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Blockage of cerebral vessels: symptoms and treatment features

Blockage of cerebral vessels is a pathological process in which the blood supply to the brain is disrupted. In pathology, disorders in the functioning of various organs and systems are diagnosed, therefore, if a pathology occurs, it is recommended to treat it in a timely manner.

Cerebral embolism appears in patients when exposed to a number of provoking factors:

  • Drinking insufficient water. If the drinking regime is violated, the viscosity of the blood increases. This leads to disruption of normal blood flow.
  • Genetic predisposition. People whose relatives suffered from the disease are at risk.

  • Stressful situations. With the constant experience of positive and negative emotions, patients develop illness.
  • Bad habits. When the body is exposed to nicotine, alcohol and drugs, a person’s blood thickens, which leads to an increased risk of thrombosis. When blood vessels become clogged, they become sluggish, lose elasticity, and form plaques.
  • Predominance in the diet of foods that contain fats and carbohydrates in large quantities. With improper nutrition, waste appears in the blood, and plaques appear on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Physical inactivity. With insufficient physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle, circulation and free flow of blood through the vessels are disrupted.

Pathology is diagnosed for a variety of diseases. People who suffer from varicose veins are at risk. The disease develops in patients with thrombophlebitis. Insufficiency of blood coagulation function becomes the cause of pathology. The cause of the disease is atherosclerosis. The likelihood of developing the disease increases in people with diabetes mellitus or autoimmune vascular changes.

With obesity and impaired metabolism, patients are diagnosed with the disease. During pregnancy, there may be an increase in blood clotting, which leads to illness. It develops if a large amount of substances is released in the patient's body, which leads to blood thickening. If a person takes certain medications, this leads to pathology.

Blockage of blood vessels in the brain is observed during diseases in the human body and exposure to various provoking environmental factors.

Types and symptoms of the disease

With thromboembolism, which affects the brain, blood clots break away from the site of their formation and clog the lumen of the blood vessels. In pathology, the occurrence of oxygen starvation of cerebral cells is diagnosed. Embolization can be arterial or venous.

The first is characterized by rapid development and blocks the lumen in the brain. Without immediate treatment, patients experience ischemic stroke. Venous embolism develops gradually and closes the gaps in the veins.

The main symptom of the disease is headache, which has a pressing or bursting character. The pain cannot be relieved with analgesics. The venous form of the disease is accompanied by periodic pain.

The pathological process is accompanied by additional symptoms: hypertension, fainting, impaired consciousness, disorientation in space, drowsiness, loss of consciousness.

When sick, the patient is diagnosed with weakness and excessive fatigue even when performing usual activities. If the disease develops in the temporal lobe, it is accompanied by tinnitus and deafness. When the frontal lobe is damaged, patients have speech impairment.

When examining the patient, abnormalities in blood pressure are diagnosed. If a person has an arterial form of the disease, then this leads to an increase in it, and if it is venous, then a decrease. Cerebral embolism is accompanied by deterioration of visual function.

Patients report double vision and visual impairment. Symptoms of the disease are depression and a feeling of fear.

With cerebral embolism, the development of meningeal symptoms in the form of muscle rigidity is diagnosed. Patients experience increased heart rate and cardiac arrhythmia. With pathology, convulsions may appear. It is manifested by hyperthermia and epileptic conditions.

There are many symptoms of the disease. If one or more symptoms occur, a person should seek the help of a doctor to diagnose and prescribe an effective treatment regimen.

Diagnostic measures

If vascular blockage is suspected, an assessment of the medical history and symptoms is not enough. Therefore, it is recommended to use instrumental methods:

  • . This is an x-ray examination that examines the structural elements of the brain. The method detects the location and size of the pathology.
  • Angiography. This is an x-ray examination that provides the ability to assess the quality of blood filling of blood vessels. The method determines the time and sequence of filling the vascular system with blood, the places where the blood flow is changed due to narrowing or blockage of the lumen channel.

  • . It is a full-scale analysis of the structure of brain tissue and blood vessels. The research method determines deviations from the norm that cause abnormal changes.
  • . Patients are recommended to undergo duplex scanning of the cervical and intracerebral canals. To study the movement of blood in large canals, Doppler sonography is recommended.

Using echotomography, deep internal tissues are examined. Transcranial Dopplerography allows you to examine the blood flow in the intracranial vessels.

  • Neurosonography. Using this method, the state of the brain and its structure in young children is assessed before the fontanel on the head closes. Through it, the vascular network is examined using an ultrasound machine.

  • Rheoencephalography. Makes it possible to analyze the state of the vascular network. The level of elasticity, fullness and patency of blood vessels is assessed.
  • Electroencephalography. Makes it possible to check the functional side of the circulatory system in the brain structures.

Diagnosis of the disease must be comprehensive, which will have a positive effect on the effectiveness of treatment.

Features of treatment

Only the doctor can decide what to do in case of pathology. It determines methods of treating the disease. At the initial stages of treatment of pathology, the use of drug therapy is recommended. Patients are recommended to take:

  • Statinov. Treatment of the disease is carried out with Mevakos, Mefacor.
  • Vasodilators. For pathology, the use of Cavinton and Actovegin is recommended.
  • Simvastatinov. Therapy of the disease is carried out using Actalipid, Zocor, Levomir, Vasilil.
  • Fibratov. In case of blockage of blood vessels, it is recommended to take Clofibrate, Atromid, Atromidine.

  • Small. With the help of drugs, anion exchange is ensured. For therapy, the use of Cerebrolysin and levocitin is recommended.
  • Tranquilizers. Patients are prescribed medications for anxiety. Its relief is carried out with Diazepam and Phenozepam.
  • Antidepressants. If the patient has encephalopathy or chronic cerebral ischemia, this requires taking Amitriptyline.

To improve the patient's condition, it is recommended to take antioxidants - vitamins A, C, E, selenium, microelements, multivitamin complexes. If a person's disease is caused by diabetes or hypertension, then he needs to use drugs to treat them.

If drug therapy is ineffective in advanced cases, the use of surgical techniques is recommended. Carotid endarterectomy is highly effective. During the operation, the pathologically altered vessel is dissected and the cholesterol plaque is removed.

In order to restore the vascular wall, sutures are applied. The surgical intervention is performed by a surgeon using local anesthesia. One day after removal of the plaque, the patient is discharged.

To treat the disease, a modern method is used - angioplasty.. This surgical intervention involves inserting a special tube into the vessel, which helps to expand the blocked area. If a patient is diagnosed with vascular blockage, then stenting is performed.

During the operation, a frame is fixed between the walls of the vessels and the plaque, the material of which is a thin wire. The use of these methods is carried out in extremely rare cases, due to the presence of complications.

Treatment of the pathological condition requires the use of diet therapy. Patients are strictly prohibited from consuming pickled and smoked foods. Sweets, cocoa and chocolate should also be avoided. Salt consumption should be kept in minimal quantities. It is recommended to use vegetable oil for cooking.

The human diet should be developed on the basis of grapefruits and seaweed. Eggplants that are steamed will be useful. Before eating vegetables, it is recommended to remove the skin from them. The consumption of apples, feijoyas, and gooseberries is recommended.

Proper nutrition will lead to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood. To cleanse blood vessels, it is recommended to drink one glass of hot water in the morning after waking up.

Blockage of blood vessels in the brain is a serious pathology that leads to undesirable consequences. When symptoms of the disease appear, the patient is prescribed treatment using diet therapy, medication and surgical methods. The choice of a specific treatment method depends on the severity of the pathology.

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