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Read online "principles of success." Life and career of Konosuke Matsushita Principles of success by Konosuke Matsushita

I read a short book by Konosuke Matsushita “The Principles of Success”.

For those who don’t know, the author is the founder of the Matsushita Electric empire, which produces well-known products under the Panasonic, Technics and National brands. Some time ago, I became disillusioned with business literature that exploited the motifs of Eastern wisdom and all kinds of spiritual traditions. Then I realized that I was looking for ready-made recipes in them. Matsushita's book contains about a hundred simple sayings written in simple words. These are not tips, these are precisely the principles by which you need to think about your problems. Each principle can be used as a topic for meditation; many such books have been published under the authorship of Osho. “Business is something that some people do for the happiness of others. Business is one of human aspirations. The head of the enterprise, his employees, suppliers, consumers - they are all people. They are all involved in the common pursuit of the happiness of mankind. When running a business, you need to deeply understand people and their inner nature.” Failure to understand this principle is one of the main causes of problems in our business. It contains the entire essence of business metaphysics.

“You may think that this is a property of a person, but in fact it is information that is drawn to the right person.

Information is life. She quickly finds people who recognize her importance and really want to have her. Information bypasses those who only idly collect data and cannot put it into action. Whether the information is used or not depends on the person.”

“Politics, studies, business - every sphere of human activity is aimed at protecting the world, people’s happiness and prosperity.

People are not pawns in politics, not vessels for knowledge, and not instruments of commerce or industry. On the contrary, these are politics, education and business - tools for enriching a person and meeting his needs. War and poverty continue to devastate the earth because some people think there is something more important than human life.”

“If your mind is open, you can learn even from the sound of the wind.

You may have rich and exceptional experiences, but if you are distracted, you may miss out on a golden opportunity to see something useful and learn something new. Whatever you do, take your life seriously. In this way you will continuously expand your knowledge, so that you can extract the truth from even the faintest breeze.”

“Accept success as a gift of fate, and failure as a lack of effort.

When things go well, some people take credit for it, and when things go badly, they blame others. But such people cannot hope to grow. Those who accept success as a gift of fate and express gratitude to everyone who helped, and in case of failure see its source primarily in themselves, these are the people who truly develop.”

The book presents 105 principles of success formulated by the great 20th century business guru Konosuke Matsushita, founder of Matsushita Electric, which created such famous brands as Panasonic, Technics and National.
All principles are very simple, but at the same time extremely deep, as they are based on a holistic understanding of the laws of business, life and human psychology.

I lived in a very difficult and interesting time. The trials made him strong, but did not harden his heart. His enthusiasm and determination made him successful and the richest man in Japan.

Konosuke Matsushita's leadership style is a subtle philosophy of creation and serving people: simple and very wise. Here are some of the principles this extraordinary leader followed.

A businessman is an artist

Just like an artist uses paint, brushes and canvas to create a beautiful picture, a businessman uses people, goods and capital to develop new products and offer services in response to the ever-changing needs of the times. In this sense, a businessman is an artist with multifaceted talent.

Do what's smart and your business will prosper

When you go out on a rainy or cloudy day, you naturally take an umbrella. So you follow the laws of common sense: You know that if you don’t want to get wet in the rain, you need to take an umbrella.

The same can be said about business. You produce good products and make reasonable profits. In a simple situation, these are completely normal actions, you will have few mistakes, and your enterprise will be successful.

On the way to the goal, don't stop halfway

When people fail, even when pursuing righteous goals, using appropriate methods and working hard, it is usually because they stop halfway. If you give up on your goal before you achieve it, then what will you achieve?

Good times are good and bad times are even better

We can be grateful when business is going well, but when the downturn hits, we often think more deeply about things we didn't consider during the good times.

Recessions often present great design opportunities. It helps a lot to think that good times are good and bad times are even better.

Failure creates opportunities for new success.

Everyone has the right to enjoy success. But success can dull the sense of danger and lead to increased self-esteem. Failure, on the contrary, can create opportunities for new success, if, of course, you are aware of past mistakes and try not to repeat them.

Make decisions without hesitation

It is important to make decisions after careful consideration and careful consideration of all the details, but today development is rapidly accelerating. If we don't equip ourselves with the fearlessness and insight to think quickly and make decisions without hesitation, we will find ourselves left behind.

An effective formula for employee training

People cannot learn without a gentle and patient teacher, but tolerance in itself is not everything. The most effective formula is 10% severity and 90% softness. But these 10% strictness can change a lot.

