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Where was Bondarev born? Biography of Yuri Vasilievich Bondarev

There are many writers who know about the Great Patriotic War first-hand. They themselves fought and have every right to write about that terrible time. Yuri Bondarev is one of these writers. His truthful and honest books conveyed the terrible truth about the harsh times. They were translated into different languages ​​of the world, films were made based on them and performances were staged. What do we know about this person? In what city was Yuri Bondarev born? The biography and work of one of the iconic writers of the Soviet era will be presented in the article.


He was born in the Orenburg region in 1924. When the Great Patriotic War began, Yuri was finishing tenth grade. Carefree youth is over, dreams and plans had to be left in the happy past. Yesterday's schoolchildren had to grow up literally overnight. Yuri Bondarev, like a huge number of his peers, aspired to go to the front. But first of all, it was necessary to obtain a military profession in order to bring real benefit.

Bondarev got to the front only a year after the start of the war, having graduated from the infantry school by that time. It gave him the right to become the commander of a mortar crew. The war had a huge influence on the formation of his life and creative views. Many readers are probably interested in knowing where he fought and in what battles he took part. The future writer found himself in the thick of it - Stalingrad.

Studying the memories of front-line soldiers and materials about the war, we know that in 1942 there were many killed and wounded here. The Battle of Stalingrad was a turning point in the war. Yuri Bondarev was also wounded. He was sent to the hospital, and after recovery he liberated Kyiv, Poland, and Czechoslovakia. The end of the war found him studying at an artillery school. What else is known about this man and future writer?

Curious facts about the life and work of the writer

  • In childhood, my favorite pastimes were hunting, fishing, and nightly conversations around the fire.
  • After the war, he tried to do a variety of jobs, but internal restlessness did not allow him to make a final choice of profession.
  • Thanks to a friend who read his notebook with notes and stories about the war, he decided to become a writer.
  • Yuri Bondarev began writing books in the post-war years. He took writing very seriously and graduated
  • Konstantin Paustovsky provided great support to the aspiring writer. He always helped him with advice.
  • Among books about the war, Yuri Bondarev highly appreciates Viktor Nekrasov’s story “In the Trenches of Stalingrad.”
  • He created a new genre - miniatures with a philosophical bent. They are included in his book "Moments".
  • For the spirituality and high morality of his works he was awarded the Patriarchal Prize.
  • Favorite writers: Ivan Bunin, Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky. Among contemporary authors, I like Zakhar Prilepin.

"Hot Snow"

One of the most amazing and truthful books about the war. This novel was written twenty years after its completion. It was impossible to find a person in the USSR who had not read this book, just as it was later difficult to find someone who had not watched the film of the same name. The distinctive feature of this work is that there is no embellished reality. War is blood, dirt, torment and suffering. Yesterday's schoolchildren, who have not yet managed to find themselves, in war are forced to command companies and regiments, and bear responsibility for the fragile lives of other people.

The novel is set in 1942, Stalingrad. The book was written based on the personal memories of Yuri Bondarev, so there is no embellishment of reality here. The main character in the novel is Lieutenant Yuri Kuznetsov, who is not yet twenty years old. The writer does not idealize his hero. He is no stranger to fear, doubt, and indecision, but at the same time Bondarev shows the strength of spirit and courage of a very young youth. "Hot Snow" is the real truth about the most tragic moment in the history of the war.

"The battalions are asking for fire"

Another work about war that is simply a must read. The book was filmed and the film was received with great love by viewers and critics. It is impossible to read this book without tears. A huge number of people died during the storming of the Dnieper. Were these sacrifices justified? Could there have been a different development of events? In his story, Bondarev raises a problem that was hushed up for a long time in the literature of that time - the responsibility of commanders-in-chief for the lives of ordinary, ordinary soldiers. Along with this, the feat of the Russian people who died defending their Motherland is described. They also wanted to live and love, but they simply could not do it any other way. The story is surprisingly lyrical, despite the cruel realism of what is happening.

