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Slavs and their first settlements. Antediluvian ancient settlements

Do not perform miracles for your own good,

and do miracles for the benefit of your Family and the Heavenly Family...

Help your neighbor in trouble,

for trouble will come to you,

your neighbors will also help you...

Do good deeds

Yes, for the glory of your Family and your Ancestors,

may you find protection from your Light Gods...

Perun's commandment. Santi Vedas of Perun text 22 .

Main co-host: Ivan
Contacts for communication. Email: [email protected]
Skype: danvantariy

START (1/2)

The settlement will be organized within a radius of up to 200 km from Moscow. The settlement area is 100-300 hectares. The settlement consists of 30 to 50 households. Each family has a plot of 1-2 hectares for homestead farming. Everything else is public land, for use for agricultural and industrial purposes. The settlement is positioned as an eco-village, oriented towards permanent residence with its own charter and self-government, based on the principles of Kopny law.

Goals and objectives.

A union of people with a Vedic worldview who honor the Slavic Gods, parents, grandfathers, Schurs and ancestors.

Creating conditions for the harmonious living of sensible families based on the personal knowledge and experience of ancestors; Alcohol, tobacco and other drug addicts certainly do not belong to the sane group.

Implementation of economic projects that bring stable income to the settlement.

Creating conditions for the spiritual and material development of settlement members.

Creating well-being and wealth in every family;

Revival of the cultural and moral traditions of our ancestors and their dissemination in society.

Creation of a sustainable viable society capable of adequately responding to the impact of emergency situations or other hostile forces.

Organizational aspects.

All settlements that have distributed land into private ownership are faced with the problem of dead souls. People disappear for one reason or another, and then resell the land after some time to third parties for personal gain. According to the law, the owner of private property has the right to sell the plot to third parties, divide the hectare into plots of 4 acres and sell it to summer residents, or simply do nothing on it. In the event of death, the plot begins to be divided between relatives and again goes into third hands.

This problem can be solved by registering the land as a Non-Profit Partnership, consisting of the owners of all plots. Those who enter into a partnership are allocated a plot of land for lifelong ownership with the right of transfer by inheritance.

This form of management allows the transfer of the Kopoy plot, in the event of the death of the owner, to a specific person to whom the deceased ordered to transfer. Thus, the murky state system of inheritance is bypassed, by decision of which the plot can pass into third hands.

Residents of many eco-villages, in particular Kovcheg and Milenki, joined the Non-Profit Partnership by registering land. Throughout the existence of the Ark since 2001, this form of registration of plots has repeatedly helped resolve conflicts with unscrupulous people.

In order to be able to build and register on the land, it is possible to transfer the lands of the settlement to the category of settlements. Moreover, this must be a rural locality with plots for private plots (personal subsidiary plots) within its borders. This form minimizes taxes and gives the official right not to pay taxes on grown agricultural products. During the paperwork process (and this will take several years), officials lose the opportunity to make claims about construction and other details. Read more about the transfer of land to the category of populated area here

The advantage of organizing a Non-Profit Partnership.

If a person takes a plot with the intention of living on the land, working for the good of the family in a circle of like-minded people, then no obstacles arise. Over time, he will be able to register, sell products without taxes and bequeath the plot to whomever he deems necessary;

All residents of the settlement are confident that the areas adjacent to them will be used for the same purposes;

The plots will not be empty. If the owner of the plot does not live or work on it, then the contribution is returned, the plot finds another owner;

If a person decides to leave the settlement, but there are already buildings on the site, along with the application for withdrawal, he submits to the Partnership a paper in which his real estate is valued. At Kop, a decision is made on whether the specified amount corresponds to the family’s labor costs, after which a final decision is made on the cost of buildings and labor costs. Next, a new owner is found for the site who is willing to purchase this property.

Only those who are already “ripe” to move to live and work on the land, surrounded by like-minded people, come to the settlement;

Non-profit Partnership allows you to realize the idea of ​​community in the true sense of the word as the optimal form of social structure.

Settlement management system.

Human Children from the Clans of the Great Race

and, you, descendants of the Heavenly Family,

be pure in Soul and Spirit,

and may a clear conscience

the measure of your actions will be...

