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Why do you dream about a tailor according to the dream book? Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Sewing, seeing Sewing in a dream what does it mean? I dreamed that my measurements were being taken

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

yourself - a new friend; to see darning is gossip.

I dreamed about a tailor

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of a tailor, it means that the upcoming trip will add more worries to you. The misunderstanding that has arisen between you and the tailor indicates that what you have planned will not bring satisfaction. If your measurements are taken in a dream, it means that quarrels and disappointments await you.

Why do you dream about a tailor?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

takes measurements - they love you; to be one is false accusations; the sleeping person is to blame (it’s not for nothing that they say “it’s someone else’s business”); (for a woman) - dangerous gullibility; see - increase in income; unexpected departure, travel; personal satisfaction; they measure you - they will love you or you want to be liked; sewing something for someone - unfair suspicions; be careful with your loved ones; Beware of jealousy or empty suspicions; Sewing something for yourself is an unnecessary experience.

I dreamed about an atlas

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are looking at an atlas means that you will carefully weigh all the benefits and advantages before undertaking any travel or starting a new business.

I dreamed about a thimble

according to Miller's dream book

If you use a thimble in a dream, it means that you will soon have the opportunity to please other people. If you see a thimble on a woman’s hand, it means that you will soon commit some serious act. Losing a thimble in a dream means sadness and need. If you see an old, crumpled thimble in a dream, it means that in the near future you will behave unreasonably in a matter that is very important to you. If in a dream you buy a new thimble or someone gives it to you, this portends communication with people who will soon surround you and will bring you joy and satisfaction. If in a dream you want to put a thimble on your finger and find that the hole is closed, this means that serious trouble awaits you, but your friends will help you avoid serious consequences.

Why do you dream of a thimble?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book


The meaning of a dream about a thimble

according to Freud's dream book

A thimble seen in a dream is a symbol of isolated personal life. You do not allow anyone into your heart, except for the closest people. Many people would like to get to know you, but you do not allow even the most innocent flirtation. You better be more open and free, then communication with the opposite sex will not be so painfully difficult. Seeing in a dream a thimble that you have lost in real life and cannot find - in the very near future you will want to not see anyone and be alone, because you have recently led an overly active life. You will feel the charm of loneliness, but for a long time it is contraindicated for you. The wider your circle of friends and more opportunities for flirting, the better. Seeing several thimbles of different sizes, made from different materials at once - a rather busy week awaits you, during which several meetings with new people will take place, among whom you may find someone who suits you or, more precisely, your nature, prone to all sorts of things. kind of experiments. If you dreamed of a broken thimble, then such a dream means that you will soon experience difficulties that will test your feelings. Be prepared for these tests, they can begin completely unexpectedly. In a dream, making a thimble yourself means expect unexpected changes, they will concern your personal life. Perhaps you will meet a person thanks to whom you can combine sex and love in your mind. Such a meeting can happen in the most unexpected way - do not immediately refuse any proposal, even if it seems funny or has nothing to do with you. In fact, if you get to know this person better, you will realize that he is the right one for you. A dream in which you see a thimble that is small and almost childlike suggests that you are currently very disappointed with your sexual experience and are looking for a partner who is completely different from the one with whom you have had to deal so far. In a dream, accidentally stepping on a thimble and breaking it - you do not at all value the relationship that you have with your long-time partner; you always think that you deserve something better. In fact, you have exactly what you need, don't try to change anything. Buying a thimble in a store in a dream - the dream suggests that soon you will have troubles and they will be connected with the person with whom you were close for some time, but then broke up. What kind of troubles can there be? This person knows the habits and characteristics relating to your sex life, he can take advantage of this knowledge.

Why do you dream about a needle?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

trouble, dispute; to inject yourself - to fall in love.

