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Nikolai Martynov biography. Martynov about the duel with Lermontov: “Each of us had the right to shoot whenever he wanted

The duel between Lermontov and Martynov took place during a thunderstorm in 1841. As a result, the poet was mortally wounded. What was the fate of the killer?

Historians put forward several versions that could have caused a conflict between Lermontov and Martynov. According to one of them, everything happened because the poet cruelly made fun of the poems and Martynov himself, and one day he could not stand it. Another option says that Lermontov was a most unpleasant person, and it was ordered “from above” to take his life, again for his long tongue and bad temper. Another reason could be certain letters from Martynov’s sister, Natalya, which Lermontov made public with ridicule. They say that Lermontov had access to the Martynovs’ house and was chasing after his sisters, which no one really liked. But let's get back to the topic of the post.

This was not Lermontov's first duel. But he shot wide, and was sure that Martynov would not shoot either, but he was mistaken. The tragedy occurred not far from Pyatigorsk, on the slope of Mount Mashuk.

After the murder of the poet, Martynov was demoted, deprived of his fortune and rights, and also imprisoned in a fortress located in Crimea. Later, the imprisonment was changed to a long (some sources mention 15 years) church service. After 4 years, the penance was canceled and Nikolai Solomonovich Martynov was released.

First of all, Nikolai Solomonovich married Sofya Proskur-Sushchanskaya, a noble marriage turned out to be for love. He and his wife first lived on his estate in the Nizhny Novgorod region, but there he was almost beaten by Lermontov’s fans, so he soon moved to Moscow. There is information that they had 11 children in their marriage. His wife died before Martynov, and he lived alone most of his life.

Martynov lived in prosperity on Leontyevsky Lane, surrounded by a large family. Died at the age of 60. He was buried with honors in the family crypt next to the Church of the Sign in the village of Ievlevo. However, his grave has not survived, since in 1924 it was plundered by schoolchildren from the Alekseevskaya MONO colony, drowning his remains in a pond.

Martynov's relatives and he himself repeatedly described the history of the duel, trying to shed light on the events of those days. They, of course, presented everything in a favorable light for themselves, but today - who will figure out how everything really happened? It was rumored that Nikolai Solomonovich was very worried about the death of Lermontov, and until his own death he ordered memorial services for the poet, and was also fond of spiritualistic seances, at which he asked Michel for forgiveness. It was as if all the people’s hatred fell on Martynov even for the death of Pushkin, and he became a kind of outcast. Whatever character Lermontov possessed, his killer will forever remain in the memory of the people as a man who harmed a classic of Russian literature, who could have become the new Pushkin.

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Nikolay Solomonovich Martynov
N. S. Martynov. Watercolor by Thomas Wright. 1843
N. S. Martynov. Watercolor by Thomas Wright. 1843

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Birth name:

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retired major

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Nikolay Solomonovich Martynov(October 9, 1815 - December 25, 1875) - retired major who killed M. Yu. Lermontov in a duel.


A representative of the wealthy Martynov family, which owned the Martynovo-Znamenskoye estate near Moscow (in the village of Ievlevo, now Solnechnogorsk district). Son of State Councilor Solomon Mikhailovich Martynov (d. 1839) and his wife Elizaveta Mikhailovna, née Tarnovskaya. The Martynov family was large, four sons and four daughters. Martynov's cousin is the author of historical novels M. N. Zagoskin.

Nikolai Martynov received an excellent education, was a very well-read man and wrote poetry from an early youth. Almost simultaneously with Lermontov, he entered the school of cadets, where he was the poet’s usual partner in espadron fencing. After serving for some time in a cavalry regiment, Martynov volunteered for the Caucasus in 1837 and participated in the expedition of the Caucasian detachment beyond the Kuban. He was awarded the Order of St. Anne, 3rd degree with a bow. At the time of the quarrel with Lermontov, he had the rank of retired major.