127 Santi Vedas of Perun

- All decisions concerning the life of the settlement are made on Kop.
- Decisions are made jointly with 100% votes.
- The cops include heads of families (skhodotai), who lead a sedentary lifestyle in the settlement and have strong families with children. The space of the site must be holistic and refined. Children must be fed, clothed and trained. The house is reliable, warm, cozy and clean. If there is no harmony in the family and household, then there is no harmony in the soul, and there is no place for such people on the Kop!
- The head of the family bears full responsibility for the lives and actions of his family, relatives and guests who stopped by for a while, as well as for the actions of pets.
- To solve certain problems, the Kopa appoints responsible persons who are obliged to monitor the implementation of the work designated by the Kopa, public property, the treasury of the settlement, order and other functions in accordance with the charter of the settlement. A headman of the settlement is appointed, whose tasks include maintaining order, resolving disputes and solving minor pressing problems. If an adult settler does not agree with the decision of the headman, then he has the right to initiate a collection of cops and submit a proposal, statement, complaint, petition or demand of both a personal and public nature to the cop court.
- The headman or a person appointed by Kopa is responsible for the general guests of the settlement.
- The procedures for accepting new families are carried out by a unanimous decision of the Kopa.
- After the family joins the community, a probationary period is assigned, after which the issue of accepting the head of the family into the cops is considered.
- Khodotay is obliged to monitor his health. If symptoms of illness appear, the shotay must take measures to restore health. In case of refusal for any reason to be treated or in case of failure to comply with the requirements of the treating healer, the skhodotai is excluded from the Kopa, since by his actions he endangers his family, which, as a result of the indifferent attitude of the head of the family to his health, may be left without a breadwinner. As a result, the head of the family, through his actions, shifts the burden of maintaining the family onto the entire settlement.

In a settlement, common buildings and primary prefabricated houses of new settlers are built together. At Kop, it is decided what kind of building needs to be erected according to the needs of the family or settlement, how many people and for how long it is necessary to allocate for construction, who exactly helps on what day and what type of work they do.

You can find information about the construction of environmentally friendly and warm houses here

Every man worth his salt from any ancient Family should know

that the development and every multiplication of his ancient Family

Only four Great Powers help:

Clear Conscience and Ancient Faith, Sharp Sword and Hard Work.

Odin's commandment.

There is strength in being stingy! In Unity there is freedom, otherwise we will perish like obra!

Veles's book.

Economics of the settlement.

The main sources of increase in material wealth are natural energy and human intelligence. Economic freedom of residents is created through two levels of self-sufficiency.

The first is in their estates. The self-sufficiency of each site makes it possible to reduce by several times the need for purchasing food from outside, for transport and utilities. The use of heat-saving ecological houses will minimize heating costs. The use of the best technologies in agriculture will free up a lot of time. Shortening the working day frees up time for the realization of various interests, versatile creative activities, and satisfaction of a person’s spiritual needs; implementation of a new approach to maintaining health; creating a new system of education and upbringing of children, interaction between children and adults. Unlike a traditional village, personal subsidiary farming does not subjugate the entire way of life, but becomes an accessible means of providing healthy and varied food products and one of the types of employment.

In principle, a person on his estate can engage in any activity that does not harm nature and society. Living in a spacious settlement has a number of significant advantages in organizing a business: there is space for additional buildings, renting space is not required; you can build your own warehouses and depend less on buyers and intermediaries. There is an opportunity to create jobs directly in the place of residence. Many types of intellectual, creative work, small-scale production do not require expensive equipment, bulky structures, or being in large teams. It is enough to equip a cozy office or a spacious workshop. And for this the settlement is ideal. At the same time, the need for daily travel along the route: housing - garage - work - kindergarten - school - shops - garden plot - park - sanatorium - hospital - garage - housing is fundamentally reduced. Financial independence allows you to spend sufficient time on organization, self-education, advertising, and organizing the sale of goods or services.

The second level of self-sufficiency is settlements, regional associations of settlements. The creation of a new way of life must be understood as the natural evolution of society, which is characterized by the preservation of the best achievements of the previous stage. The attempt to revive many large enterprises in the information age is a relic of outdated economic thinking. It is much more promising to invest in information and biotechnologies. It is important to cultivate intellectual activities that do not harm the environment and in this regard keep pace with progress. Organizing the mutual exchange of intellectually capacious and technologically complex goods produced by specialists and small enterprises in settlements, relying on modern information technologies, will allow us not to slide into a system of primitive natural economy and maintain high productivity and efficiency, and organize the provision of the social sphere.

