Cholesterol site. Diseases. Atherosclerosis. Obesity. Preparations. Nutrition

How to take statins - in the morning or in the evening?

Statins are special drugs that lower cholesterol. An increased concentration of this substance leads to the development of atherosclerosis and severe vascular damage. That is why the problem cannot be started. You will learn more about when it is better to take statins in the morning or in the evening and how the drug works.

High cholesterol is very dangerous. First, the vascular walls are damaged, then fatty plaques form in them, the lumen of the vessels narrows, and a blood clot appears. Blood clots in the heart cause a heart attack, and in the brain a stroke.

As a rule, the doctor first recommends the patient to adjust the lifestyle - improve nutrition, start exercising, lose weight, stop smoking and limit alcohol consumption. But if these measures do not help, special medications are used.

Statins: pharmacology

Before you figure out how to properly take statins for cholesterol in the morning or evening, you need to figure out
What exactly is this drug. This is a separate class of drugs that are used to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood.

The drug has a blocking effect on the HGM-CoA enzyme responsible for the production of this component. At the same time, the risk of developing angina pectoris, stroke or heart attack is reduced. And when to take statins in the morning or in the evening - read on.

Admission rules

So how do you take statins in the morning or evening? Strictly in the evening. The fact is that the drug affects the liver - the organ in which cholesterol is synthesized. The liver enzyme is blocked, and the synthesis of cholesterol is suspended. As a result, the liver begins to draw cholesterol from the vessels, and they are cleared.

Therefore, the answer to the question, at what time is it better to take statins in the morning or in the evening - in the evening. Because the synthesis of cholesterol occurs at night.

And how to take statins before meals or after? This is not important, since the effect of the drug with food is in no way connected. The main thing is to know what foods the medicine is not compatible with. This:

  • Fatty food;
  • Animal fats;

How to take statins before or after meals - it does not matter at all. But if you drink them with grapefruit juice, you risk harming yourself. The substances contained in this citrus prevent the components of the drug from being destroyed.

As a result, the concentration of cholesterol in the blood rises, muscles are destroyed, and kidney failure may develop. When to drink statins in the morning or in the evening, you now know - it remains only not to combine their intake with fatty foods and drink plain water. The optimal time of reception is an hour before going to bed.

In this article, you learned when it is better to take statins in the morning or in the evening and what foods you should not combine them with. Follow the rules - and the drug will not harm you. Be healthy!

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