Martynov’s poetic and prose works of art are few: the poem “Gerzel-aul”, in which one can see an imitation of Lermontov’s “Valerik” and at the same time a polemic with him, the story “Guasha”, again with features of a polemic against Lermontov and his “Hero of Our Time” ", a number of poems - original and translated. “...His poems would have found a place among the mass of mediocre poems published at that time... He apparently wrote easily, the language was free, the rhythm and rhymes were almost always error-free... Sometimes Martynov was prone to serious reflection,” wrote researcher O. P. Popov. At the same time, Martynov is characterized (and manifested in his texts) by increased pride, intolerance of other opinions, and a certain cruelty of character.

According to recollections, Lermontov in Pyatigorsk sneered at Martynov’s romantic “prose” and his poems. Martynov, with resentment, considered himself (it is unknown how justified) the prototype of Grushnitsky in “Hero of Our Time”. Lermontov is credited with two impromptu songs from 1841 ridiculing Martynov: “ Our friend Martysh is not Solomon" And " Throw off the beshmet, my friend Martysh", and Martynov received a similar epigram " Mon cher Michel" After this, according to Martynov, Lermontov more than once made him look like a buffoon and completely tormented him with ridicule.

Similar, but sharper mutual barbs and an accidental stop of the music, because of which the offensive ending of Lermontov’s remark could be heard by the entire hall, became the reason for Martynov’s challenge to Lermontov to a duel (July 13, 1841 in the Verzilins’ house); at 6 pm on July 15 (27), the duel took place, and M. Yu. Lermontov was mortally wounded.

The details of the clash and duel were largely hidden and mystified by Martynov and the seconds of both duelists before the military court, and not all of its details are now reliably reconstructed. There are serious reasons to trust the story that Lermontov refused to shoot at Martynov (or even managed to shoot in the air) before receiving the fatal bullet Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[K:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]] . The version that the poet was struck not by him, but by a shooter allegedly hiding in the bushes (1950-1970s) and based on the unusual angle between the entrance and exit holes of the through wound, has not been confirmed.

For the duel, Martynov was sentenced by a military court to demotion and deprivation of all rights of the estate, but according to the final verdict, confirmed by Nicholas I, he was sentenced to three months of arrest in the guardhouse and church repentance and served penance in Kyiv for several years. Subsequently he wrote memoirs about the duel.

N. S. Martynov died at the age of 60 and was buried in the family crypt next to the Znamenskaya Church in the village of Ievlevo. His grave has not been preserved, since in 1924 the Alekseevskaya school colony MONO moved to the estate, whose students destroyed the crypt, and Martynov’s remains were drowned in a nearby pond.

In fiction

  • Martynov was introduced in the novel by B. A. Sadovsky “ Wheat and tares". By the time of writing the novel (1936-1941), Sadovskoy had revised his previously negative attitude towards Martynov, and the novel was written with sympathy for Martynov, “the modest values ​​of the “philistine” ideal become for Sadovsky at least equivalent and equal to the values ​​of ordinary life.”
  • Martynov is a character in Elena Khaetskaya’s novel “Michelle” [[K:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[K:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[K:Wikipedia:Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]] .
  • Martynov is the main character of Alexander Rodin’s story “The Seal of Cain” (the story is written in the first person, that is, Martynov) [significance of the fact?]

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  • Zakharov V. A. The mystery of the last duel. - M.: Russian Panorama, 2000. - 352 pp., 20 illus. - Circulation 3000 copies. - ISBN 5-93165-014-8.
  • Zakharov V. A. The duel and death of Lieutenant Lermontov. - Publishing house of M. and V. Kotlyarov. - Nalchik, 2006. - 536 p. (Reviewers: Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor V.B. Vinogradov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor V.V. Degoev). - Circulation 1000 copies. - ISBN 5-93680-183-5.
  • Umanskaya M. M. From the history of literary relations between Lermontov and Martynov. (“Valerik” - “Gerzel-aul”). - (“Pages of the history of Russian literature”) - M., 1971. - P. 401-413.