Needle in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The needle is a symbol of vulnerability, insult, secret revenge, deceit, witchcraft, and hard work. Seeing a needle with traces of fresh blood - this dream warns of the bad intentions of a relative. Seeing a needle with a very long thread is a symbol that a person who comes to power without elections will dictate his will for a long time and will be able to inspire respect for himself in his subjects. Seeing a lot of scattered needles is a harbinger of treachery, gossip and intrigue that will overwhelm everyone and lead to the death of some unwanted persons. Seeing an animal with steel needles sticking out of its skin means that humanity will acquire an enemy that it did not even suspect; the fight against it will be difficult and unpredictable, because outwardly the enemy will be difficult to distinguish from the usual appearance of earthly inhabitants. Seeing a person sticking needles into himself is a symbol of the fact that in the future a volunteer will appear among people who will sacrifice himself in order to atone with his death for all the bad things done on Earth. Seeing the letter “X” written with needles sticking out with the point up is a sign that suggests that for ten years people can try to become better and thereby deserve a better life, to avoid the fate of guinea pigs for more developed civilizations. To remove a needle from a person's heart means to take a direct part in a scientific discovery that will advance humanity much further. Getting caught in the rain of needles is a symbol of the activation of black forces, which once again want to subject humanity to serious tests.

Why do you dream about a dress?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

put on - success among friends, ambitions; new - new love; to finish or hem - to give an answer, a personal decision; buy - envy; dirt on the dress - slander from friends; many dresses - insult, resentment; multi-colored - for roads, crossings; new - make a decision; receive a new novel as a gift; dress carefully and elegantly - you yourself or you are being neglected, white - for a wedding, see Colors.

I dreamed about a dress

according to Miller's dream book

If a young woman sees an elegant, well-tailored blouse or dress in a dream, it means that she will arouse everyone's admiration for her art and pleasant manners. If she sees that her dress is torn, this foreshadows condemnation for unlawful deeds. If a woman tries on a blouse and dress, she will unexpectedly meet a rival in love, but if she dreams that she is watching her figure in order to buy the dress she likes, she will successfully defeat her rival and achieve the love of her chosen one.

Find out from the online dream book what Tailor dreams about by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Why do you see a tailor in a dream?

Dream book of the 21st century

What does Tailor dream about and what does it mean:

A tailor or dressmaker seen in a dream means trouble, delay in achieving a goal. A tailor sewing means betrayal in love.

Miller's Dream Book

Why does Tailor dream in a dream?

If you dreamed of a tailor, then the upcoming trip will add more worries to you. The misunderstanding that has arisen between you and the tailor indicates that what you have planned will not bring satisfaction.

Astrological dream book

Tailor see what does it mean?

A tailor - to be one - to worries.

New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand what a Tailor means in a dream?

Tailor - the desire to change your image.

Ancient French dream book

Why do you dream about a tailor, interpretation:

If you dreamed of a tailor, be careful in reality: your trust may be abused.

Islamic dream book

Why do you dream about a tailor?

A tailor - seeing him in a dream indicates sympathy, piety, Truth and harmony between people.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Why does the dreamer dream about Tailor?

Seeing a tailor in a dream means acquiring significant funds. Imagine that a tailor is taking your measurements to make you a rich outfit.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Tailor from your dream

Tailor - Order clothes for a wedding; a tailor takes measurements - interference in achieving what you want; love, in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Tailor - Seeing how a tailor works means you will buy a house with difficulty; in your home - significant funds; taking your measurements - someone will like you; a tailor's table is a good state of affairs.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why does the Tailor dream about the days of the week?

Going to a tailor - A dream in spring means that you will soon meet a person who can play an important role in your life; a dream in the summer - to unfounded hopes; in the fall - to deception; and in winter - to trouble.

Great modern dream book

Tailor - why does the dreamer dream?

Tailor - You see a tailor in a dream - your plans will come true, but not all problems will be solved - new ones will appear; another interpretation of the dream: you will go on a trip, but as a result, worries will not decrease, but will only increase. It’s as if the tailor is taking your measurements - you will quarrel with someone close to you; They will look at you with evil eyes. It’s as if you didn’t get along with the tailor - what you planned will come true, but you won’t experience satisfaction; all joy is good when it comes in time; force you to choose a time for trouble - you won’t.

English dream book

Why see Tailor in a dream

Tailor - Designing and making clothes, especially for yourself, may indicate a desire to take back control of your life, at least on the surface, especially if you have a strict dress code at work. In real life: Do you feel you have to dress a certain way because you were told how to, or because of your age? Perhaps you should try pushing the boundaries, sewing and wearing something different, more eccentric, even if only in private.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why do you dream about Tailor?