Yuri Bondarev: stories

Paustovsky highly appreciated the writer’s first works. He especially liked the story "Late in the Evening." What is he talking about? The plot is quite simple. Kolya and his friend Misha are waiting for his mother. There is bad weather outside, a snowstorm. Kolya lets Misha go home and he becomes scared. But gradually the fear of loneliness is replaced by worries about my mother. The boy is no longer worried about himself, but about the person closest to him.

The writer has several dozen stories, reading which you can better understand his work. Their distinctive features are: humanity, decency, humanity and justice.

Basic principles of life and creativity

  • The present is manifested in actions. You can talk as much as you like on the topic of patriotism, or you can do something specific for your country.
  • The world rests on three things: culture, education, intelligence.
  • Real literature should not engage in moralizing, it describes only real things.
  • Classical Russian literature is the main assistant in the fight against ignorance.
  • You can't give in to despondency. More optimism!
  • Be sure to set high goals and strive to achieve them.
  • Every good story must have two things: intrigue and interest.

Bondarev Yuri Vasilievich (born in 1924), writer.

In 1931 he moved to Moscow with his parents. From school he was drafted into the army and ended the war as an artillery commander.

Having been demobilized after his second wound (1945), Bondarev in 1946 became a student at the M. Gorky Literary Institute in Moscow, where he studied in the seminar of K. G. Paustovsky.

Since 1949, Bondarev's first stories began to appear in magazines.

Soon after graduating from the institute in 1951, he was admitted to the Union of Writers of the USSR. In 1956, Bondarev’s first story, “Youth of Commanders,” was published, telling about the everyday life of artillery school cadets at the end of the war and in days of peace.

The following two stories brought wide fame to the writer - “The Battalions Ask for Fire” (1957) and “The Last Salvos” (1959); they were examples of the genre of lyrical front-line stories.

Bondarev’s first novel, “Silence” (1962-1964), was also an event - one of the first addresses in Soviet literature to the topic of Stalin’s repressions. In “Silence,” as in the story “Relatives” (1969), the author’s focus is on problems of morality in their connection with the past and present. The novel “Hot Snow” (1970) was a great success, in which Bondarev came close to creating an epic canvas, although the action of the work is limited to one day and one event - the battles on the outskirts of Stalingrad.

In the following novels - “The Shore” (1975), “Choice” (1980), “The Game” (1985), “Temptation” (1991), “Non-resistance” (1994-1995) - Bondarev turned to the destinies of the Russian intelligentsia of the second half of the 20th century (his heroes are a writer, artist, film director, scientist). Bondarev actively acted as a publicist (collection of articles “Search for Truth”, 1976; “Man Carries the World within Himself”, 1980, etc.); in the 80-90s he increasingly revealed his commitment to the position of the so-called patriotic camp.

A significant place in Bondarev’s creative biography is occupied by his work in cinema - he created film scripts based on many of his own works, the script for the epic film “Liberation” (1970-1972). Since the late 60s. Bondarev held leading positions in the Writers' Union, was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, and a delegate to several congresses of the CPSU. Awarded the Lenin Prize (1972) and twice the USSR State Prize (1977, 1983).


The study of the work of Yuri Vasilyevich Bondarev has a very long history. The analysis of his works began immediately after the publication of his first prose collection, “On the Big River,” in 1953. Initially, numerous reviews appeared in newspapers and magazines containing rave reviews about the young writer. Immediately, a discussion arose in the press about the scale of the author’s artistic talent. These responses are the first approach to a multilateral and diverse analysis of the work of Yu. Bondarev. Subsequently, more detailed analyzes of his works appear. And here the opinions of journalists and critics are replaced by full-fledged literary studies. The books by V. Kovsky, M. Kuznetsov, O. Mikhailov, A. Ovcharenko contain reflections on the origins of Y. Bondarev’s creative individuality, and his artistic manner, method and style are carefully analyzed. The language of Yu. Bondarev's prose and the poetics of his novels are also not ignored. For the first time, one of the main problems put forward by Yu. Bondarev in his work is noted - the problem of the moral choice of heroes.