There is no point in producing all types of goods at all. First of all, it is necessary to create industries whose products are needed for self-sufficiency of settlements, ideally based on the use of their own raw materials and their own energy sources. In addition to food, it is quite possible to provide yourself with electricity, heat, build your own houses, make furniture and much more. The principle of self-sufficiency removes one of the most difficult problems of a market economy - the problem of sales, and with it the need for competition, advertising, marketing, and trade organization. Costs for taxes and transport are minimized. This radically reduces the cost of any product. But even the loss of a job or problems with selling the product produced will not radically affect the diet, health and lifestyle. A real opportunity is being created to fully provide for oneself without “making money.” And at the same time, the quality of life and degree of freedom will be higher than that of the “super-rich”.


Natural activities.

Growing plants is the most natural activity for humans. Organic products (vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, mushrooms, nuts) are in good demand, and the surplus can be exported. This activity can be one of the most profitable even with mass use. Growing food is especially important, even if you can support yourself with other work. Ecologically clean food grown in your own garden is a necessary component of a healthy lifestyle.

There will always be a demand for seed production, breeding of seedlings, breeding of medicinal, aromatic, ornamental plants, floriculture, growing plants for cleaning water bodies, making fabrics, and other special types of plants. It is possible to breed and keep animals for transport, protection, control of harmful insects, rodents, in order to obtain milk, eggs, wool, etc., non-commercial fishing, beekeeping. Breeding animals for slaughter, especially on a massive scale, does not agree with the ideology of harmonious symbiosis between man and nature. It is necessary to research, develop and mass implement the best methods for processing, preserving and storing food, especially those that do not require electricity, as this is related to solving the problems of self-sufficiency and material independence.


Development and construction of environmentally friendly, energy-efficient houses, utility rooms, warehouses, infrastructure facilities (electricity, information networks, water supply), water storage systems (wells, boreholes, ponds). Proven energy-efficient technologies and skills acquired during the construction of their own houses will undoubtedly be in demand not only within their own settlement, but also far beyond its borders.

Information Technology. Publishing activities.

Working on a computer is preferable to any industrial production, because... does not pollute the environment, does not consume materials, does not require significant material costs for equipment, premises, and does not produce noise. The results of the work are easily replicated. Successful developments can be exported and be a source of income for many years. The Internet allows you to establish prompt communication with software customers and avoid transportation costs when transferring and advertising the results of your work. Residents who provide themselves with the necessary means of subsistence have the opportunity to engage in large, long-term developments. Specific types of work: software development on a PC; artistic and design works; creation of games, educational programs, encyclopedias, cartoons, video clips, musical works; translation of technical texts, books from foreign languages.

The science.

Activities related specifically to intellectual work fit very naturally into the concept of a modern settlement. It is possible to engage in serious, long-term development even with small investments in science from the state. Many developments, especially in the field of agriculture, biotechnology, ecology, medicine, and alternative energy, can be immediately implemented.

Art. Folk crafts.

The dachas of writers, artists, and scientists in the Moscow region are an excellent example of how a quiet life in the lap of nature, material security, and healthy bioenergy create ideal conditions for the work of creative people.


Foster in your children a love for the Holy Land of the Race,

so that they are not seduced by overseas miracles,

but they themselves could create miracles more wonderful and beautiful,

Yes, for the glory of your Holy Land...

Santiy Vedas of Perun 21.

Living in a healthy environment makes it possible to train and educate new generations at a qualitatively new level, to transfer the education system from coding pedagogy to methodological one. It is especially important to create schools and consultation centers (lawyer, architect, builder, landscape designer, forester, gardener, vegetable grower, soil scientist, beekeeper, etc.); industrial, special training for children who have graduated from school from specialists. Organization of courses, seminars, conferences, lectures on ecological agricultural technologies, construction of ecological housing, etc. You will have to learn a lot, creating a new - for the vast majority - way of life.

Tourism. Sport.

The organization of sports and tourist centers, sanatoriums, and children's holiday camps can become a serious source of income. Tourists can be attracted by a healthy lifestyle, ecological cleanliness of the area, beautiful landscapes, nature, lifestyle features, distance from industry, clean food, recreation on the water, in the forest, etc.


Development of health centers instead of hospitals. The main principle of prevention and treatment should be the principle of perceiving the person as a whole, and not pulling him apart into separate parts. Every person is his own pharmacy and his own healer. It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Correct and complete knowledge is the basis of his health. Medical research should be carried out in the direction of implementing a healthy lifestyle, protecting people from information flows that destroy their health, disease prevention and general medical examination of the population, anti-alcohol and anti-drug educational work, and the introduction of a system of prenatal (perinatal) education.