Seeing a tailor at work in a dream foreshadows the construction of your own house. If a tailor comes to your home to take measurements, you will find the necessary funds to pay off your debts. If you yourself come to him for a fitting, you will arouse envious glances with a new outfit. If in a dream a tailor demands an exorbitant amount for work, you will not be satisfied with the progress of things. Seeing a drunk tailor means quarrels and disappointments await you in reality. A dream in which you have an intimate relationship with a tailor right on the cutting table - in real life you will have suspicions that you have become pregnant. Marrying a tailor in a dream means the upcoming trip will have unpleasant consequences for your family.

The article on the topic: “taking measurements dream book” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

From this article you can find out why you dream about the Tailor from the dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

Why do you dream about the Tailor: interpretation of the dream

Why does a woman dream about Tailor, what is this dream about?

Tailor - If you dreamed of a tailor, the upcoming trip will be too hectic. If your measurements are taken in a dream, quarrels and disappointments await you. The misunderstanding that has arisen between you and the tailor indicates that the planned projects will not bring you satisfaction.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Tailor – Order clothes – for a wedding; takes measurements - obstacles in achieving what you want; love, in the next interpreter you can read a different interpretation of what you dream about.

Why do you dream and how to interpret Tailor according to the dream book?

Tailor - If you dreamed of a tailor, be careful in reality: your trust may be abused.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why does the Tailor dream according to the dream book:

Tailor - If you dream of a tailor, it means that the upcoming trip will add more worries to you. The misunderstanding that has arisen between you and the tailor indicates that what you have planned will not bring satisfaction. If your measurements are taken in a dream, it means that quarrels and disappointments await you.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Dreaming about the Tailor, why?

Tailor - Seeing how he works - you will buy a house with difficulty; in your home - significant funds; taking your measurements - someone will like you; a tailor's table is a good state of affairs.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why does the Tailor dream according to the dream book?

Tailor - See how he works - you will buy a house with difficulty - in your home - significant funds - taking your measurements - someone will like you - tailor's table - a good state of affairs

Dream book of the 21st century

Why does the Tailor dream in his night dreams?

Tailor, dressmaker - Tailor, dressmaker - dream of troubles, delays in achieving a goal. A tailor sewing means betrayal in love.

Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream of a Tailor in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why does the Tailor dream according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If you dream about the Tailor from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream about a Tailor according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why does the Tailor dream from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dream of a Tailor in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why does the Tailor dream in a dream from Saturday to Sunday?

Sun February 26, 2017, 08:11:54

Sun October 18, 2015, 01:26:00

Tailor in the dream book. Tell me your dream:

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Why do you dream about a tailor - interpretation of the dream according to dream books

Miller's Dream Book

A tailor in your dream means that a trip awaits you, the troubles of which will exhaust you. If a tailor takes your measurements in a dream, you and your family may have a very serious quarrel. If you quarrel with a tailor in a dream, then in reality your ideas will fail.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The tailor takes measurements - someone loves the dreamer very much.

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

interpretation of dream tailor

You order wedding clothes from a tailor - this is for the wedding. Takes measurements - obstacles in love.

Freud's Dream Book

tailor according to the dream book

If a woman dreams that she is a dressmaker, it means that she does not have a permanent partner in her sex life; promiscuity does not bother her. It is possible that she will have to earn money through sex. If a man sees himself as a tailor, he is prone to same-sex love.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

tailor according to the dream book

Watching a tailor work in a dream means you will finally acquire your own home at the cost of righteous labors. Inviting a tailor into your home means profit. Tailor table - your business is going as it should. They take your measurements in the studio - a romance is possible, someone likes you.

French dream book

why do you dream about a tailor

If you dream of a tailor, someone will take advantage of your kind attitude for selfish purposes.

With the dream of a tailor, people also dreamed about

Sleeping from Sunday to Monday means renewal and the onset of a new stage in life.

“Why do you see a tailor in a dream? If you see a Tailor in a dream, what does it mean?

Why do you dream about Tailor:

interpretation of dreams according to 90 dream books

Newest dream book

Tailor is an additional profitable job (part-time job).

Family dream book

Tailor - dreams of a rather troublesome trip.

If a misunderstanding arises between you and the tailor in a dream, what you have planned in reality will not bring you satisfaction.

A dream in which your measurements are taken portends quarrels and disappointments.

Modern dream book

If you dreamed of a tailor, the trip you are planning in reality will bring you a lot of anxiety.

If in a dream there is no mutual understanding between you and the tailor, in real life you will be disappointed in the implementation of a certain plan.

Seeing a tailor measuring you in a dream means quarrels and misunderstandings.