Don't neglect the little things

Have you ever caught yourself neglecting something if it seems small to you? The old saying goes that even an anthill can defeat a deer.

If you do not solve small problems, then they can accumulate, turn into a mountain and threaten the existence of your organization. You should never neglect the little things.

Look for a reason to do instead of a reason not to do.

People tend to find more reasons not to do something than to do it. But if no one does anything, but only apologizes for the lack of results, then the result will be disastrous.

Make it a habit to look for as many reasons as possible to do something. This will pave the way for impressive achievements and lead your enterprise to success.

All people are like diamonds

Until a diamond is processed, it does not shine, but sparkles dazzlingly after polishing. This is because the possibility of radiance is hidden within it. All people are like rough diamonds. And even if they don't shine now, it all depends on how they are polished.

Adopt good habits

Habits are a set of rules that you can become the owner of with effort. The fastest way to develop good habits is to observe someone who already has them. To enrich your life, you need to acquire habits that will strengthen your abilities and help your development.

Konosuke Matsushita is a Japanese businessman, founder of Matsushita Electric, known for its consumer electronics under the Panasonic, Technics, and National brands. Konosuke Matsushita's leadership style is a subtle philosophy of creation and serving people: simple and very wise. Here are some of the principles this extraordinary leader followed.

Konosuke Matsushita Japanese businessman, founder Matsushita Electric, known for its branded consumer electronics Panasonic, Technics, National.

Konosuke Matsushita I lived in a very difficult and interesting time. The trials made him strong, but did not harden his heart. His enthusiasm and determination made him successful and the richest man in Japan.

Leadership style Konosuke Matsushita– a subtle philosophy of creation and serving people: simple and very wise.

Here are some of the principles this extraordinary leader followed:

1. A businessman is an artist

Just like an artist uses paint, brushes and canvas to create a beautiful picture, a businessman uses people, goods and capital to develop new products and offer services in response to the ever-changing needs of the times. In this sense, a businessman is an artist with multifaceted talent.

2. Do what's smart and your business will prosper.

When you go out on a rainy or cloudy day, you naturally take an umbrella. So you follow the laws of common sense: You know that if you don’t want to get wet in the rain, you need to take an umbrella.

The same can be said about business. You produce good products and make reasonable profits. In a simple situation, these are completely normal actions, you will have few mistakes, and your enterprise will be successful.

3. On the way to the goal, don’t stop halfway

When people fail, even when pursuing righteous goals, using appropriate methods and working hard, it is usually because they stop halfway. If you give up on your goal before you achieve it, then what will you achieve?

4. Good times are good, but bad times are even better.

We can be grateful when business is going well, but when the downturn hits, we often think more deeply about things we didn't consider during the good times.

Recessions often present great design opportunities. It helps a lot to think that good times are good and bad times are even better.

5. Failure creates opportunities for new success.

Everyone has the right to enjoy success. But success can dull the sense of danger and lead to increased self-esteem. Failure, on the contrary, can create opportunities for new success, if, of course, you are aware of past mistakes and try not to repeat them.

6. Make decisions without hesitation

It is important to make decisions after careful consideration and careful consideration of all the details, but today development is rapidly accelerating. If we don't equip ourselves with the fearlessness and insight to think quickly and make decisions without hesitation, we will find ourselves left behind.

7. An effective formula for employee training

People cannot learn without a gentle and patient teacher, but tolerance in itself is not everything. The most effective formula is 10% severity and 90% softness. But these 10% strictness can change a lot.

8. Don't neglect the little things

Have you ever caught yourself neglecting something if it seems small to you? The old saying goes that even an anthill can defeat a deer.

If you do not solve small problems, then they can accumulate, turn into a mountain and threaten the existence of your organization. You should never neglect the little things.

9. Look for a reason to do instead of a reason not to do.

People tend to find more reasons not to do something than to do it. But if no one does anything, but only apologizes for the lack of results, then the result will be disastrous.

Make it a habit to look for as many reasons as possible to do something. This will pave the way for impressive achievements and lead your enterprise to success.

10. All people are like diamonds

Until a diamond is processed, it does not shine, but sparkles dazzlingly after polishing. This is because the possibility of radiance is hidden within it. All people are like rough diamonds. And even if they don't shine now, it all depends on how they are polished.