A number of dissertation studies are devoted to covering the moral and philosophical essence of the writer’s novels. A discussion opens about the need to include the works of Yu. Bondarev in the school curriculum, and subsequently chapters about his work are included in textbooks. Along with articles of a general nature, works appear that examine the genre specificity of Y. Bondarev’s works, touching on the issue of traditions and innovation in the writer’s work.

The beginning of understanding literary criticism about the work of Y. Bondarev was laid by A. Ninov’s review that appeared in 1960 in the magazine “Siberian Lights,” dedicated to critical publications about the story “Battalions Ask for Fire.” Continued in the early 80s. XX century dissertation research by F. Nadzhieva “The main problems of Russian Soviet prose and the work of Y. Bondarev of the 50-60s,” which presents a brief description of the state of domestic literary criticism dedicated to the works of Y. Bondarev.

Bondarev Yuri Vasilievich: biography

Bondarev, Yuri Vasilyevich was born on March 15, 1924 in the city of Orsk (now Orenburg region) in the family of Vasily Vasilyevich Bondarev (1896--1988), a people's investigator, and Klavdiya Iosifovna Bondareva (1900--1978). In 1931 they moved to Moscow.

Participant of the Great Patriotic War (since August 1942), junior lieutenant.

In 1941, Komsomol member Bondarev, together with thousands of young Muscovites, participated in the construction of defensive fortifications near Smolensk. In the summer of 1942, after graduating from the 10th grade of high school, he was sent to study at the 2nd Berdichev Infantry School, which was evacuated to the city of Aktyubinsk.

In October of the same year, the cadets were sent to Stalingrad. Bondarev was enlisted as commander of the mortar crew of the 308th regiment of the 98th Infantry Division. Agenosov V. The artistic world of philosophical novels by Yu. Bondarev. // Soviet literature and education of a socially active person. Interuniversity. Sat. scientific tr. - M. 2008, p. 44.

In the battles near Kotelnikovsky he was shell-shocked, received frostbite and was slightly wounded in the back. After treatment in the hospital, he served as a gun commander in the 23rd Kiev-Zhitomir Division. Participated in the crossing of the Dnieper and the liberation of Kyiv. In the battles for Zhitomir he was wounded and again ended up in a field hospital.

Since January 1944, Yu. Bondarev fought in the ranks of the 121st Red Banner Rylsko-Kyiv Rifle Division in Poland and on the border with Czechoslovakia.

In October he was sent to the Chkalov Artillery School and after graduating in December 1945, he was declared partially fit for service and demobilized due to injuries.

Graduated from the Literary Institute named after. A. M. Gorky (1951).

He made his debut in print in 1949. The first collection of stories, “On the Big River,” was published in 1953. Author of short stories (collection “Late in the Evening”, 1962), stories “Youth of Commanders” (1956), “Battalions Ask for Fire” (1957; 4-part film “Battalions Ask for Fire” based on the story, 1985), “Last Salvos” ( 1959; film of the same name, 1961), “Relatives” (1969), novels “Hot Snow” (1969; film of the same name, 1972), “Silence” (1962; film of the same name, 1964), “Two” (continuation of the novel “Silence” ; 1964), “The Shore” (1975; film of the same name, 1984).

Deputy of the Council of Nationalities of the USSR Armed Forces of the 11th convocation (1984-1989) from the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region. Delegate to the XIX All-Union Conference of the CPSU (1988). Member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the RSFSR (1990-1991). In 1991 he signed the “Word to the People” appeal.

He was a member of the editorial board of the Roman-Gazeta magazine. Since 2001, member of the editorial board of the magazine “World of Education - Education in the World.”

