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Will Walmart work in. Dmitry Kostygin and August Meyer fire Yulmart employees and close the retailer's main legal entity

Online retailer Yulmart will lay off almost all employees. Some of them will be transferred to a new legal entity, writes Delovoy Peterburg with reference to employees of the central office and the Moscow branch of the company.

Yulmart's last day of work will be December 29, the publication reports. By this time, the company will have almost no employees left. Just a year ago, almost 7 thousand people worked in the Yulmart group of legal entities, and by the fall their number had decreased to 3 thousand people.

Fontanka, citing sources in the company, writes that all employees of NJSC Yulmart and Yulmart RSK were asked to write a letter of resignation of their own free will before December 29. Management explained that this is due to the possible cessation of the company's operating activities.

Yulmart manager

“Two weeks ago we were asked to write a statement of our own free will. They explained that there was not much choice and that we had to agree. Those who have been working for a long time will be paid their salaries for January. I know for sure that my last working day and that of my department colleagues is December 29th. And judging by the excitement in the office, everyone is being fired. The manager called us together even when the co-owner of our company was put under house arrest, and told us that such an outcome was possible, so now no one was particularly surprised.”

According to Business Petersburg, some employees were transferred to Yulmarket LLC, a new legal entity created in April 2017. Earlier, co-owner of the retailer Dmitry Kostygin said that the company was created as part of the development of a fulfillment service, thanks to which suppliers can store any product in the company’s warehouses, paying for its storage and processing.

The company explained the dismissal of employees as optimization. There is no talk of dismissing all employees, a Yulmart representative clarified. Also, as part of the optimization, the retailer is reducing the number of retail outlets, closing unprofitable and outdated CIZs.

Kostygin’s lawyer Konstantin Dobrynin told publications that the company’s management is now doing everything to ensure that the group continues its work.

Konstantin Dobrynin

“The Yulmart company and its management are doing everything possible within the framework of the law to ensure that the group’s activities are not stopped, so now it is being transferred to those legal entities that have valid powers of executive bodies. This situation arose due to a corporate attack by the investment company A1 and Mikhail Vasinkevich, who blocked the election of the general director of Yulmart NJSC and Yulmart RSK LLC and did not want to let a potential investor into the company.

What A1 is doing now is an attempt to blow up the company from the inside, realizing that immediate benefits are more important for them than three thousand people, that they may be left without work, which, by the way, in a year of presidential elections can cause social destabilization.”

Kostygin himself is under house arrest. In October of this year, the Smolninsky District Court placed him under house arrest for two months due to charges of fraud in the field of lending on an especially large scale. The investigation believes that the entrepreneur provided false information about the financial condition of the company before taking out a loan from Sberbank, and did not report overdue obligations to other creditors.

As DP learned, the online retailer is conducting a large-scale reduction of employees. In the Yulmart group of legal entities, where almost 7 thousand people worked a year ago, by the fall the staff was reduced to 3 thousand people, and on December 29 there will be practically no one left. The retailer will continue to operate under the new legal entity Yulmarket LLC, employees of the central office and the Moscow branch of the company told DP.

Let us remind you that one of the main co-owners of the company is under house arrest until February 14, 2018 under article about credit fraud. In his absence, the operational management of the business is carried out by his partner.

The top manager of the Moscow branch explained that in December the powers of attorney for top managers to conduct trading activities expire, and new ones cannot be issued without the general director. Let us recall that since Sergei Fedorinov left the company last summer, Yulmart has been operating without a general director. The election of a new one is blocked by representatives of the company's minority shareholder Mikhail Vasinkevich, who is in a state of corporate conflict with Dmitry Kostygin and August Meyer.

