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Lower abdomen hurts during ovulation. Pain in the lower abdomen during ovulation

Some gynecologists claim that almost every day women come to see them and complain of pain during ovulation in the lower abdomen. It turns out that every 5th representative of the fair sex faces such problems. Only a few know what to do in this case.

Pain during ovulation: causes and problems

So, first, it’s worth explaining what ovulation is and why women experience pain during it.

It should be understood that ovulation (from Latin the word ovum means egg) is the so-called release of a fully mature and, in most cases, fertilizing egg from a special location - the ovarian follicle.

It passes into the abdominal cavity.

Ovulation always occurs with established cyclicity. Remember that it depends on the length of the menstrual cycle. This physiological process in the fair sex begins from the moment of puberty (and not age) maturation, that is, from 12-13 years, and ends with the onset of menopause.

If the egg is not fertilized within the specified period, it means that conception has not occurred and within a certain time - 14 days after that - menstruation should begin. Every woman should know that certain symptoms during ovulation indicate the body’s readiness to conceive. Symptoms can be pronounced or very mild.

How to determine ovulation

There are several types of ovulation - timely, premature and late. During premature ovulation, the egg begins to be released much earlier than it should, even before the middle of the menstrual cycle occurs. Premature ovulation can occur as a result of intense sexual intercourse, nervous tension, stress, as well as due to excessive exercise, diet or even illness.

Premature ovulation is quite common in actresses or models who spend most of their time on diets and deny themselves food. Late ovulation can occur as a result of hormonal imbalance. If a woman suspects late ovulation, an ultrasound examination should be done as soon as possible. Few people know that it is extremely difficult to talk about the exact timing of ovulation, especially if a representative of the fair sex has an unstable cycle, since the entire hormonal system in most cases does not work clearly.

Problems with ovulation: why does your stomach hurt?

What causes pain in the lower abdomen during ovulation? According to gynecologists, there may be several reasons for this. As a rule, pain occurs as a result of slight bleeding, which in turn forms during the rupture of the follicle. It bursts, and the so-called follicular fluid begins to come out of it, which mixes with small blood clots. In addition, bloody (thick or liquid) discharge can occur due to a drop in estradiol levels, as well as due to slight endometrial detachment.

As a rule, during ovulation there are different types of pain: cutting, stabbing in places or cramping in nature. Some women experience sharp and very sharp pain in the lower abdomen, while others feel mild cramps or minor aching pains that last until the next day. They can be observed in different parts of the abdomen: below, as well as in the area where the ovaries are located - on the right or left.

It is noteworthy that the ovaries always work alternately: in one month (cycle) your follicle matures only in the right ovary, in another month in the left ovary. That is why most often pain during ovulation usually occurs either on the right or on the left, but in the lower abdomen. The degree of pain in the lower abdomen depends on the body and blood level.

Associated symptoms

There is another interesting fact that few people know: some women suffer from chest pain during ovulation. Some may even faint. However, doctors do not advise worrying about this. So, doctors say that this is a natural reaction of the body. The fact is that during ovulation, the breasts prepare for the expected pregnancy and begin to increase in size. As a result, the nerve endings become tense. As a rule, all this happens due to the increasing level of estrogen in the body of the fair sex. After menstruation, estrogen levels drop, causing breast pain to go away.

How long can such pain in the lower abdomen last during ovulation? There is no clear answer to this question; everything is different for every woman. For some, the pain may last for an hour, while for others it can last for a day or even more. If the pain in the lower abdomen in the middle of ovulation is too strong or does not go away within 3 days, then the woman should contact her gynecologist. Representatives of the fair sex with increased sensitivity due to pelvic adhesions can experience very strong unpleasant sensations in the side or lower back.

It is possible that pain in the lower abdomen during or after ovulation may be associated with gynecological diseases, for example, inflammation of the ovaries. They may indicate other diseases of the reproductive system. In this case, you should not delay a visit to a specialist, attributing all problems to natural symptoms of ovulation.

By the way, other natural symptoms of ovulation include increased sexual desire. This is a kind of hint from nature that the most favorable moment has come for conceiving a child. A woman can understand that ovulation has begun by liquid discharge from the vagina. As a rule, they appear a few hours before ovulation and can even last for several days. Do not be afraid of the color of the discharge: during ovulation, it becomes reddish or pink. But there is another nuance: if the red discharge is too abundant, then this may be associated with very dangerous uterine bleeding. In this case, you should definitely contact a gynecologist to avoid further problems.

Health problems: similar symptoms

It is important to know that often the pain that occurs during ovulation can be associated with appendicitis. In such cases, the woman may develop a high fever. If the pain is very severe and lasts more than 12 hours, then the fair sex should consult a doctor.