Dream book of the 21st century

Tailor, dressmaker - dream of troubles, delays in achieving a goal.

A tailor sewing means betrayal in love.

Dream book for lovers

A dream in which a tailor takes your measurements foreshadows quarrels and disagreements with your loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Tailor - to trouble.

Dream book for a bitch

Tailor - numerous troubles and worries will appear.

Sewing clothes from a tailor - your plans will come true only with someone’s help.

Being a dressmaker means always solving your problems yourself and helping others.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A tailor in a dream portends troubles associated with some changes in life. The exact meaning of the dream can be determined by what kind of clothes the tailor sews.

Taking measurements in a dream is a sign of possible gossip and gossip. Perhaps someone will doubt that you have certain qualities, and you will have to prove them.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

Seeing how a tailor works means you will buy a house with difficulty; in your home - significant funds; taking your measurements - someone will like you; a tailor's table is a good state of affairs.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dream of a tailor, it means that the upcoming trip will add more worries to you. The misunderstanding that has arisen between you and the tailor indicates that what you have planned will not bring satisfaction.

If your measurements are taken in a dream, it means that quarrels and disappointments await you.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing a tailor at work in a dream foreshadows the construction of your own house.

If a tailor comes to your home to take measurements, you will find the necessary funds to pay off your debts. If you yourself come to him for a fitting, you will arouse envious glances with a new outfit.

If in a dream a tailor demands an exorbitant amount for work, you will not be satisfied with the progress of things.

Seeing a drunk tailor means quarrels and disappointments await you in reality.

A dream in which you have an intimate relationship with a tailor right on the cutting table - in real life you will have suspicions that you have become pregnant.

Marrying a tailor in a dream means the upcoming trip will have unpleasant consequences for your family.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

If you dreamed of a tailor, the upcoming trip will be too hectic.

If your measurements are taken in a dream, quarrels and disappointments await you. The misunderstanding that has arisen between you and the tailor indicates that the planned projects will not bring you satisfaction.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Order clothes - for the wedding; takes measurements - interference in achieving what you want; Love.

French dream book

If you dreamed of a tailor, be careful in reality: your trust may be abused.

Gypsy dream book

Tailor - you will be very busy and you will not have time for entertainment.

Meeting a tailor in a dream means infidelity.

Did you dream about Tailor, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of a Tailor in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

I had a dream today in which my ex-friend (I haven’t communicated with her in reality for a long time) told me that she called the devil her name in an ancient language and said that she could no longer restrain herself and turned into a black cat with red eyes, and I kept trying to attack my white cat (which in reality exists) and harm her.. and I monitored and prevented.. and then I wanted to give my cat something to eat and she wanted to attack and I threw her a spoon with sour cream, so She ate the sour cream with a spoon in a second.. then I woke up and turned over on the other side and had another dream.. that I came to a male tailor and said, I want a suit, he persuaded me to sew it.. he took measurements, then sewed it. .I look, the suit is too big..and it doesn’t fit right..I say..I need it differently..and he responds to me..throws a phrase like - I warned it looks good, then it will be bad..themselves like you don’t know what you want.. and I woke up again.. I just rarely have dreams.. usually about something

he was a young guy-tailor, he was wearing a new long coat that he had sewn, beautiful, and I seemed to take over his work, as his master mentor. and there was another young tailor, but I didn’t remember him clearly.

I don’t wear jackets, but take the jacket off and measure the woman, dark jacket, hands, I remember

This is some kind of government institution and I come with two girls who are strangers to me, bring some kind of receipts that they must accept. Two women are sitting in a small room with only a table and a few chairs. One woman draws a dress on my receipt and eventually says that I need 2.5 m of fabric. And she doesn’t speak to me, but to someone else, and says - she is very small. Sleeping sensations are unpleasant.

I was walking through the market and saw on a mannequin an electric blue suit - a jacket and a jacket. The seller said that it was not expensive and could be made for me. We tried on suits, she took my measurements, we chose fabric and color. There was a lot of material and mostly gray, blue, dark blue tones.

A woman I knew took my measurements to sew a dress. To alter from other things, I showed her a photo of what kind of dress I wanted. The dress should be black with a wide white stripe along the hem, with an open back.

