauce:

Fry the nuts in a heated frying pan, add garlic, oil, suneli hops and Imeretian saffron. Punch the mixture with a blender, adding

spices. Fry the finely chopped onion, combine with the nut mixture, and chop again with a blender, adjusting the thickness of the sauce with the broth.

Pour the mixture into the pan with the meat and simmer for 40-50 minutes. The meat will be soaked in the sauce and will become very soft and tender. Add juice at the end of simmering

and lemon zest.

To prepare satsivi, you need to grate the onion on a fine grater. Use white onions - they are less “evil”, or onions first

hold in water to remove bitterness and avoid crying when rubbing.

Satsivi requires at least 1/3 of the nuts in relation to the weight of the chicken.

When using fresh cilantro for satsivi, make sure that the sauce does not turn green. Just in case, just squeeze the juice out of the herbs.

Please note that the juice is contained in greater quantities in the stems of cilantro; the leaves can be used to decorate dishes.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 120 min


- chicken whole or in pieces - 1.5 - 2 kg,
- garlic - 4 cloves,
- walnuts - 150 gr.,
- cilantro, parsley - 1 bunch,
- salt, ground black pepper, utskho-suneli, ground paprika, coriander - to taste,
- water - 1-2 liters.

Cuisine: Eastern, Caucasian, Georgian
Cooking time - 2 hours
Number of servings - 6

Recipe with photos step by step:

1. To prepare satsivi we need a chicken carcass. Cut the chicken carcass into pieces. If you don’t have time to cut up a carcass, buy chicken legs, thighs, wings, a few of each type at the store. Everyone can choose the part of the bird that is most desirable. This will simplify the cooking process. Poultry meat must be on the bone. This is one of the important points in the recipe. It is the bone broth that will give the desired taste. The meat should be cooked on the bone. So, place the washed chicken pieces in the pan. Fill with cold water and set to cook. Do not add salt until the meat begins to boil. Salt the broth sparingly, 30-35 minutes after boiling. The meat is poured with cold water to get the right and tasty broth. We put the meat to cook and wait.

2. While the meat is cooking, prepare walnuts, cilantro, parsley, and garlic. Pre-dry the nuts for 3-4 minutes in a hot oven. Prepare satsivi correctly using fresh cilantro. This weed has a special taste. I know that many people refuse to eat cilantro because of its specific taste. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of trying the right satsivi. You can simply reduce the amount of cilantro, replacing some of it with parsley. Peel a few cloves of garlic.

3. Grind cilantro, parsley, garlic and oven-dried walnuts in a meat grinder. Grind utskho-suneli, a little paprika, coriander, and ground black pepper in a mortar or coffee grinder. Please do not replace utskho-suneli with khmeli-suneli. These are completely different spices, although utskho-suneli is part of khmeli-suneli. It is correct to cook satsivi with utskho-suneli.

4. Our chicken was cooked in broth for about 40 minutes - 1 hour. Remove meat from broth. Cover a baking sheet with parchment. Place chicken pieces on a baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Dry the meat in the oven uncovered for about 15-20 minutes.

5. Pour a couple of ladles of broth over the prepared nut mixture. Stir.

6. Using an immersion blender, beat the nut mass with the broth until a homogeneous liquid is obtained. Let's get satsivi sauce. It is similar to a cream sauce, although it consists of nut butter and herbs. There will be a lot of broth in which the bird was cooked. You don’t need all the broth to make satsivi. The remaining broth can be used to prepare other dishes.

Prepare satsivi at home and try it. A very tasty, original and very aromatic poultry dish on your table. The dish can be considered dietary. There is no pre-frying in the recipe. It turns out very tasty. The dish can be served with any side dish. In Georgia, satsivi is most often served without a side dish. Additionally, the dish is served with fresh vegetables or a salad of fresh vegetables, seasoned with vegetable oil.

Georgian chicken satsivi recipe: what kind of dish is this?

Satsivi - just the name makes your mouth water, and it seems like something truly Georgian. Translated, this word means “cold dish.” and although it looks like meat gravy, which we usually always heat up, in Georgian cuisine satsivi is considered an independent cold appetizer. It is served with hot lavash, and in some regions of Georgia - mamalyga, but this dish does not need other side dishes.

There are a million options for cooking satsivi, and, as they say, every housewife can add or replace something, and get her own version of an interesting combination of satsivi. However, there are always components of a dish that must be present in it.

Mandatory set of products for satsivi

Satsivi is a meat dish. It is based on poultry meat. The appetizer can be made from turkey, duck or chicken. Basically, they prefer to use chicken, it cooks faster, and the meat turns out very soft and juicy. It is preferable to choose domestic chicken.

It is clear that the chicken dish itself is no different. What makes satsivi so unusual and memorable?

Satsivi sauce is based on walnuts, which give such a piquant taste to chicken meat. However, it is worth remembering that you should choose fresh, light-colored nuts from which you can squeeze nut oil. It depends on the nuts whether you can prepare delicious satsivi.