Mikhail Vasinkevich, in a commentary to DP, said that the sale of real estate and the reduction of employees is rather an optimization of the company, the need for which he previously told his partners. “But, unfortunately, the reaction to these proposals of mine were unfriendly steps towards me on the part of the majority shareholders. This was an urgent need for the effective operation of the company two years ago, which had nothing to do with the corporate conflict. In this case, the statements of lawyer Dobrynin have nothing to do with reality, it’s more like an unsuccessful attempt to present one’s own steps to optimize production processes as forced responses to the actions of third parties,” says Mikhail Vasinkevich.

"By December 20, department heads were given the task of dismissing all employees by December 29 by agreement of the parties. Those who have worked in the company for more than 2 years are paid one salary upon dismissal, those who are less - 0.5 salaries. Already about 100 applications have been submitted to the state labor inspectorate," says the top manager of the Moscow branch of Yulmart. The State Labor Inspectorate for St. Petersburg "DP" reported that employees of NAO Yulmart and LLC Yulmart RSK filed 40 applications with complaints against the employer.

According to SPARK, the new Yulmarket LLC was created on April 24, 2017 and belongs 100% to Yuri Kobzik. And, as DP found out, some Yulmart employees have already been re-registered to this legal entity. The change of legal entities of the retailer can also be seen in the resumes of some of the company’s employees: since July 2017, instead of Yulmart NJSC, Yulmarket LLC began to appear in their employment records, it follows from data.

Be prepared for any situation

A similar task regarding the timing of dismissal is faced by department heads at the head office in St. Petersburg. “Two weeks ago we were asked to write a statement of our own free will. They explained that there was not much choice and we had to agree. Those who have been working for a long time will be paid their salary for January. I know for sure that my last working day and that of my colleagues in my department is December 29 . And judging by the excitement in the office, everyone is being fired. The manager called us together, even when the co-owner of our company was put under house arrest, and said that such an outcome of events was possible, so now no one was particularly surprised. What will happen next, no one seems to knows. They say that if they manage to settle the situation and find an investor, they will call you back, but I doubt it. Of course, they won’t call everyone back; the management staff in the company is greatly inflated. It’s not clear to us who now manages and makes decisions in the company,” says one of the managers of the Yulmart central office.

Judging by the website, recently the number of resumes from former Yulmart employees has grown rapidly. Thus, the total number of applicants whose place of work was the Yulmart company over the past year is 3,388 people (they opened their resumes in the period from October to December), of which 1,892 people posted a job advertisement during the last month. The lion's share of Yulmart's ex-employees is located in St. Petersburg. Thus, the number of applicants from St. Petersburg is 46% (1566) of the total number of former employees of the company, of which 55% (871 people) were looking for a new job in the last month.

Some of the job advertisements were submitted by current employees, apparently trying to hedge their bets. The applicants include not only line personnel, but also top managers of the company. In particular, project managers, territorial managers, and department heads are looking for work.

Yulmart continues to operate

Yulmart did not comment on the situation with the new legal entity Yulmarket LLC, which will become the operator of the online retailer, or name the exact number of employees working in the company as of December 25.

The lawyer of Yulmart co-owner Dmitry Kostygin said that the company and its management are doing everything possible within the law to ensure that the group’s activities are not stopped, so now it is being transferred to those legal entities that have valid powers of executive bodies.

“This situation arose due to a corporate attack by the investment company A1 and, who blocked the election of the general director of Yulmart NJSC and Yulmart RSK LLC and did not want to let a potential investor into the company. What A1 is doing now is an attempt to blow up the company from the inside, realizing that their immediate benefit is more important to them than 3 thousand people who may be left without work, which in a year of presidential elections could cause social destabilization,” says Konstantin Dobrynin.

“From public sources we see that Yulmart’s business has been systematically transferred to other companies for several months, in particular, Yulmarket LLC, owned by Yuri Kobzik, an acquaintance of Mr. Kostygin and a former member of the board of directors of Yulmart. All this occurs against the backdrop of court decisions that confirm that Dmitry Kostygin “managed” the debt to Yulmart in order to gain control during the subsequent bankruptcy.Dmitry Kostygin and August Meyer, apparently, instead of respecting the rights of their counterparties and protecting the interests of employees of the companies they controlled , chose a radical alternative, preferring to move the business into a parallel “clean” circuit, free from current obligations to creditors and the influence of other shareholders,” the A1 press service reported.