Read all dreams

  • Tsvetkova


  • Dream Interpretation

    Taking measurements from a person

    Dream Interpretation Taking measurements from a person dreamed of why you dream about taking measurements from a person? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see taking measurements from a person in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Dream Interpretation

    · sometimes – despondency and depression;

    · indicates an event, the significance and importance of which you would do well to downplay;

    · you should be more restrained in your feelings or even close your eyes to something. Otherwise, excessive emotions can complicate your life;

    · woman signals her mental discomfort;

    · for men such a dream means the possibility of promotion.

    But if you're relaxing by lampshade light, know that, despite today's sorrows, good luck awaits you in the future.

  • If you dreamed of a tailor, the trip you are planning in reality will bring you a lot of anxiety.

    If in a dream there is no mutual understanding between you and the tailor, in real life you will be disappointed in the implementation of a certain plan.

    Seeing a tailor measuring you in a dream means quarrels and misunderstandings.

    1 Tailor by English dream book

    Tailor, Costumer - Designing and making clothes, especially for yourself, may indicate a desire to regain control of your life, at least on the surface, especially if you have a strict dress code at work. In real life: Do you feel you have to dress a certain way because you were told how to, or because of your age? Perhaps you should try pushing the boundaries, sewing and wearing something different, more eccentric, even if only in private.

    1 Tailor according to the Dream Book of the 21st century

    Tailor, dressmaker - dream of troubles, delays in achieving a goal.

    A tailor sewing means betrayal in love.

    The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

    Sigmund Freud

    1 Tailor by Dream interpretation for a bitch

    A tailor in a dream means:

    Numerous troubles and worries will appear.

    Sewing clothes from a tailor - your plans will come true only with someone’s help.

    Being a dressmaker means always solving your problems yourself and helping others.

    1 Tailor by Tsvetkov's dream book

    Meaning of dream tailor:

    takes measurements - they will love you.

    1 Tailor by Dream book of Nina Grishina

    Tailor - to trouble.

    Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


    1 Tailor by Dream Interpretation by E. Ericson

    What is this tailor for? 1. As with other professions, it is perhaps more important to decide what the meaning of a tailor is to the dreamer in everyday life before attempting to interpret the dream. Any professional develops certain talents and skills, in this case it is the ability to perform precise work and make something new. A tailor appearing in a dream draws our attention to precisely these qualities in ourselves. 2. The role that such a character plays in our dream shows what we think about our creativity and talents. 3. Creative opportunity.

    1 Tailor by Dream Interpretation of Lovers

    A tailor in a dream means:

    A dream in which a tailor takes your measurements foreshadows quarrels and disagreements with your loved one.

    1 Tailor by Housewife's Dream Interpretation

    If a girl dreams of a tailor, it means:

    The desire to change your image.

    1 Tailor by Gypsy dream book

    Why does a woman dream about a tailor:

    You will be very busy and will have no time for fun.

    Meeting a tailor in a dream means infidelity.

    When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

    1 Tailor by To the newest dream book of G. Ivanov

    Why does a woman dream about a tailor:

    Additional profitable work (part-time job).

    1 Tailor by Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

    Seeing a tailor in a dream means:

    Order clothes - for the wedding; takes measurements - interference in achieving what you want; Love.

    1 Tailor according to Miller's dream book

    A tailor in a dream is interpreted in the dream book as:

    If you dream of a tailor, it means that the upcoming trip will add more worries to you.

    The misunderstanding that has arisen between you and the tailor indicates that what you have planned will not bring satisfaction.

    If your measurements are taken in a dream, it means that quarrels and disappointments await you.

    1 Tailor by Dream interpretation of a modern woman

    A tailor in a dream means:

    If you dreamed of a tailor, the upcoming trip will be too hectic. If your measurements are taken in a dream, quarrels and disappointments await you. The misunderstanding that has arisen between you and the tailor indicates that the planned projects will not bring you satisfaction. Tailor – Order clothes – for a wedding; takes measurements - obstacles in achieving what you want; love, in the next interpreter you can find out what this dream means.

    Tailor - If you dreamed of a tailor, be careful in reality: your trust may be abused. Tailor - a desire to change your image You dreamed of a Tailor - Going to a tailor A dream in the spring means that you will soon meet a person who can play an important role in your life; a dream in the summer - to unfounded hopes; in the fall - to deception; and in winter - to trouble.