Excerpt characterizing Martynov, Nikolai Solomonovich

- After all, people first killed even their poor God, and only then began to pray to him. Is it really impossible to see the real truth even before it’s too late?.. Isn’t it better to save the same heroes, look up to them and learn from them?.. Do people always need a shock example of someone else’s courage so that they can believe in their own? ?.. Why is it necessary to kill, so that later you can erect a monument and glorify? Honestly, I would prefer to erect monuments to the living, if they are worth it...
What do you mean when you say someone is “distributing blame”? Is this God or what?.. But it’s not God who punishes... We punish ourselves. And we ourselves are responsible for everything.
“You don’t believe in God, dear?..” the sad man, who listened attentively to my “emotionally indignant” speech, was surprised.
– I haven’t found him yet... But if he really exists, then he must be kind. And for some reason many people are afraid of him, they are afraid of him... At our school they say: “A man sounds proud!” How can a person be proud if fear hangs over him all the time?!.. And there are too many different gods - each country has its own. And everyone is trying to prove that theirs is the best... No, I still don’t understand a lot... But how can you believe in something without understanding?.. In our school they teach that there is nothing after death ... But how can I believe this if I see something completely different?.. I think blind faith simply kills hope in people and increases fear. If they knew what was really happening, they would behave much more carefully... They would not care what happens next after their death. They would know that they would live again, and they would have to answer for the way they lived. Just not in front of the “terrible God”, of course... But in front of yourself. And no one will come to atone for their sins, but they will have to atone for their sins themselves... I wanted to tell someone about this, but no one wanted to listen to me. It’s probably much more convenient for everyone to live this way... And probably easier too,” I finally finished my “deadly long” speech.
I suddenly felt very sad. Somehow, this man managed to get me to talk about what had been “gnawing” at me inside since the day when I first “touched” the world of the dead, and in my naivety I thought that people needed to “just tell, and they will They will immediately believe and even be happy!... And, of course, they will immediately want to do only good things...” How naive a child do you have to be to have such a stupid and unrealizable dream born in your heart?!! People don't like to know that there is something else "out there" - after death. Because if you admit this, it means that they will have to answer for everything they have done. But this is exactly what no one wants... People are like children, for some reason they are sure that if they close their eyes and see nothing, then nothing bad will happen to them... Or blame everything on the strong shoulders to this same God, who will “atone” all their sins for them, and then everything will be fine... But is this really right?.. I was just a ten-year-old girl, but even then many things did not fit into my mind. my simple, “childish” logical framework. In the book about God (the Bible), for example, it was said that pride is a great sin, and the same Christ (the son of man!!!) says that with his death he will atone for “all the sins of man”... What kind of Pride one had to have , to equate yourself with the entire human race taken together?!. And what kind of person would dare to think such a thing about himself?.. Son of God? Or the Son of Man?.. And the churches?!.. Each one more beautiful than the other. It’s as if the ancient architects tried very hard to “outdo” each other when building God’s house... Yes, churches really are incredibly beautiful, like museums. Each of them is a real work of art... But, if I understood correctly, a person went to church to talk with God, right? In that case, how could he find him in all that stunning, eye-catching gold luxury, which, for example, not only did not dispose me to open my heart, but, on the contrary, to close it as quickly as possible, so as not to see the same himself, bleeding, almost naked, brutally tortured God, crucified in the middle of all that shiny, sparkling, crushing gold, as if people were celebrating his death, and did not believe and did not rejoice at his life... Even in cemeteries, we all plant the living flowers so that they remind us of the life of the same dead. So why didn’t I see a statue of the living Christ in any church, to whom I could pray, talk to him, open my soul?.. And does the House of God mean only his death? .. Once I asked the priest why we don’t pray to the living God? He looked at me like I was an annoying fly and said that “this is so that we do not forget that he (God) gave his life for us, atoning for our sins, and now we must always remember that we are not his.” worthy (?!), and to repent of their sins as much as possible”... But if he has already redeemed them, then what should we repent of?.. And if we must repent, does that mean all this atonement is a lie? The priest got very angry and said that I had heretical thoughts and that I should atone for them by reading “Our Father” twenty times in the evening (!)... Comments, I think, are unnecessary...
I could continue for a very, very long time, since all this irritated me very much at that time, and I had thousands of questions to which no one gave me answers, but only advised me to simply “believe,” which I would never do in my life I couldn’t, because before I believed, I had to understand why, and if there was no logic in that same “faith,” then for me it was “looking for a black cat in a black room,” and such faith was not neither my heart nor my soul needs. And not because (as some told me) I had a “dark” soul that did not need God... On the contrary, I think that my soul was light enough to understand and accept, but there was nothing to accept ... And what could be explained if people themselves killed their God, and then suddenly decided that it would be “more correct” to worship him?.. So, in my opinion, it would be better not to kill, but to try to learn from him as much as possible, if he really was a real God... For some reason, at that time I felt much closer to our “old gods”, whose carved statues were erected in our city, and throughout Lithuania, a bunch of. These were funny and warm, cheerful and angry, sad and stern gods, who were not as incomprehensibly “tragic” as the same Christ, for whom they built amazingly expensive churches, as if really trying to atone for some sins...