“A1” also assures that with regard to the role of a minority shareholder, there is numerous evidence that neither the Donna Union Foundation nor “A1” had the ability to block decisions on the vast majority of material issues of Yulmart’s activities. “Any references to the Donna Union Foundation, the A1 company or other third parties as a source of problems in the company cannot be regarded other than as an attempt by the team of majority shareholders to mitigate the consequences of the difficulties into which they have recently driven themselves and to extricate themselves from -under liability, including criminal law, which may arise for them in the event of bankruptcy of the Yulmart companies,” they say in “A1”.

The press service of the online retailer assured that Yulmart NJSC does not stop its work. Yulmart will be open on New Year's holidays and next year. Trading operations are proceeding as normal. During the New Year period, the company will open several hundred retail outlets throughout the country. “Before the New Year holidays, the company carried out a large-scale advertising campaign in the regions where it operates; over the last 2 weeks, sales have more than doubled. The purchasing campaign from suppliers for this year has been completed; next year it will resume. Settlements with suppliers continue,” the press service reported companies.

However, according to DP's source, the company's inventory is declining. Last week, the entire company already had approximately 2 billion rubles worth of goods, for comparison: in January 2017 there were 5 billion rubles worth of goods. “As part of the cost optimization process, the staff is also being reduced, but we cannot talk about dismissing all employees,” says a Yulmart representative.

Closing and sale of objects

In Moscow, Yulmart is now closing all order fulfillment centers: of the eight currently operating, five are already at the stage of closure, three - near the Annino, Voykovskaya and Kolomenskaya metro stations - will be closed on December 30, a top manager of the Moscow branch said. Yulmarta". Thus, the company in Moscow will only have its own and partner pick-up points.

In St. Petersburg, Yulmart put up for sale almost all of its order fulfillment centers. According to one of the retailer’s suppliers, he has been selling his properties for more than six months. Players in the commercial real estate market say that the retailer has been trying to sell its six St. Petersburg CIZs for almost a year. “City brokers deal with these objects; there are even contact numbers on the buildings,” explained commercial real estate market expert Ekaterina Lapina. According to her, on the website potential brokers can submit their applications and see the conditions for all objects.

"Some of the objects are actually up for sale. For example, the CIZ on the corner of Sizov and Bogatyrsky Prospekt, which is outdated and unprofitable. We can sell some objects, such as the PCIZ on Piskarevsky Prospekt, if we receive a good offer. From some objects, such as the PCIZ on Pulkovskoe Highway, the company will definitely not refuse. In Moscow and the Moscow region next year, Yulmart will be represented by several dozen retail outlets," the Yulmart press service explains.

The head of AKIT, Alexey Fedorov, said that he sees no prerequisites for Yulmart leaving the market. The company is working and gradually paying off its payments to suppliers. According to the SimilarWeb service, the number of visits to the website decreased from 25.3 million visitors in January to 17.3 million in October. However, it has been recovering since October and in November there were already 17.9 million visits.

Amera Carlos, Natalia Model, Nadezhda Fedorova, Elena Dombrova

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About the program

What is "KIT"?

"KIT" is a designer of individual tariffs from Yulmart. We have created a simple and transparent program where our client can independently configure the conditions he needs and choose the price he is willing to pay based on his capabilities and needs. Now it’s up to you to decide what benefits to receive and how to manage them!

What has changed with the advent of KIT?

You no longer need to make purchases to receive price bars and accumulate bonuses. With the KIT program, you can start receiving discounts immediately - just pay for participation in the program or join the free trial period of participation.

About the changes

What will happen to XXL bonuses?