The formation of a holistic worldview in people determines the behavioral activity of both an individual and the entire society and, therefore, directly affects their health. Only one who has unity of thoughts, words and deeds and they are aimed at good and not evil, and not only for himself, but also for his family, clan, people, Fatherland, humanity and for the entire biosphere can be completely healthy.

Settlement plan.

Winter-spring 2013

Gathering of the initiative group

Discussion of organizational issues. Choosing the path of development of the settlement.

Path No. 1 Purchase of land from shareholders, farmers, other persons or organizations.

Path No. 2 Obtaining a plot from the state. Read in detail here

May June
- Finding a place to settle.
- Solving legal issues regarding land registration.

- Planning and marking of all areas of the settlement.
- Joint construction of common buildings and prefabricated warm houses for families.
- Creating conditions for comfortable living of families within the estate.

Autumn winter
- Development of economic projects of the settlement.

Ushku hike, revival of traditions -

- Conference in the “Living House” (Moscow) The issue of organizing settlements of a new type -

Charter of NP Svetlodar.doc Download

Official website of the settlement NP Milenki - Alexey: Apart from the idea, nothing has been thought through. You won't last long growing vegetables. Look what's going on with people ( They are truly self-sufficient and provide products outside. But... at the same time, good things don’t always come from outside. They have already been robbed more than once (literally). In Galkinsky they work at the state level, and you are trying to secede. Who will let you live peacefully?
- Alex: question about the location: why is it planned to be within a radius of 200 km from Moscow and, for example, not 300 or 400 km? Can those who, for one reason or another, most of the time not be present or live in the settlement, be able to join the settlement on your principles?
- Daria: On the Kop??? What if there are no children yet??? Who can participate in the Kop?
- Nikolai: The plan needs to be seriously adjusted or the river bed needs to be changed in the shape of the letter Z and one bridge needs to be built across it. This is how new settlements were always organized in ancient times. With such a river, all gardens should go to the river, thus the entire settlement will be organized around the river and no one will have difficulties watering the garden. This must be taken into account first of all. Secondly, as soon as the first territories begin to be populated, the river must immediately be stocked with various fish. In the first 10-15 years the results will not be great, but after 20-25 the river will be abundant. But it must be stocked with fish every year for 10 years.
- Alexey: “The settlement will be organized within a radius of up to 200 km from Moscow,” “At first, some of the settlers will work or earn extra money in the capital.” Some of the first indicators are that there will be no autonomy (neither at first nor in the future). Another desire to “live in Christ’s bosom.” Nobody wants to raise existing villages: plowing the fields, raising livestock, dairy production, vegetable growing, gardening. How everyone wants to live in nature and earn big money in the city. This opportunity will never let go of a person's desire to completely go to earth. Everyone is shouting “It’s time to go to the ground”... and preferably closer to the city.
- Yura: Have you come across examples of families that have switched to complete self-sufficiency, that is, they do not need money?
- Blagomir: As I understand it, the settlement is being organized virtually... that is, there is a desire and nothing else for now...?
- Mlad: So one person is not needed in the settlement, only families are welcome?
- Galina: I join Mlada’s question - how to be lonely - for example, I have a 13-year-old daughter and I want a better life for her. Have you considered this option?
- vladimir: How will contributions to the common fund be taken into account? After all, everyone’s financial capabilities are different, and they do not always meet their financial needs!!!
- Darislav: What do people in the settlement plan to do, besides subsistence farming for their own needs?
- Evgeniy - Altai: How does the presenter see the image of the future, when somehow the power in the police department will be seized by community members who are not very clean, for example, in the next generation? Or is such a development ruled out?
- Evgeniy: Question - will there be a selection for the settlement based on the appearance of a Slayan or a non-Slav? because you can’t cook good porridge with outright half-breeds.
- Khivus: Sorry, but the special community organization is similar to the house 2 project
- Lyudmila, 54 years old: In the community, people are free. That’s right, there should be a law for everyone inside!
- Anton: An interesting point: how will (or will not?) children who grew up in a settlement contact the outside world (for example, young men serve in the army)? And in general, how do settlers see the future of their children?
- Mlad: how will the security patrol be organized?
- Blagomir: I know that I will hear a lot of criticism addressed to me, BUT I think that the settlement should be organized by families with children... Singles can participate in businesses and projects, but they cannot live..
- Evgeniy - Altai: I wrote in chats almost a year ago that we have more than 200 vacant plots in gardening, which can be privatized into ownership, spending 10-15 thousand rubles (though no more than 15 acres per family) and receive a certificate of ownership and be full owners (you just need to have registration in the region, which I think is correct, otherwise there are a lot of businessmen). The result is zero - everyone wants to live on earth only in words and talk in chats about how good it is. So good luck to the presenter, he will need it.
- Radomir: How is this settlement fundamentally different from the Megre settlements?