“Old” Lithuanian Gods in my hometown of Alytus, homely and warm, like a simple friendly family...

These gods reminded me of kind characters from fairy tales, who were somewhat similar to our parents - they were kind and affectionate, but if necessary, they could severely punish us when we were too naughty. They were much closer to our soul than that incomprehensible, distant, and so terribly lost at human hands, God...

(1816-76) - an officer who had the misfortune of killing Lermontov in a duel.
The usual ideas about the circumstances that led to this fatal duel are refuted by M.’s papers, for example. in “Rus. Archive” 1893 No. 8, and data collected by the book. D. D. Obolensky.
M., born in Nizhny Novgorod, received an excellent education, was a very well-read person and wrote poetry from an early youth. Almost simultaneously with Lermontov, he entered the Junker School, where he was the poet’s usual partner in espadron fencing.
After serving for some time in a cavalry regiment, M. in 1837 went as a volunteer to the Caucasus and participated in the expedition of the Caucasian detachment beyond the Kuban.
In the same year, M.'s sisters lived in Pyatigorsk, and one of them, Natalya Solomonovna (later Countess of Latourdonnais), was very keen on Lermontov.
They instructed the poet, who was leaving Pyatigorsk on an expedition, to give his brother a package with his diary.
Three hundred rubles in banknotes were invested in the same package.
According to some, Lermontov was given a package with a hint to read the diary; according to others, Lermontov had no right to print this letter.
Be that as it may, Lermontov read the diary and, finding 300 rubles in the package, gave them to M., to whom he stated that on the way he was robbed, the letter was stolen, and he was returning the money from his own. Through this transfer of money, the investment of which Lermontov could not have known if he had not opened the package, it was later discovered that Lermontov had printed a letter from N. S. Martynova to her brother. This was the reason for the duel, but the quarrel at the Verzilins’ evening was probably just a pretext.
At first M. treated Lermontov’s jokes good-naturedly, having gotten used to them, but then he apparently got tired of it.
It was also established that M. did not know how to shoot a pistol; the poet was hit by a bullet fired without aim. M. was sentenced to three months' arrest and church repentance; for several years he endured a rather severe penance in Kyiv. (Brockhaus)

Biography Nikolai Solomonovich Martynov

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  2. - Colonel, b. October 29, 1814, d. December 7, 1874 in Kazan and buried in Moscow at the Vagankovskoye cemetery. Son of Privy Councilor Iv. Peter. Polivanov, married to his sister-in-law......
  3. – famous actor, born July 12, 1816; his father was the manager of the landowner Sukhozanet, under whose patronage M. was admitted to the Theater School (1827). At first M. was given to......
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Martynov, Nikolai Solomonovich - officer (1816 - 1876), who had the misfortune of killing Lermontov in a duel. He received an excellent education, was a very well-read man, and wrote poetry from an early age. Almost simultaneously with Lermontov, he entered the cadet school, where he was the poet’s usual partner in espadron fencing. After serving for some time in the cavalry regiment, Martynov in 1837 went as a volunteer to the Caucasus and participated in the expedition of the Caucasian detachment beyond the Kuban. For the duel between Martynov and Lermontov, see XXIV, 394. For the duel, Martynov was sentenced to three months of repentance and served a severe penance in Kyiv for several years. - For literature, see XXIV, 403.