11. Adopt good habits

Habits are a set of rules that you can become the owner of with effort. The fastest way to develop good habits is to observe someone who already has them. To enrich your life, you need to acquire habits that will strengthen your abilities and help your development.

Konosuke Matsushita

Principles of success


The founder of the Matsushita Group and PHP Institute, Inc., Konosuke Matsushita was born in Wakayama Prefecture on November 27, 1894. When he was 9 years old, he went to Osaka City to study. In 1910, he joined the Osaka Electric Light Company (now Kansai Electric Power) as an installation technician in the internal wiring department.

In 1918 he founded the Matsushita Electric Company, which in 1935 was transformed into Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. with Matsushita as president. In 1961, Konosuke became chairman of the board of directors, and in 1973 he accepted the post of consultant to senior management.

In 1946, he founded the PHP Institute to research and disseminate ideas of peace and social prosperity, both spiritual and material.

Preface to the English edition

Words have power. They are magical.

One word can bring the untold

happiness and ignite deep passion.

One word can create pitch darkness

One word can make a huge difference in your life.

opportunities and fulfill your desires.

One word can destroy a life forever.

Indeed, words have power. They


Katsuhiko Eguchi. People first

Sometimes words carry enormous weight. They can completely change our lives, for better or worse. We do not know when - in the normal course of life or during work - words can open up some new paths or opportunities for us.

Ideas expressed in a few words can sometimes be the most effective and carry great power. This book presents 105 principles drawn from the vast mass of what Konosuke Matsushita has written, expressed in interviews, reports, or other materials throughout his 94-year life, from the day he founded a workshop with three employees that has grown to one of the largest corporations in the world. Subtle changes have been made to the original texts to make these ideas more clearly understood throughout the world, whether they apply to business, work or everyday life, as they have been proven effective in achieving success.

True success is achieved when a person can fully reveal all his talents. Such a person has achieved the fulfillment of all his desires, and he is happy. Success, however, is not something that comes by itself, without effort and without hope, and people who do not accept this world or hold negative views cannot achieve success. Human life unfolds only in accordance with what we strive for. This means that if we want to achieve something, then the first thing we need to do is to passionately want success, and then honestly and sincerely achieve this goal, believing that you will actually achieve it. With this approach, when your life slows down or is completely upside down, the book can help you discern the contours of success if you thoughtfully re-read these revelations that continue to lead us back to true values, transcending time and space. We hope that this book will lay the foundations so that the reader can begin to build his own philosophy of success.

We thank Lynne Riggs for translating this book and Mark Schreiber and Manabu Takeshi for editorial assistance.

Yasunori Ishizaki,

International department of the PHP Institute,

June 2004


Business is something that some people do to make others happy.

Business is one of human aspirations. The head of the enterprise, his employees, suppliers, consumers - they are all people. They are all involved in the common pursuit of the happiness of mankind. When running a business, you need to deeply understand people and their inner nature.

A business enthusiast is an artist creating on an endlessly unfolding canvas.

Just like an artist uses paints, brushes and canvas to create a beautiful picture, a businessman uses people, goods and capital to develop new products and offer services in response to the ever-changing needs of the times. In this sense, a businessman is an artist with multifaceted talent.

The normal growth of an organization depends on the soundness of its business principles.

There are many things to remember when running a business, but the most important are: why does the company exist? And how it should be managed. Having strong principles is critical. After all, only with clear and well-founded business principles can you create a healthy enterprise.

The book presents 105 principles of success formulated by the great 20th century business guru Konosuke Matsushita, founder of Matsushita Electric, which created such famous brands as Panasonic, Technics and National. All principles are very simple, but at the same time extremely deep, as they are based on a holistic understanding of the laws of business, life and human psychology.

I couldn't make a summary of this book. The book itself is a summary of the thoughts of Konosuke Matsushita. Therefore, I present the full text. Konosuke Matsushita “Principles of Success.” - M: Alpina Business Books, 2008. - 126 p.

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Business goal. Business is something that some people do to make others happy. Business is one of human aspirations. The head of the enterprise, his employees, suppliers, consumers - they are all people. They are all involved in the common pursuit of the happiness of mankind. When running a business, you need to deeply understand people and their inner nature.

An entrepreneur is like an artist. A person who is passionate about business is an artist creating on an endlessly unfolding canvas. Just like an artist uses paints, brushes and canvas to create a beautiful picture, a businessman uses people, goods and capital to develop new products and offer services in response to the ever-changing needs of the times. In this sense, a businessman is an artist with multifaceted talent.