. 174760, Novgorod region, Lyubytino village, st. Pionerskaya, 1. Tel. +7 (816) 68-61-793.

The Lyubytinsky Museum of Local Lore is open to visitors:

May – September

Every day from 09:00 to 18:00, closed on Monday. Sanitary day is the last Friday of the month (Who comes up with this? Visitors never calculate this, so it turns out that their efforts to visit are in vain. Choose one date, it will be more convenient and honest).

October – April

Every day from 10:00 to 17:00, closed on Monday and Sunday. Sanitary day is the last Friday of the month.

During the tour: “I really enjoyed visiting this place, despite the fact that they promised much more events there than actually happened.

According to the guide, the Slavic village of the 10th century is located at the excavation site X century. But the Slavic village X century, not only is it located in the place where our distant ancestors lived, it is also restored exactly as our distant ancestors lived in it.

The village described here is designed for an ancient Slavic family of 20 - 22 people. It has houses for living, common buildings such as a barn, a cellar, a place for storing grain, as well as an armory, a forge, and so on and so forth.

On the territory of the 10th century Slavic village there is also a burial place of ancient Slavs. They used mounds, which are now nothing more than hills, as a cemetery. As one of the guides said, such embankments were made in layers, which is why the hill grew. Thus, they buried not the entire deceased distant ancestor, but his ashes obtained after the burning of the deceased. This is how the hills and embankments grew. Burials were carried out in 10–12 urns at a time. Until the required number of urns was collected, the urns were stored on the territory of a settlement, where exactly I do not know. It turns out that the burials were massive.

There are a lot of such burials in the Novgorod region.

I really liked the idea of ​​such a museum. It’s all the more gratifying that it was not just restored, but restored on the site of former excavations and is located exactly as it was more than 1,000 years ago.

Those tours that are organized by various tourism organizations are a mockery of tourists. It looks like this: I arrived, listened to a lecture for about 1 hour, or even more, then at high speed tourists are dragged through all the buildings and that’s it, free. Neither you can climb, nor you can participate.

To visit this place you need at least 5 hours. At the same time, either on the territory or nearby, there should be places where you can have a snack. And for large groups it would not hurt to increase the number of toilets. And now, what is called a toilet there is a mockery of visitors. A village toilet, located far from the museum itself, despite the fact that the “aromas” of a village toilet are unbearable even in winter. I think in the summer it’s impossible to go there without a gas mask.

So, there is something else for the organizers to work on.

The building of the Lyubytinsky Museum of Local Lore.

The territory of the Slavic village of the 10th century and the buildings and structures located on it.

A house for living, with a stove, a table, shelves and a place to sleep. Our distant ancestors ate and slept in such houses; they spent the rest of their time outside these houses, organizing their lives...

Another one of the houses for overnight stay; there are several such houses in the 10th century Slavic village. The required amount to accommodate the whole family, of which from 20 to 22 people.

Stove for winter heating during the night. In such houses there are no windows and the doors are very small. The small size of the doors serves 2 purposes. The first is that our ancestors were pagans, and to get home we had to bend down. A kind of nod to housing. The second is banal - so that in winter the warmth is retained when people go to bed in the evening.

A mound that serves as a burial place for the dead. Real.

The structure is a cellar where the ancient Slavs stored their food supplies. To keep it cooler longer in the summer, in the winter they carried ice from the river inside.

View of the cellar from the inside.

The building where the ancient Slavs stored grain. The grains were freed from the chaff and dried.


Kitchen, common kitchen, where food was prepared for an increasingly large family.

A barn where grain was stored. In this regard, this structure is not located on the ground, but not on supports.


Village area. So to speak, the border of the settlement, exactly on a hill, at the foot of this hill a river flows.

A Slavic community-eco-village is being organized.