    1 Tailor according to Hasse's dream book

    Meaning of dream tailor:

    To see how it works - you will buy a house with difficulty; in your home - significant funds; taking your measurements - someone will like you; tailor table - good state of affairs

    1 Tailor according to the Small Dream Book

    What does it mean if a woman dreams of a tailor:

    If in a dream you see a tailor, then in reality the trip you are planning will bring you a lot of anxiety. If you dreamed that a tailor was taking your measurements, then in real life you will have quarrels with loved ones.

    If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

    1 Tailor by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

    What a tailor might dream about:

    If you dream of a tailor, the upcoming trip will add more worries to you. The misunderstanding that has arisen between you and the tailor indicates that what you have planned will not bring satisfaction. If your measurements are taken in a dream, quarrels and disappointments await you. Tailor - To see how he works in a dream means that with difficulty you will acquire a house; in your home - significant funds; taking your measurements - the person will like you; a tailor's table is a good state of affairs.

    Tailor - Why do you dream about how he works - you will buy a house with difficulty - in your home - significant funds - taking your measurements - someone will like you - a tailor's table - a good state of affairs. Tailor, dressmaker - Tailor, dressmaker - dream of troubles, delays in achieving a goal. A tailor sewing means betrayal in love. Being a tailor means worries.

    1 Tailor by Dream book alphabetically

    A tailor in a dream means:

    Seeing a tailor at work in a dream foreshadows the construction of your own house. If a tailor comes to your home to take measurements, you will find the necessary funds to pay off your debts. If you yourself come to him for a fitting, you will arouse envious glances with a new outfit.

    If in a dream a tailor demands an exorbitant amount for work, you will not be satisfied with the progress of things. Seeing a drunk tailor means quarrels and disappointments await you in reality.

    A dream in which you have an intimate relationship with a tailor right on the cutting table - in real life you will have suspicions that you have become pregnant. Marrying a tailor in a dream means the upcoming trip will have unpleasant consequences for your family.

    Seeing a tailor at work in a dream foreshadows the construction of your own house. If a tailor comes to your home to take measurements, you will find the necessary funds to pay off your debts. If you yourself come to him for a fitting, you will arouse envious glances with a new outfit.

    If in a dream a tailor demands an exorbitant amount for work, you will not be satisfied with the progress of things. Seeing a drunk tailor means quarrels and disappointments await you in reality.

    A dream in which you have an intimate relationship with a tailor right on the cutting table - in real life you will have suspicions that you have become pregnant. Marrying a tailor in a dream means the upcoming trip will have unpleasant consequences for your family.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

    Seeing a Tailor in a dream

    Ordering a job from a tailor, coming to his home or studio means encountering someone’s infidelity.

    If there is a misunderstanding between you, you will not enjoy the business you have planned.

    Just seeing a tailor means a hectic trip.

    If someone takes your measurements in a dream, in reality you will quarrel with someone or be disappointed in something.

    True, there is another meaning - someone loves you.

    To be a tailor yourself in a dream means relying only on your own strength in reality.

    Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

    What does Tailor's dream mean?

    If you dream of a tailor, it means that the upcoming trip will add more worries to you.

    The misunderstanding that has arisen between you and the tailor indicates that what you have planned will not bring satisfaction.

    If your measurements are taken in a dream, it means that quarrels and disappointments await you.

    Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

    The meaning of Tailor's dreams

    If you dreamed that you were giving an order to a tailor, the dream means that your business will go uphill. Seeing yourself in the role of a tailor means acquiring significant funds.

    Imagine that a tailor takes a customer’s measurements to sew him a rich outfit. The customer generously rewards the tailor.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

    What does Tailor mean in a dream?

    To see how it works - you will buy a house with difficulty; in your home - significant funds; taking your measurements - someone will like you; tailor table - good state of affairs

    Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

    The meaning of the dream Tailor

    Tailor - numerous troubles and worries will appear.

    Sewing clothes from a tailor - your plans will come true only with someone’s help.

    Being a dressmaker means always solving your problems yourself and helping others.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for a bitch

    Interpretation of the dream Tailor

    It foretells troubles associated with some changes in life.

    The exact meaning of the dream can be determined by what kind of clothes the tailor sews.

    Taking measurements in a dream: a sign of possible gossip and gossip. Perhaps someone will doubt that you have certain qualities, and you will have to prove them.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

    What does Portnoy predict in a dream?

    Dreams of troubles, delays in achieving a goal.

    A tailor sewing means betrayal in love.

    Interpretation of dreams from

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