Basic XXL bonuses for purchases are no longer awarded. But at the same time, you can receive XXL bonuses within the framework of the KIT program by choosing the option of using the benefit “100% to the account”. Bonuses can also be awarded as part of various promotions.

Can I use XXL bonuses earned in the past?

Your bonuses remain on your personal account: as before, you can use them to pay for your order, as well as partially or fully pay for participation in the KIT program.

If our company does not want to become a participant in the KIT program, will our price column be available to us as before?

We canceled the price columns and left two prices:
. the first one is the recommended retail price - for corporate clients not registered on;
. the second is for corporate clients registered on .

To receive a discount, you must be registered and join the trial period of participation in the program or pay for a higher level of participation in the program.

Why did you draw emoticons next to the prices?

A smiley face next to the price indicates that the price is indicated taking into account the discount under the KIT program. The color of the smiley helps determine the size of the discount.

What options for receiving benefits are there in the KIT program?

As part of the KIT program, a corporate client can choose how he will receive benefits: “100% on the account”, “50% on the account, 50% as a discount” or “100% as a discount”. Thus, you can reduce the cost of goods with colored emoticons or receive benefits in the form of XXL bonuses. Or you can receive both in equal proportions by choosing “50% on the bill, 50% on the discount.” The option is selected once for the entire period of the program, and it can only be changed by purchasing a new KIT ​​program.

Is this program for me?

Who can become a participant in the program?

A client - a legal entity registered on the Yulmart website - can become a participant in the program.

Who can connect an organization to the program?

Any individual linked to your corporate account can connect your organization. Simply put, any employee making purchases on behalf of your legal entity can connect the company to the KIT program. After joining the program, this individual becomes a so-called master client. Only the master client has the authority to purchase and exit the program.

Why pay to participate in the program if other companies provide the program for free?

We do not offer a long savings program to receive a discount, but the purchase of a discount of the required size and the opportunity to use it here and now. The cost of participation is easily recouped. The benefit from paying for participation in the KIT program can be calculated using the calculator on the Yulmart website.

Selection and payment for participation

How to choose the optimal tariff for me?

When choosing the optimal program, you should take into account several parameters: what size discount you want, plans for upcoming purchases, over what period of time you will make purchases. The calculator on the KIT program page will help you calculate the benefits of participating in the program.

How can I improve the conditions of an already paid participation in the program?

It is not possible to change the current conditions within the framework of already paid participation in the program. To increase the size of discounts, validity period and limit, you must pay for your participation again by selecting a tariff with the necessary conditions. In this case, the previous participation will end automatically.

When will the program I paid for start working? How soon after paying for the program can I receive a discount?

Joining the program occurs instantly (after payment for participation, the program is activated automatically).

How long is my KIT program valid?

The duration of the program depends on the chosen tariff and can be 1, 3, 6 or 12 months.

Can I extend my program?

You can go to the program page and pay for a new tariff based on your current needs.

What does maximum purchase volume mean? Do I have to buy for this amount?

No, the maximum purchase volume is the amount of orders that will be subject to the terms of the program. When the maximum volume is exceeded, the program will end.

Questions about benefits

What is the maximum benefit I can receive from the program?

The maximum benefit within the program is 10% (using the lilac smiley face) if the program is paid for 12 months (Blue Whale program).

Are the benefits from the KIT program cumulative with temporary Yulmart promotions?

Yes, it adds up. First, all promotional discounts are applied, then the benefit under the KIT program.

What affects the increase or decrease in benefits (discounts/XXL bonuses) within the program?

The reduction in benefits is affected by the choice of increased individual settings: extension of the product reservation period from 2 to 5 or 10 days, increased (10 or 15 days), as well as deferment of payment for 5 or 10 days.

You can use our calculator. The amount of benefits (discounts or XXL bonus amounts) under the program is also indicated in all product cards in the Yulmart catalog.

Are there exceptions where the loyalty program benefit does not apply?

Discounts on products are also equal to 0%, therefore they are marked with white emoticons.