In no case should you hesitate to visit a doctor if a woman begins to feel sick or have a fever, and the pain during ovulation becomes so severe that you can lose consciousness. You should consult a doctor if you experience dizziness, shortness of breath, vomiting, diarrhea, or painful urination. An important reason to visit a doctor is very severe pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen. After the consultation, tests and texts, the doctor will take the most effective treatment methods.

However, there is also a situation when ovulation may be absent. If there is no ovulation, then pregnancy, and therefore the birth of a child, is impossible. Every woman should know that ovulation is absent during pregnancy due to hormonal imbalance, during menopause, and due to the body’s reaction to medications.

It is noteworthy that the absence of ovulation is called anovulation. It can even occur in women who are quite healthy from a gynecological point of view, at a time when the egg does not mature in every menstrual cycle. If the absence of ovulation repeats more than 3 times a year, then the woman should definitely consult a doctor, since endocrine or gynecological diseases may occur, which can pose a serious danger to the health of every woman.

A situation often arises when a woman cannot become pregnant due to lack of ovulation. In this case, artificial stimulation is carried out with drugs containing hormones. All procedures must be carried out under the strict supervision of an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist. But, before a woman is allowed artificial stimulation, she must pass all the necessary tests.

Tests to determine ovulation

If a woman wants to get pregnant and is trying to “catch” the first signs of ovulation, then she should use special tests to determine ovulation. They can be bought at any pharmacy and even in a supermarket that has a section with medical supplies.

As a rule, a standard package contains at least 10 tests to determine ovulation. The test conditions are indicated on the packaging. In general, these conditions are somewhat similar to taking a pregnancy test. Women use such assistants to confirm or refute their suspicions of lack of ovulation. Or in order to establish the exact date of ovulation in the cycle.

In addition, you can determine the onset of ovulation if a woman has a more or less constant cycle. In this case, you can count the number of days from the start of menstruation, which began on the first day of the month, until the start of menstruation in the next month. The middle of this interval will correspond to the beginning of ovulation. As a rule, with a 28-day cycle, its midpoint falls on days 14-15, and with a 35-day menstrual cycle - on days 17-18.

The ovulation test was created by specialists in order to determine the level of the hormone responsible for this and its amount in the urine. Using the test is quite simple. The best part is that this ovulation test provides a very high level of accuracy. If you follow the instructions that are in each package, a woman will be able to accurately determine the most favorable period for conception. Although, when taking certain medications, an ovulation test may show incorrect results.

Most often, a package of dough contains 5 strips in special sealed packages. As soon as a woman feels pain, she will need to use a test to confirm the onset of ovulation. To do this, you will need to collect the urine in a clean, dry container and place the test strip there to the indicated mark for approximately 10 seconds.

The onset of ovulation can be determined using basal temperature. During ovulation, it increases by an average of 0.3-0.6 degrees, and the day before ovulation it decreases slightly. If a woman regularly measures her basal temperature, she can easily track the onset of ovulation 24 hours before it begins. It should be remembered that this method does not provide a 100% guarantee, unlike a test. It is important to know that basal temperature should be measured in the morning at the same time, without getting out of bed. You must use the same mercury thermometer. It needs to be inserted into the anus for 5 minutes.

Medicines for pain: is it possible to take medications?

What to do if you experience regular pain during ovulation in the lower abdomen? Of course, most women immediately want to alleviate their suffering. Some people prefer to take painkillers. However, before you run to the pharmacy for medications, you should definitely consult a doctor and strictly follow his recommendations, since self-medication can be extremely dangerous.

In order to stop pain in the lower abdomen during ovulation, it is sometimes enough to take simple over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen, paracetamol, and aspirin. But even they should be taken only after consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

There are other ways to get rid of pain during ovulation. For example, if there is time, a woman can lie down and relax, drink more fluids. It is worth taking your temperature throughout the day to make sure that pain is not the result of any infection. If a woman experiences short-term pain every month during ovulation, then, as many obstetricians-gynecologists advise, you can take oral contraceptives.

In addition, in this way it will be possible to control unwanted pregnancies. Sometimes women use a warm heating pad to relieve pain. The fact is that the heat from the heating pad stimulates blood flow and has a relaxing effect on tense muscles, which leads to relief of pain in the lower abdomen. But the help of a heating pad or heating elements is effective only if the problem that arises is actually related to the onset of ovulation. Otherwise, there may be unforeseen situations leading to irreparable harm to your own health.

In order to relieve pain in the lower abdomen during ovulation, you can use the services of various spas, of which there are many in every city. It is best to go for treatments such as aromatherapy and relaxing massage. Thanks to this, the woman will be able to relax.