Brief biographical encyclopedia. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what MARTYNOV NIKOLAI SOLOMONOVICH is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    (1816-76) - officer who had the misfortune of killing Lermontov in a duel. The usual ideas about the circumstances leading to this fatal duel are refuted by the papers...
  • MARTYNOV, NIKOLAY SOLOMONOVICH in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
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  • MARTYNOV in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    MARTYNOV Al. You. (1868-1934), surgeon, honored. activities sciences of the RSFSR (1933). Created scientific. school. Tr. in surgical treatment of biliary tract diseases...
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Thousands of genetic examinations to establish paternity are carried out in Russia every year. An analysis of judicial practice shows that in 95% of cases, when making decisions, the court is guided only by DNA analysis. Due to the fact that the problem of establishing paternity through the court is now very relevant, in May of this year a resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court No. 16 “On the application of legislation by courts when considering cases related to establishing the origin of children” appeared.

Despite this, mandatory decisions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court are not implemented not only by lower courts, but also by judges of the Supreme Court. And one example of this is the story of Nikolai Martynov, Lada Ryasnova and their daughter Yaroslava.

Now Yaroslava is already 7 years old, in this photo she is not even four. Here she is in the kitchen playing some kind of children's game with her godfather, her father's friend. She has no photos together with her father: Martynov was killed in March 2014. However, the judges do not believe that Martynov is her father - despite the fact that DNA testing is 99.99999999994% convinced of their relationship.

Yaroslava's mother blames herself for everything.

“I probably should have insisted on marriage earlier, while Kolya was alive, and that he register his daughter as his own, but I was always indifferent to the legal side of the matter. It’s just that I was so confident in him as a man, I didn’t doubt for a second that he would never leave us without support, that I didn’t even start such conversations. “We should already register you,” Kolya said more than once, but I just waved it off. “Everything is fine with us, why these formalities?” – I thought then.

“We should already register you,” Kolya said more than once

They met when Ryasnova worked in a financial company and crossed paths with Martynov, a co-owner of a large oil service company, on business several times. Martynov invited her to join his company, in the control and audit department, Lada analyzed purchases and the intended use of funds. At first they simply worked together for about a year; in the spring of 2009, they began to have a closer relationship.

Lada at that time was 25, Nikolai was 51, both were de jure married, although in fact they did not live with their other halves. Martynov’s wife and their common adult son lived mainly in Paris. Lada Ryasnova lived alone. They hid their relationship from their colleagues.

“Kolya never talked about his wife, he only talked about his son, so having an official family didn’t bother me at all. He lived mainly in the country, looked great, very athletic, always took care of his health and nutrition, only gray hair and wrinkles showed his age. In general, he was an ideal man, smart, interesting, caring, generous, one can only dream about this,” Lada cries. – When I gave birth to Yaroslav, he bought an apartment, we were just planning renovations. That day I came to work to discuss the estimate... There they told me that a killer shot at Kolya at night, he is in serious condition in intensive care.

The bullets hit the head and chest, and Martynov died on the sixth day

Nikolay Martynov worked for many years in the largest Russian and international oil companies, and then organized his own business, becoming a co-founder of a Cypriot company Clinolina Holding Limited, which owns enterprises in Russia for the production of equipment for the oil and gas and chemical industries. Late in the evening of March 30, 2014, he returned to his cottage in Iksha, Moscow Region. A killer was waiting near the businessman’s house and shot him several times. The bullets hit the head and chest, and Martynov died on the sixth day.

“They told me that while Kolya was in intensive care, his wife flew to Moscow, who found an album with our photographs in a safe at the dacha and thus found out about Yaroslava and I’s existence. Of course, she was hysterical, he didn’t tell her anything about us,” says Lada, who divorced her husband after the birth of her daughter. – When Kolya died, our friends arranged a farewell for us the day before, advising us not to come to the funeral. Nadezhda, the official wife, is throwing up and rushing; if you come, there will be a fight, they told me. Because of the album found in the safe, people at work found out about our relationship, there were various conversations, including about murder motivated by jealousy, but in general all sorts of versions were discussed.