Where can I get more information about my program benefits?

Detailed conditions of the current program can be viewed by contacting your personal manager, as well as the employees of the Yulmart contact center.

Will I be given a discount/credited with XXL bonuses if I am not a member of the KIT program?

A client who is not a member of the KIT program can only receive discounts on Yulmart promotions. Prices with colored emoticons do not apply to it.

Other questions

What if the cost of one order under the program exceeds the maximum purchase volume?

We welcome our customers' purchases, so the last order that exceeds the program limit for the maximum purchase volume is subject to the terms of the program. After placing such an order, the program will end. This rule also applies to purchases that exceed the remaining purchase limit under the program.

What should I do if I bought a product as part of the KIT program, and now I want to return it?

When returning goods under the program, the spent purchase volumes are returned to the balance of the current program. If the program has ended as a result of expiration or has been replaced by a new program, then the purchase volumes will not be refunded. If the program has completed its operation due to exceeding the maximum purchase volume, then upon return the program resumes its operation and the volumes are returned to the balance.

Can a program participant complete his purchase outside the program so as not to spend the remainder of the purchase volume?

Yes maybe. When placing an order, the client must indicate whether he is placing a current order under the terms of the program or outside the program (under the terms of a registered client

What happens when my current program (participation in the program) ends?

Discounts will no longer apply. The second price will be applied - as for all registered clients. To resume participation at the same or another level, the client must pay for participation in the program again.

What should I do if I have already exceeded the maximum purchase volume limit and the program has not yet expired?

The program ends both when the validity period expires and when the maximum purchase volume under the program is exceeded.

Will I be able to use my previously received promotional code? What discount will he give me?

Yes, you will be able to apply a promotional code (except for promotional codes that previously provided price columns).

When I read the news about the lawsuits against Yulmart, I was a little shocked. I immediately imagined future ominous headlines like “Sanctions and the crisis have torn another major Russian Internet company to shreds!” After all, I was recently in one of the “Capitols” and saw how MediaMarkt irretrievably sunk into oblivion.

But I never liked Germans, but I shopped at Yulmart quite often. I remember my first purchase there - a 2TB external WD hard drive, which was 20 percent cheaper than in other places. More than 4 years have passed, and it still faithfully rustles the disks.

In general, I had questions and, as a real blogger, I managed to find out the answers to them. Catch this one hundred percent insider.

The reason for the conflict is quite banal. Everything, as usual, happens because of the dough. Some shareholders are ready to spend personal money on business development, others want to quickly cut dividends.

A lot has been written on the Internet that Mikhail Vasinkevich is actively trying to sell his stake in the company. He offered shares not only to his company comrades, but also to other businessmen, even Chichvarkin. By the way, it would be interesting to see how he runs Yulmart :)

In general, Vasinkevich seriously decided to leave the business, and the remaining partners in the business now want to buy out his share. And this is where the conflict arose: they could not agree on the amount of compensation. Simply put, the native raised the bar much higher than the market price. The seriousness of his intentions is confirmed by the fact that Vasinkevich hired a special company - half-raiders, half-collectors - to resolve the issue.

Of course, the situation did not go unnoticed by journalists; only lazy people did not write about this topic. Amid the publicity and headlines, creditors became concerned and rushed to court to get their money back before the company sank into oblivion. As it turned out, the devil is not as scary as he is painted. The conflict within the board of directors did not affect the company’s work in any way - there are plenty of goods in the warehouses, Yulmart is launching new projects and even opening huge logistics hubs. In general, Yulmart stands firmly on its own two feet and does not intend to change its positions.

Well, I’ve already written all the hot stuff, now about what Yulmart is preparing for us, Yulmart customers, in the near future.

Those who visited the Yulmart website probably noticed that the good old online computer store has significantly expanded its assortment. In fact, the company's goal is to make a full-fledged MarketPlace next year.