To add spice to the dish, adjika is added, which must be natural, that is, without impurities or flavor enhancers. If you want to cook Georgian satsivi so that the dish is not too spicy, just adjust the amount of adjika you add.

Another feature is the seasonings. The original source of the recipe contains the rather rare seasoning Utskho-Suneli. These are fenugreek seeds. If you can’t find it, then you can look for a general mixture of seasonings for satsivi.

Recipe for making real satsivi in ​​Georgian style

Let's look at the recipe for making satsivi in ​​Georgian. If you have tried this dish in any Georgian cafe, then most likely this is the recipe you tried.

We ask ourselves this question: how to prepare the Georgian dish satsivi and what is needed for this? Every housewife has all the necessary components in her kitchen:

  • Domestic chicken, carcass – 2 kg;
  • Light walnuts, already without shell – 0.5 kg;
  • Garlic – 7 cloves;
  • Natural adjika (implying that it does not contain tomatoes, starch, etc.) – 3 teaspoons;
  • Spices for satsivi: ground coriander, utskho-suneli – 2 teaspoons;
  • Imeretian saffron (necessarily ground) – 1 teaspoon;
  • Broth or boiling water – 800 g;
  • Add salt to taste.

Stages of preparing Georgian chicken satsivi

Before serving, the finished satsivi is poured with nut butter and sprinkled with pomegranate seeds.

So you have learned how to cook a tasty and interesting dish. Try experimenting with different ingredients to create your own masterpiece and captivate your household.

Video about how to cook satsivi in ​​Georgian

Video about the Georgian satsivi recipe and its secrets. What are the main ingredients of satsivi?

Georgian chicken satsivi

Chicken satsivi in ​​Georgian step-by-step recipe with photos. Master class on cooking satsivi in ​​Georgian style.


  • Chicken - 1 kg 200 gr.
  • Onion - 1-2 pcs.
  • Garlic-3-4 cloves
  • Walnuts - 500 gr.

Spices for Satsivi

  • Khmeli-suneli (utskho-suneli) (fenugreek) -1 tsp.
  • Saffron-1 tsp.
  • Cilantro-1 tsp.
  • Ground red pepper (paprika) - 0.5 tsp.

How to cook chicken satsivi step by step recipe

1. And so we begin to cook the chicken in satsivi nut-garlic sauce. We wash the chicken. Place in a saucepan and add water so that the water covers the chicken completely. When the water boils, add salt and bay leaf.

2. Pass the nuts through a meat grinder twice. Add spices and crushed garlic.

3. Mix everything thoroughly.

4. Then chop the onion very finely.

5. Boil the chicken for 30-40 minutes. Don't forget to skim off the foam all the time.

6. Remove the finished chicken from the broth, cooked for satsivi in ​​Georgian style, and cut into portions.

7. Strain the remaining broth through 2 layers of cheesecloth and begin preparing the sauce.

9. Place finely chopped onion into the heated broth and sauté until the onion is soft and transparent.

10. Add sautéed onions to the prepared nut mass and mix thoroughly.

11. Now pour the hot broth into the resulting mass, in small portions, stirring constantly, bringing the sauce to the state of “liquid sour cream”, since the sauce will thicken a little when it cools. 3-4 scoops are enough.

Pour the sauce into a saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring so as not to burn. We will constantly remove the foam. We don't boil! Remove the prepared Georgian sauce for chicken satsivi from the heat. Salt and pepper (to taste).

Place the chicken pieces into the prepared sauce and stir. Cool for 2-3 hours to room temperature and put in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours, allowing the chicken to soak in the sauce.

All Georgian chicken satsivi is ready. Bon appetit!

Satsivi with Georgian chicken

The appearance of this dish did not impress me, to be honest. But the taste of this orientally spicy dish lived up to our wildest expectations. Add variety to your home menu, you won’t regret it. So, a step-by-step recipe with photos published below will tell you how to prepare Georgian chicken satsivi.

– 750 g of nuts (you need to take shelled walnuts);

– 1-1.5 garlic heads;

– onions – 0.5-0.6 kg;

– ground red pepper, “khmeli-suneli” seasoning – 1 teaspoon each;

– saffron spice – a little less than a teaspoon;

– cloves – to your taste;

– cinnamon (a little, as they say, “on the edge of a knife”);

– wine vinegar – 1 tbsp. l.;

1. Place the well-washed chicken in a saucepan, add water and boil. There will be foam on the surface, it must be removed. Cook the chicken until it is done. Remove the cooked chicken from the pan (the broth itself will still come in handy, you need to strain it). Grease a baking dish, place the chicken in it, and place in a preheated oven.

2. When a golden brown crust appears on the chicken, remove it from the oven, cut it into portions and immediately separate the meat from the bones.

3. The most crucial moment is preparing satsivi sauce. Chop the garlic cloves and onions as finely as possible. Grind the cloves with a pestle. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and simmer the onion (some replace the oil with fat skimmed from the cooled broth).

4. Using a food processor or blender, grind the walnuts.

5. To the nut crumbs, alternately add the spices indicated in the ingredients, chopped garlic cloves, crushed cloves and stewed onions. Mix thoroughly.