The killer turned out to be retired GRU colonel Gennady Korotenko, whom Erokhin hired for 1 million rubles

The search for the killer and the customer took a long time. According to investigators, the order of the murder was another co-owner Clinolina Holding Limited, 35-year-old Anton Erokhin. A year before the assassination attempt on Martynov, there was a long conflict between him and Erokhin over one of the assets - a chemical plant. After lengthy negotiations, Martynov agreed to sell his share for 2.5 billion rubles, Erokhin asked for time to find the money. And during this time he found a killer. As follows from the indictment, he turned out to be retired GRU colonel Gennady Korotenko, whom Erokhin hired for 1 million rubles.

Officers from the FSB Directorate for the Nizhny Novgorod Region found the killer and discovered a garage with weapons and ammunition. The owner of the garage was Gennady Korotenko. During a personal search, a Makarov pistol (PM) was confiscated from him. The examination and study of the bullet casing showed that it was from this PM that Martynov was shot. Both Erokhin and Korotenko were accused of contract murder, and the case is now being considered by the court.

Immediately after Martynov’s death, his property was seized, and the widow, son and mother of the deceased claimed rights to the inheritance. Lada Ryasnova filed a civil lawsuit in the Zyuzinsky Court of Moscow so that the paternity of her daughter Yaroslava could be established, her surname given was Martynova, and she, as a minor, could claim her rights to the inheritance. Lada says that for the sake of her daughter she tried to communicate with Nadezhda, Martynov’s widow, directly and to agree on everything with her, but she did not make contact, so she had to go to court.

Posthumous recognition of paternity is a fairly common procedure. Article 49 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation (FC RF) states that in this case it is necessary to prove “the origin of the child from a specific person”, and paragraph 19 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court No. 16 states that “with a high degree of accuracy” this allows DNA to be established -expertise.

Investigators did not provide the DNA material of the deceased for examination due to the “secrecy of the investigation”

At the request of the court, investigators provided data on the DNA profile of the murdered Nikolai Martynov. They were used during the investigation. A DNA profile is one of the pieces of evidence in a criminal case. In fact, it was possible to prove the involvement of ex-police officer Gennady Korotenko in the murder of a businessman largely thanks to DNA examinations. The investigators did not provide the DNA material of the deceased Martynov to the experts for examination, citing the “secret of the investigation.”

As ordered by the court, the examinations were carried out at the Russian Center for Forensic Medical Examination of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the leading state expert institution in the country. The examination showed that Nikolai Martynov with a probability of more than 99.9% is Yaroslava’s father. A DNA examination was also carried out on Martynov’s 24-year-old son, also Nikolai, which established that Nikolai Martynov Jr. and Yaroslava are related on their father’s side with a probability of more than 99.7%. Lada told the court that Nikolai bore all the expenses for maintaining the child: after giving birth, she did not work, her daughter had a nanny, they went on vacation abroad, he paid for children’s toys, a sports club, etc. with his card.

Martynov’s relatives responded by saying that the deceased could not be the girl’s father, since since 2009 he “suffered from erectile dysfunction up to impotence” and had not had sexual intercourse with anyone for a long time due to the disease; they brought certificates from the private clinic where he was treated .

– The judge rejected our SMS correspondence with Kolya because I could not prove that it was my phone. She considered the testimony of witnesses and neighbors who knew about our relationship with him to be contradictory and also rejected it, as well as the attached video. Friends told me that Nadezhda, whose feminine pride was very much wounded, more than once promised to do everything possible and impossible, so that Yaroslava would not be recognized as Kolya’s daughter,” says Lada. “But I, however, was still calm, because all the examinations showed that he was the father of the child.” And there could not be another father there.

Lemudkin could not answer a single question about where they met, how they met and why they broke up.

However, a certain Kirill Lemudkin came to the trial, who stated that he allegedly had a close relationship with Lada and that he was Yaroslava’s father. He couldn’t really answer a single question—where they met, how they met, and why they broke up. And when asked what she looked like when they were dating, he said “the same as now, only fatter.” In fact, Lada was a thin blonde before giving birth.