Among us there is a ancestral healer who will teach all members of the community. The place has already been found, the action plan has been worked out. All the necessary knowledge is there: construction, agriculture, cattle breeding using special ancient technologies.

We are gathering people to move from big cities and live in a community on land, the land has already been purchased.
Places off the beaten track, beautiful. Dead-end road, nearest village 6 km; since no one has lived there for 20 years - the land is rested, cleansed, a sea of ​​mushrooms, a river nearby.

ATTENTION: we bought the land - Vladimir region, Vyaznikovsky district, near the village of Gulyaikha - protected areas, cleanest, quietest, we are visiting in early spring - more active, responsible, determined like-minded people are needed! And then the majority: “no, well, I don’t know, well, I would love to, but later, in a year, I have this, I have that..” - this is how a person buries himself in a grave called a metropolis.

The most difficult thing is the beginning, creation, organization of a community. This is where help is most needed! Russians, be active! Join us!

We are not selling the land - IT IS NOT FOR SALE - the land is community property and there will be no cutting into personal hectares! This is done in order not to undermine the unity of the community if some “clever guy” starts separatist sentiments.
Decisions in the community are made by unanimity, all around.

We do not accept raw foodists or Anastasians into the settlement.

Read completely

Settlement wall

28.05.2012 - 14:57

We want to help those people who want to understand what a real Slavic community living on earth is.
Briefly about us. We have already moved to our own land. We have 15 hectares of forests - they bought them. We have several fields for agricultural activities - 150 hectares, various agricultural equipment. We rented 30 km. Vondukh River.
And we want to get you out of the hell of the cities, at least for a while.
So that people come and look at the Slavic communal way of life, the complete absence of individualism, where a person does not need anything. He works for the joy of himself and nature for the glory of the Slavic-Aryan gods.
We invite all Slavs to come and visit us and work together with all members of the community to create a new society where there will be no private property.
And whoever likes it and who proves himself on the positive side, we will gladly accept him into our ranks.
Call 8-920-968-03-48.

25.02.2012 - 15:58

And also, due to the fact that there are so many slow-witted and lazy people who can’t even make a simple phone call - please, answers to frequently asked questions:

Free information

Status Settlement under construction Positioning Community-eco-village Updated June 13, 2012 On site since February 24, 2012

Conditions of entry

Join our team!


Russia, Vladimir region, Vladimir region, Vyaznikovsky district, near the village of Gulyaikha on the banks of the sacred river Vondukh.

Possibility to come

You can pitch tents

How to get to the settlement?

Only those who can see can see us...
Others just see a field and a river.

About the team


Settlement image, charter, rules

Living in nature, we are organizing a new center for the future reviving culture of original Rus', i.e. Next, we will pull people out of megacities and settle them around our settlement.
We take upon ourselves the civilizing mission of revival, and don’t just want to go off into the wilderness to get high there alone - development is not possible without society, and community is the essence of Slavic civilization.


Roads to the settlement

Roads inside the settlement

Nearest settlements


Cellular communications Water There are public springs Gas pipeline Electricity

Common Home

There is no common house

Educational institutions


Distance to school


Areas with what forest cover are present

  • No woody vegetation
  • With individual woody plants up to 5-7 years old
  • With individual mature trees
  • With mature forest

Yes, significant

Types of forests

  • Deciduous forest
  • Coniferous forest
  • Mixed forest


  • Flat fields
  • Gullies and cliffs

Reservoirs (less than an hour's walk)

  • River suitable for boating

Settlements characteristic of a particular people, like dwellings, change and develop depending on the geographical environment, on population density and on the stage of social development experienced by a given people. And of course, we must take into account “time-honored” traditions, which often preserve very ancient forms that no longer seem to correspond to the changed conditions of life.

According to archaeological data, in the first half of the 1st millennium AD, the ancestors of the Slavs built almost no fortifications. Most villages were more than sufficiently protected by impenetrable forests and swamps. As historians write, ancient tribes chose a suitable sunny slope near the shore of a river or lake - and built without much fear of external enemies. The basic principles of choosing a place to settle are described in the chapter of the same name.