New sections of the site are already available: plums (here you can catch goods at a very good price, valid for a short time), cherries - discount coupons (goodbye biglion!), a clothing store, selling air tickets (directly, without intermediaries), ordering goods for border (for now mainly China, but there will be Europe and America).

The U-post parcel delivery service has already been launched. The issue of trade in used cars is being considered.

The only thing missing is potatoes and there will be a complete set :)
But here the discounter "Ryady" - one of Yulmart's partners - comes to the rescue.

This is how one pretty girl chose her outfit for the New Year.

But for the majority of regular customers, Yulmart is primarily an online computer store. Therefore, a short walk through the order fulfillment center in the Mozaika shopping center will be interesting for everyone. The center opened only this summer and what’s convenient is that you can get to the shopping center directly from the platform of the Dubrovka MCC station.

Some people ask, what is a Dachshund? Let me explain simply - this is an opportunity to buy goods at a discount of up to 10% for a certain time. 80% of Yulmart products have a smiley face stuck to the screen. Depending on the color of the emoticon, the owner of the DACHS receives a certain discount upon purchase.
It's simple!

While parents choose to buy, kids can have fun.

At this center, a cashier who is hard of hearing works at the cash register. And this is not an isolated case, Yulmart trains people with disabilities and helps them find employment. It should be noted that they all do an excellent job.

The hall is spacious and convenient for buyers.

Everything can be done right there. Within seven minutes after paying the check, the client will receive his goods.

It was a store, but now let's see what the average buyer doesn't see - a warehouse. By the way, the company’s product range has grown by half over the year and amounts to about 120 thousand items. And this does not take into account goods that can be ordered directly from suppliers’ warehouses - there will be more than 12 million of them.
Several new categories have appeared, for example, intimate goods. It is possible that these are the ones hidden in these boxes.

As you can see, the warehouse is completely designed for address storage.

Addresses are distributed by the warehouse program. Or rather, one of the SAP modules, tailored to suit your needs by its own developers. I am impressed by the position of Yulmart, which has built its entire IT system on SAP solutions. I definitely like this German.

SAP uses its algorithm to select storage locations, so unexpected juxtapositions may arise.

By the way, this center has an updated version of SAP, which allows you to do inventory even separately for one rack.

There is such a product too.

Familiar and favorite brands around.

We bought this often.

The most expensive and small items are stored in a separate section.

Here you can easily carry half a lemon in your pockets. Well, if you are not afraid of security, of course :)

Nearby is also exclusive, fragrant.

Let's clear the world of snow! Shovel is the best seller in Moscow.

Issuing orders, a look from the inside.

These orders are paid for online, collected and ready for pickup.

This is how the Yulmart online store works. Although, in a year, we may not recognize him.
Because, despite all the troubles, the company has money and it plans to develop and grow to the delight of its customers.

A couple of weeks ago, the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg was considering a retailer bankruptcy case.

On November 18, 2016, Yulmart representatives commented on the situation with filing a bankruptcy claim as follows: “The application was filed on behalf of the company’s private creditor and was a reaction to the conflict occurring between Yulmart shareholders. The lender has probably decided to strengthen its position in the issue of repayment of loan funds. At the same time, the creditor’s statement declaring the company insolvent does not mean automatic insolvency, liquidation of companies included in the Yulmart Group of Companies, suspension of their activities and severance of relations with counterparties. In its public statements, Yulmart has repeatedly emphasized that the current situation, caused by disagreements among the company’s shareholders, does not stop operational processes. There are no prerequisites for insolvency and instability in the economic activities of the Yulmart group of companies.”

On November 17, 2016, NJSC Yulmart filed a petition with the court to take interim measures within the framework of the bankruptcy case in the form of a ban on a number of banks to directly write off funds from their accounts, as well as a ban on authorized bodies from collecting taxes, fees, penalties, fines at the expense of funds held in the accounts of Yulmart NJSC in banks and other credit institutions, as well as at the expense of other property of the company.