I would also like to say something about mucous discharge. As mentioned earlier, during ovulation they can be abundant, and they can even change color to pink or red. It is noteworthy that sometimes the discharge persists even after ovulation has ended. If the discharge has a specific smell, and the woman experiences an unpleasant sensation similar to itching, or it has a grayish, green or reddish tint, then you should definitely consult a doctor. You can take a flora smear, which will help identify the causative agent of the disease.

You should sound the alarm if white vaginal discharge after ovulation is accompanied by unbearable itching. These may be symptoms of candidiasis, which is also called thrush. During this disease, the discharge smells bad. However, the worst thing for women is spotting. The cause of their occurrence may be unprotected sexual intercourse or the use of intrauterine or hormonal contraception.

Update: October 2018

As you know, the menstrual cycle is the main assistant in assessing the state of women's health. By its duration, the presence or absence of pain during menstruation, the appearance of bloody discharge, one can judge whether there is any gynecological problem or whether the woman is healthy. One of the characteristics of the menstrual cycle is pain during ovulation, but this condition is observed only in 20% of women of reproductive age.

Let's understand the term "ovulation"

The duration of the menstrual cycle is determined from the first day of the previous menstruation to the first day of the next. Its duration varies and normally ranges from 21 to 35 days. The ideal menstrual cycle is considered to be a cycle lasting 28 days, which corresponds to a full lunar cycle. The menstrual cycle consists of several phases:

Follicular phase

The follicular phase is caused by the action, under the influence of which a dominant follicle is determined in the ovary, in which the future egg matures. This phase lasts an average of 12–18 days, depending on the length of the cycle. With a 28-day period it is 14 days. Towards the end of the follicular phase, the dominant follicle has reached its maximum development, is tense and is preparing to burst.

Ovulatory phase

The shortest phase of the menstrual cycle, its duration is 12 – 36 hours. During this phase, estrogen levels drop, causing the main follicle to burst and release a mature egg, ready for fertilization. What is characteristic is that it is during the ovulatory phase that the level of both estrogens is quite low (estrogens are no longer synthesized, since the dominant follicle and egg have already “matured”, and progesterone is not yet produced in sufficient quantities under the influence of luteinizing hormone due to the still unformed yellow body in place of the main follicle).

Luteal phase

The synthesis of progesterone increases, under the influence of which proliferative processes occur in the uterine mucosa, preparing it for implantation of a fertilized egg. In the case of unsuccessful fertilization, by the end of the luteal phase, the level of progesterone decreases (the corpus luteum of menstruation dies) and the functional layer of the endometrium is rejected, which is called menstruation.

So, ovulation is nothing more than the process of the release of a mature egg from the dominant follicle at the moment of its rupture. And painful ovulation is called ovulatory syndrome or Mittelschmertz syndrome.

Signs of ovulation

Ovulation (from the Latin word for “egg”) has characteristic signs, and every woman experiencing discomfort or pain associated with it can almost accurately determine its onset:

Pain in the right side or left

Pain occurs on a certain side, depending on which ovary “works” in a given menstrual cycle (most often, right-sided pain is observed, which is associated with better blood supply to the right ovary and its innervation, as well as with the close proximity of the appendix).

As a rule, the pain is minor and may cause only mild discomfort. In some cases, women characterize the pain as cutting, stabbing or cramping. This feeling does not last long, from an hour to a day or two. The intensity of pain depends on:

  • character - emotional representatives of the fairer sex feel pain more clearly
  • the presence of gynecological diseases contributes to increased pain
  • pain sensitivity threshold - the higher it is, the less pain a woman experiences during ovulation.

Thus, ovulation itself is short-lived, and after ovulation it can last one to two days. Since only one ovary is involved in ovulation in each menstrual cycle, they function alternately, that is, pain can be on the right in one month and on the left in another.

In rare cases, when both ovaries are involved in the work, 2 eggs mature at the same time, which, if fertilized successfully, leads to multiple pregnancies. In such a situation, a woman feels pain on both sides or a diffuse aching pain in the lower abdomen.

Increased libido

Libido, or sexual desire, increases somewhat during the period of ovulation, which is inherent in nature itself (after all, ovulation is the most favorable moment for conception, and therefore for procreation).


On the eve of ovulation, at the moment of its completion, and for another couple of days, the nature of vaginal discharge changes. They become more . These changes in secretions are necessary to create favorable conditions for the penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity to fertilize a mature egg. The liquid consistency of the discharge in the slightly expanded cervical canal facilitates the passage of the “live animals” into the uterus.