3rd–5th centuries

While excavating the settlements of the Slavs who once lived in the Dnieper forest-steppe, scientists came across the remains of many half-dugouts, about a meter deep into the ground. Clearing them, the researchers came to the conclusion that in front of them was a cluster of individual houses connected by internal passages - a kind of semi-underground covered corridors. It seemed that a brilliant illustration had been found for the message of the Byzantine author, who wrote that local residents arranged many exits in their homes in case of unexpected danger. Such settlements began to be called “hives”; their descriptions can be found in scientific and popular science literature published in our country in the 30s and 40s of the twentieth century. And only later it turned out that this was a mistake. Additional research revealed: there was no complex system of transitions, there was no “hive”. What was mistaken for corridors leading from house to house turned out to be the remains of half-dugouts dug at different times and overlapping one another...

In ancient times, the ancestors of the Slavs actually lived in family “nests”, that is, small settlements, each of which was inhabited by one clan - a large family of several generations. Initially, all members of the clan - according to scientists, about fifty to sixty people, led by an elder - lived in one large house, which simultaneously served as a barn, a warehouse, a workshop, and a utility room. It is clear that its area was large - about 500 square meters. Such houses were built at different times (and in some places are still being built) by all the peoples of the Earth. However, life did not stand still: by the beginning of our era, the importance of the individual family within the clan increased significantly, individual families began to build their own housing, leaving the cells inside the large house, so that gradually it lost the function of the main home, remaining a “community house” for meetings and joint works, and residential buildings and outbuildings were located around.

An ancient, "nest" settlement.
VI–VIII centuries

By the end of the 1st millennium AD, the tribal isolation of such settlements was gradually weakening. Some members of the clan separate completely and leave their homes. They leave to explore new lands and establish their own settlements. On the other hand, strangers and newcomers appear in the former tribal villages - the “tribal” community gradually turned into a “neighborhood” one...

Settlements of the Eastern Slavs

The types and forms of settlements depend on the conditions of the geographic environment, on the level of development and nature of the productive forces, on the economic structure of society (especially on the forms of land ownership), and on population density. Along with the growth of productive forces and changes in the economy, the type and form of settlements change. However, the role of ethnic tradition is also important, which sometimes delays the change in the types of settlements of a given people.

Settlements are studied and classified from different points of view. Of great interest are the types of settlement, i.e. the distribution of settlements on the earth's surface, its grouping in relation to the landscape: this includes valley, lakeside, high-mountain and other types of settlement. Further, the types of settlements are distinguished: single-yard and multi-yard with varieties of each of them (city, town, town, village, village, village, village, farmstead, etc.). Finally, in ethnography it is especially customary to study and classify settlements from the point of view of their shape: thus, for rural multi-yard settlements, cumulus, linear, circular and other forms are established.

Villages of the first half of the 1st millennium AD. e. (belonging to the “burial fields” culture), located in the forest-steppe zone, were mostly unfortified villages. They were usually located on sunny slopes, near rivers and streams, sometimes on river terraces above the floodplain. The Antes who lived in these villages did not know fortified settlements: the tribes, which easily moved from place to place, all of whose men were warriors (which, as is known, is typical for tribes of the era of military democracy), did not need fortifications; They were protected by dense forests that descended along the banks of the rivers to the water itself.

A number of historical and archaeological data indicate that during this period there was a breakdown of the primitive communal system.

During the VI-VIII centuries. property stratification gradually increased, the ruling elite emerged and a regular military organization appeared - the squad. In the 7th century associations of Ant tribes disintegrated, the Ant pre-feudal period in the history of the Eastern Slavs was gradually replaced by a transition period, the process of formation began

Kievan Rus, the era of feudalism began. By this time, open, unfortified settlements in the forest-steppe began to give way to fortified settlements, the appearance of which serves as an indicator of the increasing frequency of wars. They tried to build fortifications in hard-to-reach places - high capes - outcrops, steeply plunging towards the river; on the ground side the fortification was fenced with a ditch and an earthen rampart. The vast majority of the Romensk-Borshev settlements are located on the high capes of the river bank. Often an open, unfortified settlement adjoined a fortified settlement. Like the settlements of the people of the “burial fields,” in other words, the Antes, the Romny-Borshev settlements were always located among barely passable forest thickets and were protected, in addition to ravines and cliffs of the high bank, also by swampy lowlands, lakes and swamps of the floodplain part of the valley. As a rule, settlements are not found in treeless areas.

The settlements are very different in the size of the area they occupy (Monastyrische - 500 m, Novotroitsk settlement - 3500 m 2, etc.). Essentially, they were rural-type settlements characteristic of the feudal system.