As noted in the materials of case No. A56-78582/2016, in addition to accounts payable to PJSC Bank St. Petersburg, PJSC BANK URALSIB, PJSC Sberbank of Russia, PJSC VTB Bank, JSC Credit Europe Bank, PJSC Gazprombank, JSC UniCredit Bank, LLC Absolut Leasing, PJSC JSCB Absolut Bank, JSC CB Globex, JSC Raiffeisenbank, the debtor has outstanding accounts payable to suppliers and contractors as of 10/30/2016 year in the amount of more than 12 billion rubles.

Other creditors, according to the debtor, unlike credit institutions, do not have the opportunity to satisfy their claims by directly debiting funds from Yulmart accounts. In his opinion, banks writing off accounts payable from a debtor under loan agreements “will lead to preferential satisfaction of the claims of some creditors over others, which in the future will entail the need to recognize these transactions as invalid. The applicant also believes that writing off such a large amount of money from the debtor’s bank accounts will not allow him to continue his business activity, which consists of retail sales of goods purchased in large volumes from wholesale suppliers, and will also lead to the impossibility of timely payment of wages to the debtor’s extensive staff of employees.” Having assessed the validity of the requirements of Ulmart NJSC for taking interim measures, the likelihood of causing harm to the debtor and its creditors of significant damages in case of failure to take such measures, the court came to conclusion about the need to prohibit those specified in application to credit institutions to carry out direct debit of funds from debtor's accounts.

We asked Yulmart representatives to clarify what was really going on in the company, since the situation, which was initially seen primarily as a conflict among shareholders, now looks somewhat different.

“Most of the accounts payable of NJSC Yulmart are mutual settlements between the group companies,” explained the Yulmart press service. -Basic scheme: suppliers deliver goods to Ulmart NJSC, which transfers them Regional Distribution Company (RSC). RSK, in in turn, is calculated with NJSC "Yulmart". IN this year the volume of mutual settlements will be about 10 billion rubles IN In addition to the cost of the goods, they include investments in development of the logistics system, in including construction and opening of new order fulfillment centers. The debt of other group companies to Ulmart NJSC will be fully repaid results of the year. At the same time, debts to suppliers are in no way affects stable position of the company. A similar scheme of mutual settlements is practiced in company for quite some time, and never ask her questions arose. Yulmart's debt to banks is only about 3 billion rubles."

To be fair, it should be noted that Yulmart has debts not only to the group companies and credit institutions. Although orders of magnitude lower. In particular, the Resurs-Media company filed a claim against Yulmart NJSC for debt collection in the amount of RUB 36,626,133.70. and taking interim measures against the debtor. In support of the request for an interim measure, Resurs-Media refers to “the significant amount of debt, the long-term failure of NJSC Yulmart to fulfill its obligations under the contract, which in turn causes significant losses to the applicant, and also that failure to take interim measures will entail damage significant damage to him." On based on the distributor's application Arbitration Court St. Petersburg 29 November 2016 opened case No. A56-80767/2016 and issued a ruling: to seize the property owned by NJSC "Yulmart" on the amount indicated above. In the company "Resource-Me" d ia" chose not to comment on the current situation.

According to Dmitry Kostygin*, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Yulmart, he and his partner August Meyer ready in as private investors to provide financial assistance to the company. "We were ready to increase the authorized capital, but other shareholders did not whether they wanted it or not were able to do this, which provoked a conflict. Now they are doing everything to destabilize the financial position of Yulmart and company management system. So what about equity financing is not out of the question - we are not ready to pay for Mr. Vasinkevich. However, as private lenders, I And August or related Our companies are ready to buy out debts to creditors. We We will do everything to improve Yulmart,” - Kostygin said.

*The main shareholders of Yulmart, as Vedomosti writes, are Dmitry Kostygin And August Meyer(61% in total). Another major shareholder of Yulmart is the Liechtenstein Donna Foundation, whose beneficiary was previously named M Ikhail Vasinkevich.

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