Changes in discharge color

During the period of ovulation and some time after it, the color of the discharge may also change. They acquire a pinkish tint or a few drops of blood are found on the underwear (see. This is due to a slight detachment of the endometrium (estrogens are no longer produced, and progesterone has not yet begun to be synthesized).

Pain in the mammary glands

It is possible that breast pain or tenderness may appear during the period of ovulation (see), which is associated with the initial preparation of the mammary glands for pregnancy and lactation. Such pain (mastodynia) is short-lived and stops by the time the corpus luteum forms.


There are several causes of pain during ovulation. Before it begins to emerge from the follicle, it must mature and significantly increase in size.

  • The large “dimensions” of the follicle stretch the ovarian capsule, which explains the occurrence of pain before ovulation.
  • After the dominant follicle has reached the “desired condition,” it bursts and a ready-made egg is released into the abdominal cavity.
  • At the moment of rupture of the follicle, in addition to the egg, a certain amount of fluid is poured into the abdominal cavity, which irritates the parietal peritoneum. In addition, the ovarian capsule is damaged, in which small blood vessels burst, resulting in even a small amount of blood entering the abdominal cavity, which also irritates the peritoneum.
  • Such nagging pain after ovulation can bother a woman for 12 to 48 hours. But then the blood and follicular fluid in the abdomen are absorbed and the pain syndrome disappears.
  • And since at the moment the egg appears in the abdominal cavity, the fallopian tubes begin to peristalt (contract) more strongly in order to have time to capture a viable egg and ensure that it meets the sperm, pain can be maintained by this process.
  • An indirect sign of a possible future pregnancy is pain in the middle of the cycle.

But in some cases, the pain syndrome at the time of ovulation is more pronounced, which is due not only to the threshold of pain sensitivity, but also to the presence of certain gynecological diseases, for example:

  • , which may be due to chronic inflammation, a history of surgery, or
  • adhesions do not allow the tubes to contract calmly and tighten the ovary, and in some cases cause compaction of its capsule, all this increases the severity of pain.

Types of ovulation

There are several types of ovulation:

  • premature;
  • timely;
  • late.

Premature ovulation is the maturation and release of an egg from the follicle not in the middle of the cycle, but much earlier and can be caused by several factors:

  • excessively violent sexual intercourse (see);
  • increased physical activity or heavy lifting;
  • stress and strong emotional experiences;
  • various diseases, including gynecological ones;
  • hormonal disorders and endocrine pathology.

The etiology of late ovulation includes various hormonal problems, including.

In connection with the described types of ovulation, pain, accordingly, does not occur, as is customary, in the middle of the cycle, but much earlier or, on the contrary, later, which can become a cause for concern for a woman (see also). Therefore, an indirect sign of a possible future pregnancy is pain in the middle of the cycle.


Speaking about ovulation, one cannot help but touch upon the problem of its absence or anovulation. Normally, anovulation is observed in pregnant women and premenopausal and menopausal women. And, of course, ovulation cannot occur when taking.

If a woman of reproductive age does not ovulate for several cycles in a row (2 or more), she should start sounding the alarm, because no ovulation - no egg - no possibility of getting pregnant.

As a rule, the cause of anovulation is hormonal imbalances in the body, which, with appropriate treatment, are stopped and the woman has a chance to become a mother. To clarify the date of ovulation, you can use or undergo an ultrasound, where the doctor will accurately see the mature follicle and the release of the egg from it (of course, ultrasound is performed several times during the period of expected ovulation).

How to make it easier

No matter how sure a woman is that the pain that appears in the right or left lower abdomen is associated with ovulation, she should not self-medicate, but rather consult a doctor. After all, any pathology, not only gynecological, can cause pain, which accidentally coincides with the middle of the cycle.

  • If ovulatory syndrome bothers a woman every menstrual cycle, she is advised to relax as much as possible on the days of ovulation, eliminate stressful situations and adhere to a certain diet.
  • In therapeutic nutrition, they limit dishes and products that increase the load on the gastrointestinal tract, increase intestinal motility, which aggravates pain, cause flatulence and excite the central nervous system. These are primarily spicy and fatty dishes, legumes and white cabbage, chocolate, coffee and strong tea.
  • Warm baths with aromatic oils or medicinal herbs help relieve pain. Warmth descends to the lower abdomen, which reduces contraction of the uterus and tubes and relieves pain, but only if acute infectious and surgical diseases are excluded.
  • Of the painkillers of choice, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the method of choice, which block the synthesis of prostaglandins, relieve pain and inflammation (indomethacin, naproxen, ketoprofen).
  • Taking antispasmodics (no-shpa, spazgan, spasmalgon) is also effective.