In the North, in the forest belt, early settlements were somewhat different. The ancient settlement in the Upper Volga region, already discussed above, existed in the 3rd-5th centuries. n. e. (Bereznyaki settlement), was a nest in which residential buildings stood separately, while outbuildings were located around a large public house and served as places of community production. The collective burial house indicates that the population of the village consisted of blood relatives. This was a patriarchal clan group, numbering 50-60 people, who ran their own household on a communal basis and had common supplies.

By the end of the 1st millennium, the arrangement of settlements in compact clan groups gradually disappeared. A territorial rural community was formed, and the role of labor of each individual family increased. Settlements increased in size, the layout of the villages and their general appearance changed.

Villages of the Ilmen Slavs and Krivichi of the 7th-9th centuries. They were usually located on relatively low, level and comfortable places for life along the banks of rivers; Log huts were often placed in a row along the shore, facing the lake or river. Thus, “at the end of the 1st millennium,” writes P. N. Tretyakov, “the main features inherent in the Old Russian northern village had already begun to take shape. Villages of this nature had finally replaced by this time the more ancient form of the village - the patriarchal nest, the village of the patriarchal community, very small and differently planned, going back to the type of settlement near the village. Birch forests".

Often, when studied, ancient settlements turn out to be “multi-layered”: under the deposits of the “grand-ducal period” of the 10th-13th centuries. a village of the Romny-Borshev type is discovered, i.e., 8th-9th centuries, under it are found the remains of the “burial fields” culture (first half of the 1st millennium), which in turn arose on the site of a fortified settlement of the Scythian era.

Even in the “Antian period” (i.e., in the 2nd-7th centuries AD), pottery, weaving, and metal processing gradually developed. Little by little, crafts began to emerge from agriculture into an independent industry, trade connections emerged, and economic prerequisites were created for the emergence of cities. It can be assumed that the Antes already had urban settlements, i.e. concentrations of artisans and market places; at least Ptolemy (2nd century AD) speaks of six cities on the Dniester. But already in the second half of the 1st millennium, on the basis of large settlements of the pre-feudal period, as a result of a long process, numerous Slavic cities began to emerge, representing by the 9th-10th centuries. the center of many and varied crafts.

Situated on an elevated site and surrounded by ditches, ramparts and a wooden tine, the Slavic town has now become an integral feature of the landscape not only of the Middle Dnieper region, but also of the northern East Slavic lands. And it’s not for nothing that the Scandinavian sagas called the country of the Eastern Slavs “The Country of Cities.”

Cities served as places of refuge for the surrounding population in case of military danger. The well-known chronicle story about the siege by Princess Olga of the Drevlyan city of Iskorosten reports that the Drevlyans had numerous “cities” in which the population of the earth “shut up” during the invasion of Olga’s troops. From Olga’s words that the Drevlyans besieged in Iskorosten are in danger of starvation, since they cannot “make their own fields and their own land,” it is clear that the entire surrounding agricultural population took refuge inside the Iskorosten fortifications. These “cities” of the Drevlyansky land, i.e. the region east of the river. Teterev and south of Pripyat, left behind numerous, as yet little-studied settlements.

In a city where the collapse of old social forms was accomplished much faster, starting from the 9th century, and, possibly, from an earlier time, no traces of a patriarchal large-family structure could be found. For example, Ladoga in the 9th and 10th centuries. consisted partly of separate courtyards, representing peasant economic nests, i.e., combinations of a hut, cage, stable, granary, etc., adapted to the tasks of agriculture; in another part of the city, residential buildings were located in two regular parallel rows, completely consistent with each other, and with strict orientation to the cardinal points. However, this is not yet a street, because the huts of each row face the huts of the other row not with their front, but with their rear facades and extensions to them. The buildings are crowded in rows. Between them there are only narrow passages, nooks and backyards. In some areas, courtyards between buildings with collapsed woodpiles and even special stumps for chopping wood were found.

We still know very little about the type of rural settlements from the 11th to 12th centuries. and up to the 17th century, since archaeological material so far characterizes only individual buildings and, at best, estates for these five hundred years; the type of northern village emerged only for the forest belt. Along with “typical villages”, villages, graveyards, settlements and other types of settlements were already characteristic of the North at that time (see below). As for the southern settlements of this period, when studying this issue, one should not forget about the so-called desolation of the steppe and the ebb of the Russian population from here (in the XIV-XV centuries), caused by the raids of nomads, and that the secondary colonization of the steppe region by Russians began only in the XV-XVI centuries.

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