The essence of the organization. The normal growth of an organization depends on the soundness of its business principles. There are many things to remember when running a business, but the most important things are why the company exists and how it should be managed. Having strong principles is critical. After all, only with clear and well-founded business principles can you create a healthy enterprise.

Organization and society. Every business is a social phenomenon; you should not think of it as private property. Since any organization strives for prosperity by using public resources - land, money, equipment - and human labor and talent, it is responsible to society for what it does. In this sense, the organization is a social phenomenon. You shouldn't think that you can do whatever you want with a business just because you own it.

Laws of nature and management. If you do what is reasonable and natural, like opening your umbrella when it starts to rain, your business will prosper. When you go out in the rain or on a cloudy day, you naturally take an umbrella. Thus, you follow the laws of common sense: you know that if you do not want to get wet in the rain, you need to take an umbrella. The same can be said about business. You produce good products and make reasonable profits. In a simple situation, these are completely normal actions, you will have few mistakes, and your enterprise will be successful.

Persistence is the key to success. You will succeed if you don't stop halfway. When people fail, even when pursuing righteous goals, using appropriate methods and working hard, it is usually because they stop halfway. If you give up on your goal before you achieve it, then what will you achieve?

Good times and bad times. Success in business does not come from good times, just as failure does not come from bad times. We can be grateful when business is going well, but when the downturn hits, we often think more deeply about things we didn't consider during the good times. For example, “why is this product not on sale?”, or “maybe there is a way to reduce the price of this product?” Recessions often provide great opportunities to return to design. The idea that “good times are good and bad times are even better” helps a lot.

Flexibility and growth in management. The assumption that the world evolves forever is what makes strong management possible. In the spring new leaves bloom, and in the fall they wither and fall off. This is the nature of the constant cyclical change of seasons. There are also cycles in human society, and they manifest themselves in the actions of both organizations and people. Although there may be deviations and failures, in general, all things comply with the principle of constant development. If you want to see your organization strong and growing, it is better to believe that the world is not deteriorating, but is constantly evolving.

Profit. Making a profit is part of an organization's social responsibility. Lack of profit is a crime against society. Profit is the reward for producing a product or providing a service that benefits consumers and makes them happier. Part of the profits goes to government taxes and should serve the development of the entire society. This means that the company is simply obliged to make sufficient profit. Indeed, companies that do not produce anything useful for society do not pay taxes, go into debt and eventually go out of business.

The question is how you won. Outstanding entrepreneurs strive to be winners, because people will admire those who win. Winning is critical to business, but you shouldn't have to compromise the law just to win. Those who strive for victory without disdaining anything cannot count on trust. Our goal is to win with dignity so that everyone can give us credit and admire the result.

Secure management. By practicing "defensive management" you can keep your company stable and constantly growing. A dam in the path of water flow serves as a reservoir, protecting against heavy rain during floods and creating important reserves during droughts. And in enterprise management it is also useful to have various kinds of “dams”. A company that is equipped with such dams can survive troubled times, even if the economy begins to decline.

Be open to change. The world does not stand still. Every day should be better than the previous one. Everything changes - our society, organizations and even the hearts and minds of people. Business is forced to adapt to changes in society and constantly strive to do its job today better than yesterday, and tomorrow better than today. A company that starts each day with fresh ideas for change will prosper and grow.

Success contains the seeds of failure. Every mistake carries within itself the seed of success, and every success is fraught with the danger of failure. Everyone has the right to enjoy success. But success can dull the sense of danger and lead to increased self-esteem. Failure, on the other hand, can create opportunities for new success, if, of course, you are aware of past mistakes and try not to repeat them.

Trust takes time. Gaining trust takes time, but you can lose it in an instant. Trust is not gained quickly or easily. It is created gradually through dedicated efforts and boundless care. But no matter how long it takes to build trust, it can be lost in an instant. That is why we must not forget about trust even for a moment.

Don't let yourself be late. If you are one day late today, you can lose a year, or even the rest of your life. It is important to make decisions after careful consideration and careful consideration of all the details, but today development is rapidly accelerating. If we don't equip ourselves with the fearlessness and insight to think quickly and make decisions without hesitation, we will find ourselves left behind.

Manufacturer's mission. The manufacturer's mission is to offer high-quality, affordable products and promote them to the market. Our society has been blessed with an abundance of goods. Yet not many products tick all the boxes in terms of price, efficiency, quality, design, convenience and environmental protection. The manufacturer's mission is to produce such products and promote them to the market.