With constant ovulatory syndrome, the gynecologist may recommend taking), which, by blocking ovulation, prevents the occurrence of pain. But, if a woman wants to get pregnant, their use is excluded, and it is also not permissible to use them on the lower abdomen and take any medications on the days of ovulation, as this may affect the quality of the egg.

Severe pain

In some cases, very intense pain may appear in the middle of the cycle. Severe pain in the ovary or in the right/left side of the groin may be a sign of an emergency:

You should consult a doctor as soon as possible if you experience severe pain in the lower abdomen and/or the following signs:

  • the pain continues for more than two days (“it hurts for a week during ovulation” - a clear sign of the disease);
  • the temperature has risen and lasts for more than an hour;
  • nausea/vomiting occurred;
  • bloody discharge from the genital tract appeared, regardless of its intensity;
  • when taking drugs that stimulate ovulation;
  • a history of acute gynecological diseases, surgeries, endometriosis;
  • sudden fainting;
  • progressive deterioration of the condition.

Symptoms recur monthly, and its course is explained by the changes that occur in the reproductive organs during the period of release.

    Pain during ovulation in the lower abdomen

    Abdominal pain daily is considered a typical symptom of this period. The intensity depends on the individual characteristics of the woman, her lifestyle and the temporary impact of certain external factors. The pain may have different nature and duration, but in medicine there are specific conditions that are considered normal or abnormal.

    Nature of pain

    During the ovulatory process, some women may feel minor discomfort in the lower abdomen, which does not interfere with the quality of life. Other representatives of the fair sex suffer from unbearable spasms and experience difficulties even when carrying out basic household chores.

    Adult women know the characteristics of their body and can independently determine whether pain is normal or not. In young girls, symptoms may change monthly.

    Pain in the lower abdomen can be of the following nature:

    • minor discomfort (the symptom is barely noticeable);
    • tingling sensations (can be pulsating or short-lived);
    • It's a dull pain(the condition persists for several hours or days);
    • nagging pain (intensity may vary);
    • painful spasms (sharp attacks of pain, reminiscent of attacks of appendicitis).

    REFERENCE! Discomfort in the lower abdomen during the ovulatory process usually becomes permanent. Severe pain is no exception. Some women, knowing the date, begin to take special medications in advance to alleviate their condition.


    Stomach ache may last for maximum two days. Depending on the individual characteristics of the female body, this symptom can manifest itself over several hours. If this symptom causes discomfort for more than a few days, then its cause may be unnatural changes in the functioning of the reproductive organs, or various abnormalities, including infections.

    Why does my lower abdomen hurt during ovulation?

    If your stomach hurts during menstruation, then this is characteristic feature that which came out of the follicle. This process occurs monthly in the body of every healthy woman.

    Ovulatory periods have their own cycles, and a specific period of time passes between each of them. During this process, the lower abdomen may hurt, this is explained natural changes, occurring in the female body.

    The causes of pain in the lower abdomen are the following factors:

    • the follicle stretches the ovarian capsule (this can cause pulling in the lower abdomen);
    • follicle rupture ovary (during this process it leaves the follicle and moves into the walls of the fallopian tubes, preparing for);
    • during the rupture of the follicle, a certain amount of fluid is released into the abdominal cavity, which can cause irritation;
    • follicle rupture is accompanied by damage to many blood vessels;
    • contraction of the fallopian tubes (the woman’s body is preparing for conception, therefore the work of some internal systems changes, which becomes a source of pain).

    The exceptions are attacks are accompanied by additional symptoms. For example, heavy bleeding, loss of consciousness, etc. Such conditions are not normal and a woman should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

    What to do to relieve pain?

    ON A NOTE! For a woman with ideal health and a stable cycle, it is not difficult to calculate the expected days. This process usually begins at the same time of the menstrual cycle.

    Measures to get rid of pain in the abdominal area include the following:

    • it is recommended to reduce physical activity (especially if your lifestyle involves constant physical activity or intense sports);
    • a few days before the start needs to be increased the volume of fluid consumed (this measure can significantly reduce);
    • applying a heating pad to the ovarian area can significantly alleviate the condition and reduce the intensity of pain;
    • lack of sleep and stressful situations we must try to exclude or minimize (these factors are the most common reasons for increased intensity during the ovulatory period);
    • if painful spasms appear, you can take painkillers (No-spa, Nurofen, Ketarol, etc.).
    • plays a special role. By changing it, you can reduce the intensity of pain.

    ADVICE! You should not eat large amounts of fatty, fried or salty foods. It is better to exclude coffee, chocolate and legumes from the diet for several days.