A DNA examination was ordered again, this time at another institution - Center for Molecular Genetics LLC. Lada Ryasnova again turned to the investigation so that specialists could be given the genetic material of the deceased Martynov for research, and not just a DNA profile. By this time, the criminal investigation had already been completed. The investigator replied that he would release the material if there was a court request. But the judge denied her such a request. The second request, to impose interim measures so that the genetic material would not accidentally disappear anywhere, was again refused.

The DNA examination showed that the probability that Lemudkin is Yaroslava’s father is 0%. And she confirmed the conclusions of previous experts regarding both Martynovs: the eldest is Yaroslava’s father, the younger is his paternal brother.

According to the law, she still has a chance to review the case if the Chairman of the Supreme Court Vyacheslav Lebedev takes it

And then a court decision was made - Ryasnova and her daughter were to refuse all their claims, since the evidence provided was allegedly insufficient to establish the paternity of Nikolai Martynov. Although data excluding his paternity was not obtained in any of the examinations carried out. By comparing the genetic profile of Martynov the father with the genetic profile of Martynov the son ( from marriage to his wife Nadezhda, this relationship has never been disputed. – Approx. RS), experts came to the conclusion that the probability of their relationship is 99.999994%, but for some reason this fact was not reflected in the court decision at all. In the Moscow City Court, the decision of the first instance was rewritten word for word; in the Supreme Court, Ryasnova’s complaint was rejected, refusing to transfer the case to her for consideration. According to the law, she still has a chance to review the case if the Chairman of the Supreme Court Vyacheslav Lebedev takes it.

Boris Nemtsov during the "Great White Circle" action on the Garden Ring, 2012

Less than six months ago, the Supreme Court considered a similar case to establish the paternity of a child - it was about the murdered politician Boris Nemtsov. The decision was made in favor of the child. Muscovite Ekaterina Iftodi, who acted in the interests of her minor son Boris, filed a complaint with the Supreme Court. She claimed that she was in a close relationship with Nemtsov and in April 2014 gave birth to a son from him; in the child’s documents, there was a dash in the father column. Iftodi, it follows from the decision of the Supreme Court, repeatedly applied for a genetic examination, since the biological material of the murdered Nemtsov was seized as part of the criminal investigation, but was always refused. The court considered that when the examination was refused, the norms of substantive and procedural law were “significantly violated”; the case was returned to the first instance for a new trial. The examination confirmed that the deceased Nemtsov and three-year-old Boris Iftodi are father and son. As a result, the court recognized the boy as the son of a politician and his heir.

In accordance with Art. 8 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, when considering a complaint to establish paternity, courts must pay special attention to the interests of the individual child

A similar case was considered by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in 2009 – the case of Kalacheva against the Russian Federation. The child's father was alive, but did not want to recognize his daughter. A genetic examination confirmed the fact of paternity, but the court did not want to take it into account, considering that the examination procedure was violated. Other evidence is photographs of them together, a pass to the dormitory, etc. – the judges also considered it insufficient. The ECHR ruled in favor of Kalacheva and awarded her compensation of 5 thousand euros. And at the same time he reminded the Russian authorities that, in accordance with Art. 8 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, when considering a complaint to establish paternity, courts must pay special attention to the interests of the individual child. If the court considered the first DNA analysis unacceptable for any reason, then, according to the decision of the ECHR, it was obliged to order a re-examination.

Lada Ryasnova says that she no longer hopes that her daughter will receive at least some kind of inheritance. According to her, there was nothing left of him, since most of the assets were “registered” in offshore companies, and the accounts were already empty. If Yaroslava were recognized as the daughter of the murdered businessman Martynov, she would claim 1/8 of his inheritance (the businessman’s mother had already died and new heirs appeared for her share).

“I want my daughter to have her father’s last name.” She knew him until she was four years old, loved him and remembers him very well. And he also loved her and took care of her,” explains Ryasnova. – In addition, I want the judges to finally consider our case on the merits, sort out the examinations, thus fulfilling the requirements of the ECHR and the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, which are mandatory. We don't need anything else.

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