The story “Battalions Ask for Fire” was published in 1957. This book, like the subsequent ones, as if logically continuing “Battalions...” - “Last Salvos”, “Silence” and “Two” - brought their author Yuri Bondarev wide fame and recognition from readers. Each of these works became an event in literary life, each caused a lively discussion.

The novel is multifaceted, multi-problematic, it is at the same time military and psychological, philosophical and political, it understands a number of socio-philosophical problems associated with the painful search for one’s “shore”, which determines a person’s moral life.

The author, Yuri Vasilievich Bondarev, based on genuine historical events, explores and reveals their impact and influence on the formation of personality type and quality of life.
The novel "The Bermuda Triangle" describes the dramatic events in Russia in the post-Soviet period of the early 1990s, narrates the difficult fate of literary heroes who survived extreme stressful situations on the verge of life and death and changed their lives...

The novel by Yuri Bondarev tells about the intelligentsia of the 70s. The author traces the fates of the heroes from pre-war times; the narrative contains many returns to the past. This composition allows us to identify the characters in time and show time in the characters’ characters. The main idea of ​​the novel: search and knowledge of oneself, the search for the meaning of life in all its contradictions.

Yuri Bondarev's widely known novel "Hot Snow" is dedicated to the Battle of Stalingrad, the heroism of Soviet soldiers who won one of the decisive battles of the Great Patriotic War.
For high school age.

The novel "The Game" logically completes a kind of trilogy ("The Shore", "Choice") about the modern intelligentsia. It raises all the same questions of good and evil, the meaning of life, its purpose, the theme of love and death of a person who, in a short period of his life, must realize himself and leave his unique mark on it.

The author addresses the topic of the Russian intelligentsia, its dramatic existence in the modern world, the dramatic changes in society over the past decades, which have entailed a revision of the moral virtues of man, revealed in complex moral conflicts.

Yuri Vasilievich Bondarev is an outstanding Russian writer, a recognized classic of Soviet literature. His works have been published in thousands of copies not only in our country, but have been translated into foreign languages ​​and published in many countries around the world.
This book contains short literary and philosophical essays expressive in content and meaning, which the author himself called moments, selected stories and the short story “The Last Salvos”.

Yuri Bondarev's new novel "Non-resistance" is what we are missing today.
This is a novel of Russian resistance. This is the current officer challenge of Yuri Bondarev.
In Yuri Bondarev, to this day there lives a front-line hatred of all the staff bastards. You can’t make it up and you can’t play it out.

Yuri Bondarev's biography will briefly tell about the life and work of the Russian writer.

Bondarev Yuri Vasilievich short biography

Born on March 15, 1924 in Orsk in the family of a people's investigator. When he was 7 years old, the family moved to Moscow. In his youth, as part of other Komsomol members, he participated in strengthening the Smolensk defensive fortifications. In the summer of 1942, after graduating from the 10th grade of high school, he was sent to study at the 2nd Berdichev Infantry School.

Since 1942 he was a participant in the Great Patriotic War. After graduating from military school, he fought on the Stalingrad front, where he was wounded.

From 1945 to 1951 he studied at the Gorky Literary Institute.

His first stories were published in 1949. The first collection of stories, “On the Big River,” was published in 1953. Author of short stories (collection “Late in the Evening”, 1962), novels “Youth of Commanders” (1956), “Battalions Ask for Fire” (1957), “Last Salvos” (1959), “Relatives” (1969), novels “Hot Snow” (1969), “Silence” (1962), “Two” (continuation of the novel “Silence”; 1964), “Shore” (1975).

Heroes of novels by Yu.V. Bondarevs are usually strong people who are successful in creativity, which is partly autobiographical. In 1984, the writer was appointed as a deputy and received the Hero of Socialist Labor, and in 1990 he became a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the RSFSR. And also, he was a laureate of the Lenin and two State Prizes of the USSR. Since 2001, Yu. V. Bondarev has been a member of the editorial board of the magazine “World of Education - Education in the World.”

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