6. Then pour chicken broth into this mass in a thin stream, stirring all the time.

7. Add enough broth so that the sauce turns out to be liquid sour cream; over time it will become a little thicker. At the next stage, put our sauce on low heat, stir it (so as not to burn) and skim off the foam. When satsivi begins to boil, remove from heat; pour in 1 tablespoon of white wine vinegar or pomegranate juice; If necessary, add a little more salt and pepper.

8. Place the chicken pieces in a deep bowl, pour satsivi on top, cool and then keep in the refrigerator for 12 hours. The meat should be soaked in the sauce. Only then will you feel the difference between just fried chicken and chicken with satsivi sauce.

On the table, satsivi with chicken must be combined with fresh herbs and Caucasian flatbread (you can use lavash) - this is how it will be truly, in Georgian style.

How to cook chicken satsivi?

Georgian cuisine has many fans, and the recipe for chicken satsivi has long been adopted by many restaurants, and not only in the Caucasus. Poultry with nut sauce is usually consumed cold.

And although each chef prepares the dish a little differently, there is a certain technology for creating it. It is imperative to use a classic set of spices, without which chicken will not acquire the necessary taste and aroma.

Selecting ingredients and preparing the sauce

Well-fed chickens weighing 1.5-2 kg are the most delicious.

The following quantities of seasonings and other ingredients are calculated for this weight:

  • peeled walnuts - 500-700 g;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • onions - 2-3 heads;
  • ground coriander seeds - 2 tsp;
  • ground red pepper - 1 tsp;
  • dry hop-suneli mixture - 1 tsp;
  • white wine vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • chicken broth - 3 cups;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • salt to taste.

Only spices are indicated here, without which it is simply impossible to cook Georgian chicken satsivi. In fact, many families add cloves, cinnamon, bay leaves, dried cilantro, adjika, and saffron to the dish.

The easiest way to grind walnuts is through a meat grinder or grind them in a blender, although adherents of the classics consider this unacceptable and recommend grinding them in a mortar. Finely grated garlic or chopped garlic in a blender should be mixed with the nut mass, and then add all the spices and salt. Pour in 1-2 tbsp. spoons of broth, lemon juice or vinegar, then mix everything thoroughly.

Finely chop the onion and fry in butter until golden brown. Let it cool a little and then grind it in a blender. Pour the resulting slurry into the nuts and mix again.

For real Georgian chicken satsivi, it is advisable to grind the prepared mass through a fine sieve, but you can also use a food processor. The broth should be added to the sauce gradually so that it ends up a little thicker than fermented baked milk, but more liquid than sour cream. When the chicken pieces get into it, the sauce will quickly begin to thicken.

The chicken needs to be boiled

A simple step-by-step recipe will help you prepare the dish. To begin with, the prepared carcass should be boiled without cutting into pieces. This will take about an hour, and if the bird is domestic, then the cooking time can be almost doubled. Add the onion and carrot to the pan, and at the very end - the bay leaf.

Strain the remaining broth, remove excess fat and save for sauce. Remove the cooked chicken from the pan and let it cool slightly. Then cut the bird into medium-sized pieces, separating the bones from the meat. Place the pieces in a saucepan and pour over the sauce. It should completely cover the meat. Soaking will take 5-6 hours, after which the dish can be served without heating.

Another simple recipe differs from the previous one in that fried onions are not added to the sauce. On the contrary, pieces of boiled chicken are placed in a frying pan, and everything is simmered together for another 15 minutes. To prevent the contents from burning, add a little broth to it from time to time.

For good soaking, chicken meat needs to be turned over periodically, and the onion needs to be stirred. After the specified time, you need to pour the sauce into the pan and mix everything carefully. Heat the dish over low heat until bubbles begin to rise from the bottom. Then transfer it to a ceramic dish or enamel pan, cover with a lid and leave in a cool place for 3-4 hours.

The chicken needs to be baked in the oven

Indeed, to make Georgian chicken satsivi, experienced chefs bake it first. This, however, does not exempt you from preparing broth from some other bird. The washed carcass is placed in a saucepan or on a deep baking sheet and, after pouring broth over it, is sent to an oven preheated to 200 0 C.

There is no need to cover the dish with a lid. To prevent the meat from drying out, the bird must be removed and watered with broth every 15-20 minutes. It will have to be baked until the skin is golden brown, but not less than an hour for a carcass weighing 1.5 kg.

But most often, the chicken is first boiled for 45-50 minutes in a pan and only then put in the oven to brown. Part of the broth, after removing the fat from it, is used to prepare the sauce. For the rest, the birds are periodically watered. The finished chicken needs to be removed from the oven, and when it has cooled a little, break it into pieces with your hands. It is not necessary to remove the bones.

Place the pieces in a saucepan, pouring sauce over each layer. Pour the rest of the sauce on top and add, if available, 0.5 tsp. spoons of nut butter. Seal the contents of the pan by covering it with a saucer and pressing it down with your hands, then cover it with a lid and take it to a cool place for 5-6 hours. Before serving, the dish is decorated with fresh cilantro leaves and pomegranate seeds.

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