    These products are not only harmful to the body, but can also negatively affect the nervous system. In addition, in combination with natural processes during time, they can become the reason for the increase, bloating may occur when

Ovulatory pain that appears in the middle of the menstrual cycle signals that the female body is ready to conceive. Changes in hormonal levels (alternate release of follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, estrogen) are the main cause of ovulatory pain. How long ovulatory pain lasts depends on the general condition of the body, natural hormonal levels, the presence of systemic diseases, as well as the individual characteristics of the reproductive system.

Causes of ovulatory pain

The process of ovulation rarely goes unnoticed: headaches, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, increased appetite, increased libido in the middle of the cycle are familiar to many women. Physiological changes in the reproductive system under the influence of hormones confirm the body’s readiness to conceive, bear and give birth to a child. The female body creates the most favorable conditions for the reproduction of offspring.

In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, active production of follicle-stimulating hormone by the pituitary gland and estrogen by the ovaries is observed, under the influence of which the maturation of the egg occurs. When it is finally formed, luteinizing hormone is activated, which promotes the release of the egg from the ovary. At the site of the burst follicle, a corpus luteum is formed, which secretes the hormone progesterone.

From the moment of ovulation, the reproductive system is ready for the process of fertilization.


Such hormone surges cannot go unnoticed: for this reason, during ovulation, headaches occur, sleep is disturbed (becomes shallow), and psycho-emotional instability appears. For some women, this is such a common occurrence that it is a symbolic signal of the onset of ovulation. In most cases, headaches occur in the temporal region. A headache during ovulation may also occur in the back of the head if a woman suffers from vegetative-vascular dystonia.


Caused primarily by hormonal imbalance: the released progesterone suppresses the contraction of the muscles of the uterus to provide favorable conditions for the attachment of the fertilized egg and prevent miscarriage. The intestinal walls are also susceptible to the action of progesterone: slow peristalsis is a clear confirmation of this.

Slow movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract, insufficient production of enzymes, and stagnation of feces in the intestines contribute to the appearance of dyspepsia. Rotting food residues in the intestines activates the fermentation process and increases gas formation. Gases, as well as toxins released from decay products, penetrate the blood and spread throughout the body. Increased gas formation (flatulence) stretches the intestinal walls, causing pain in the abdominal cavity and groin.

Groin pain

Pain in the ovarian area is caused by rapid growth of the follicle, rupture of its membrane and stretching of the ovarian capsule. Unpleasant sensations arise in the groin area and radiate to the sacrum. This condition causes a deterioration in overall health, the appearance of apathy, weakness and irritability.

Pain in the groin area during ovulation is usually localized on one side and is accompanied by a change in vaginal secretion. Vaginal discharge becomes thick, viscous, and has a consistency similar to chicken protein. The appearance of ovulatory pain on both sides may indicate the simultaneous maturation of several eggs.

Alarming symptoms

Ovulatory pain goes away on its own after 2-3 days, provided there are no inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs, digestive system, or hormonal imbalance. If the pain observed before ovulation and at the time of its onset does not go away within a week, it makes sense to visit a gynecologist.

Ovulatory pain often turns into painful sensations during menstruation. This condition is attributed to premenstrual syndrome, neglecting the consultation of a gynecologist. However, there are exciting signs that cannot be ignored:

  • ovulatory pain lasting more than a week;
  • severe pain syndrome;
  • Strong headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • increased body temperature;
  • diarrhea;
  • the appearance of unnatural vaginal discharge in the middle of the menstrual cycle (purulent, sanguineous).

Particular attention should be paid to ovulatory pain in case of existing diseases of the endocrine, digestive, nervous, and reproductive systems in order to avoid possible complications during their exacerbation. Often, completely different conditions that require immediate medical attention are mistaken for ovulatory pain.

Severe ovulatory pain occurs after discontinuation of COCs. This phenomenon is associated with stimulation of the ovaries and increased production of hormones. In the case of drug stimulation of ovulation, the appearance of noticeable pain in the groin area is also typical.

The phenomena of intoxication against the background of ovulatory pain can cause poisoning with food, drugs, and hazardous household chemicals. An increase in body temperature to febrile levels and the appearance of an allergic reaction are not associated with the ovulation process. A change in the usual state in the middle of the menstrual cycle does not always indicate the development of pathology, but requires special attention and examination by a doctor .

The greatest danger is the development of neoplasms in the pelvic organs, including oncology. In this case, ignoring unpleasant symptoms threatens not only reproductive dysfunction, but also death. A consultation with a gynecologist will tell you whether this may be related to ovulation and whether treatment is required in this situation.

Help measures

Pain during ovulation is an unpleasant phenomenon for any woman. Therefore, the question of how long ovulatory pain normally lasts worries many. Usually the discomfort lasts for 24-48 hours. During this period, the egg matures, leaves the ovary and dies (or meets with a sperm). The persistence of ovulatory pain for more than 48 hours requires examination by a gynecologist.

For minor pain during ovulation, after consulting a specialist, use symptomatic medications that relieve pain, eliminate symptoms of intoxication, bloating, and normalize digestion:

  • Nutrition correction– one of the important points that allows you to reduce the duration of ovulatory pain. It is necessary to exclude from the diet foods containing starch, plant fiber, sugar, yeast, gas, and caffeine. Dietary nutrition during the period of ovulation can reduce the duration and severity of pain in 80% of cases.
  • Active lifestyle, feasible physical exercises aimed at increasing the tone of the muscles of the uterus and intestinal walls help reduce ovulatory pain in the middle of the cycle.
  • No stress increases the body's resistance, promotes the normal course of natural physiological processes, prevents the appearance of tension headaches and lower abdominal pain during ovulation.

Ovulatory pain in the middle of the menstrual cycle for several days is a common occurrence among women of reproductive age. Pain of low intensity, self-limiting after ovulation, in most cases does not indicate pathology. A change in the nature of the pain, the appearance of new unpleasant symptoms requires additional consultation with a doctor. Taking care of your health and following your doctor’s recommendations will reduce the risk of pathological processes occurring in the body.

Painful ovulation is observed in 70% of women. This symptom depends on various factors. The reasons why pain occurs during ovulation are varied. To determine why your stomach hurts, you need to visit a specialist. The doctor will identify the cause of the disease and prescribe treatment, if necessary.

Painful ovulation is accompanied by various additional symptoms. Pain during ovulation usually goes away after a short period of time and is not intense. To confirm that pain in the lower abdomen is a sign of fertile days, you need to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms.

During the ovulatory period, a woman notices a characteristic change in the cervical fluid. It is produced by the glands of the cervical canal. The canal serves as a natural barrier. Through it, bacteria and infections cannot enter the uterus. During the period of ovulation, the canal gradually expands. This causes a change in discharge. They become more liquid and elastic. When a drop of mucus is squeezed between the fingers, a strong stretch without rupture is observed. During this period, it is recommended to begin active pregnancy planning. In rare cases, cervical discharge changes color. Transparent mucus turns brownish or beige. This happens due to blood fluid getting into the mucus. At the same time, a woman may experience abdominal pain.

Also an indirect sign of the approaching ovulatory period is increased sexual desire. A woman’s sexual activity increases against the background of processes occurring in the hormonal system. Attraction is enhanced by an increase in lutein-stimulating hormone. The same substance is responsible for the release of mature cells from the follicle. Therefore, this phenomenon is inherent at the genetic level. In this way, nature signals the couple to increase their chances of conception. After fertilization or death of the egg, the rush of sexual activity disappears.

There are other signs that the egg is about to be released. They depend on the operation of various systems. If a woman has a weak psycho-emotional background, then the perception of ovulation will be more acute. Such patients complain of severe sharp pain during ovulation. A detailed study of the causes reveals instability of the psychological state. To relieve pain during ovulation, patients are recommended to be monitored by a psychologist. It will help stabilize your condition and make it easier to perceive the changes occurring in the body.

The characteristics of pain in the lower abdomen are influenced by the presence of concomitant diseases. The presence of such pathologies can be determined by what kind of pain there is. Such patients complain that the abdomen greatly increases during ovulation. A feeling of discomfort appears. Severe swelling is detected. The lower intestine is overstretched. To determine the cause, you need to seek help from a specialist. If pain during ovulation is accompanied by additional discomfort, it is necessary to identify the disease that affects it.

Factors that cause the problem

Stomach pain during ovulation under the influence of various factors. Why does painful ovulation occur? Reasons:

  • Physiological processes in the body;
  • The presence of various problems with gynecology;
  • Gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • Features of the location of the uterus;
  • Injury to the mucous membrane;
  • Low pain barrier.

The main reason why the lower abdomen feels tight during ovulation is physiological processes in gynecology. The stomach begins to ache due to the maturation of the egg. It is located in the ovary and matures every menstrual cycle. Maturation occurs in a special bag. It grows on the surface of the ovary. Under the influence of the hormone, the membrane of the follicular neoplasm ruptures. The fluid and egg leave the sac. The rupture is the reason why the lower abdomen hurts during ovulation.

Pain during the period of ovulation is also observed during a sharp increase in the size of the follicle. During this period, the woman feels pain on the side on which the ovary works. The ovaries alternate every month. Therefore, severe pain during ovulation occurs from various sides.

The release of fluid into the abdominal cavity leads to increased contractility of the muscle layer. The muscles begin to push the egg towards the fallopian tubes. During this period, fluid may be absorbed into the cavity. Due to these factors, pain appears in the lower abdomen during ovulation.

Pain during ovulation is also observed when the egg moves through the fallopian tubes. The tubes have a special layer that is necessary to move the cell into the uterus. It consists of many outgrowths - villi. They contract towards the uterine body. With strong contractility of the villous tissue, pain appears in the lower abdomen during ovulation.

Nagging pain during ovulation also occurs when the egg attaches to the endometrium. Women are interested in whether the stomach can hurt during attachment. The answer in this case is yes.

During the implantation of the egg, slight damage to the tissue lining the uterine cavity is observed. It is penetrated by a large number of small vessels. When the cell is implanted, slight bleeding occurs, which causes pain during ovulation.

Painful sensations in women suffering from various gynecological problems. Such diseases are of different nature. Many gynecological problems arise due to tissue infection by pathogenic microorganisms. Bacteria often feed on the cells of the tissue on which they settle. Inflammation occurs in this area. It affects why ovulation hurts the lower abdomen.

The problem also occurs in women who have chronic sexually transmitted diseases. The virus causes a change in the structure of the cell. Against the background of tissue infection by the virus, the symptom intensifies during smooth muscle contraction. Oncological damage to the ovaries causes painful ovulation symptoms. With ovarian cancer, a tumor forms on its surface. It begins to actively increase in size. Against the background of ovulation, the tumor increases pressure on the inside of the peritoneum. Due to this, during ovulation, the lower abdomen pulls.

Gastrointestinal pathologies can also affect a woman’s condition during the ovulatory period. If a girl experiences ovulation in her lower abdomen, she needs to undergo additional examination by a gastroenterologist. A frequent factor in the disease is a violation of the microflora of the large intestine. It stops processing decay products normally. Stagnation occurs in the intestines. The accumulation of gases leads to increased pressure on the back of the uterus. In this case, the uterus should be able to contract. If it does not contract, the pressure is distributed to the appendages and ovaries. An unpleasant symptom appears.

The structural features of the uterus also cause the symptom to appear. In this case, should pain affect ovulation? Doctors answer positively to this question. In all women, the uterus has different sizes and locations. In some patients, the uterus bends towards the abdominal cavity. In this case, during ovulation the abdominal region hurts. The resulting release of the hormone is accompanied by increased stretching of the follicle walls. It puts pressure on the muscles. The woman experiences discomfort.

Injury to the vaginal mucosa is also a negative factor. Many planning couples begin to actively have sex during their fertile period. Aggressive sexual intercourse may be accompanied by the appearance of damage to the mucous membrane. During sexual contact, a woman pays attention to pain. It occurs when there is increased friction of the skin on the surface of the wound. The same phenomenon is observed with erosive lesions of the uterus. An additional symptom is the appearance of blood after contact.

A low pain barrier is also one of the causes of the disease. Each woman's sensitivity to pain is individual. Some patients do not experience any sensations during ovulation, while other women complain of severe pain. This is caused by different sensitivities. It is impossible to correct the problem with medication. It is laid down at the genetic level. You can only help a woman move through the ovulatory phase more easily.

How to relieve the condition

It is impossible to completely eliminate the problem. The condition can be alleviated with the help of various analgesic drugs. For this purpose, analgin or baralgin is prescribed. The drug relieves pain and improves overall well-being. It is worth noting that these medications have a number of contraindications and side effects. If the patient does not comply with the dosage regimen, the risk of adverse reactions increases.

Painful sensations can also be relieved with the help of combination medications. Such medicines consist of several substances. These substances must have the following qualities:

  • Anesthesia;
  • Antispasmodic effect;
  • Anti-inflammatory effect.

These drugs help eliminate pain of various etiologies. They help reduce spasms in the uterus and abdominal muscles. Also, medications have a positive effect on inflammation, if present. Gynecologists prescribe the following combination medications: Spazgan, Spazmalgon, Revalgin, Tempalgin, Pentalgin, Dexalgin. It is recommended to take such drugs once. Frequent use of combination medications is addictive. A woman will not be able to relieve the problem with milder medications.

If the aching symptom is not pronounced, you can resort to simpler treatment. To do this you need to remain calm. A woman should be in a supine position during ovulation. If you experience a headache, it is recommended to shade the room. A contrast shower also relieves the problem well. It promotes a sharp expansion of blood vessels. The contraction of vascular tissue causes a change in the nutrition of the uterus. The pain gradually disappears.

It is impossible to determine exactly why the disease occurs during ovulation. To identify the cause, it is necessary to undergo an examination. Only after this a method for eliminating the pathology is selected.

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