Lead with respect and gratitude. You must be able to show your respect and attention to each employee. If you have dozens of employees, you can talk to them openly and informally because you know them all. They will be able to directly perceive your wishes and your assessments. If you have several hundred employees, you need to work with representatives of the team, assuming that your ideas and opinions are conveyed accurately, but also be respectful and sensitive in communicating with subordinates. When you have hundreds of thousands of employees, all you can do is pray that your voice reaches everyone so that they understand your thoughts and desires.

Intuition and science are two wheels of the same cart. You should not completely trust either intuition or science. Intuition and inspiration, born from long practice and experience, can turn out to be mirages. Indeed, many inventions and research have been made thanks to intuition. But intuition alone is not enough. Yes, intuition is important, but there is also science.

Don't give up until the last minute. In business, as in sports, you can win or lose at the last minute. Even a team on the defensive can score points in the last moments of the game. And the team leading the attack may allow its defense to weaken. If you are persistent and persistent, you can catch the wave. The same thing happens in business.

There is no reason for it to fail. If you do what you should do and don't do what you shouldn't, you will never lose. If you do what you need to do systematically, day after day, you cannot lose in business. If you approach your work with integrity, you have nothing to fear or worry about whether everything will go well. This is where the line between successful and unsuccessful companies lies.

A true winner is humble. A truly successful person approaches every success with restraint and modesty. The world is full of people who become arrogant and important after a meager success, but they forget that this success should not be the last. A person who is truly successful, having achieved his goal, remains calm, modest and behaves with dignity.

Rules for bringing people together. By the kind of people you recruit, you can judge whether they will become an asset or ballast. When calculated correctly, one plus one equals two. But when it comes to people, it all depends on how you combine them, so one plus one can make three, or even five. For the same reasons, if the combination is bad, then one plus one can become zero or even negative. When recruiting and assigning a position, it is important to consider not only individual abilities, but also what combinations of these abilities will produce.

All works are equally valuable. It doesn’t matter what field a person works in: there are many professions, and each of them has value. The value of all works is the same. There are many possible areas of effort, but all of them are valuable insofar as they are needed by society. Even very small tasks sometimes come to the fore when society depends on them. We should know all about the importance and value of the work we do.

Set your priorities correctly. First, make a decision impartially, and then turn to your feelings, and in no case the other way around. When you are faced with a difficult situation, it is important to first make a decision, calmly and professionally. And only after you do this, can you indulge in feelings and emotions. Only by remaining cold and detached can you counteract the circumstances. But if you give primacy to emotions, you will not be able to make the right decision.

The value of another opinion. You can learn a lot by keeping your mind open to other opinions. A manager often feels overwhelmed by the continuous stream of complaints or difficult tasks that clients, or even his own employees, put before him. But if you can keep an open mind and listen carefully to everything that is said, you will be able to learn lessons that are useful for your business and get interesting tips for further improvement.

Enthusiasm is more important than ability. When you assign someone a job, remember that passion is much more important than ability to ensure a successful outcome. When determining who to assign a job to, prioritize passion over ability. If you see that a given person has only 60% of the required abilities, but 100% of enthusiasm, then you can’t go wrong by choosing him.

Advantages and disadvantages are inseparable. When hiring, pay 70% of your attention to a person's strengths and only 30% to his weaknesses. Every person has both weaknesses and strengths. If you become too focused on the weaknesses of your subordinates, you will feel that you cannot delegate anything to them with confidence. You should not constantly talk about the shortcomings of your employees - this will cause them to gradually lose interest in their work. It is important to constantly talk about their merits.

How to delegate responsibility. The best approach to working with subordinates is to delegate responsibility while maintaining the right to intervene. When you give people orders, you shouldn't discuss small details with them, but at the same time, you shouldn't leave everything to them. After all, in the end the responsibility remains with you. You should demand regular reports and, if necessary, provide advice. Proper delegation involves regular check-ins, communication and reporting.

Rules of education. An effective formula for employee training: 10% strictness, 90% gentleness. People cannot learn without a gentle and patient teacher, but tolerance in itself is not everything. The most effective formula is 10% severity and 90% softness. But these 10% strictness can change a lot.

Absence of problems can turn into problems. Reports that make no mention of problems are themselves harbingers of problems. Reports that say everything is going well should be cause for concern. It cannot be that there are no problems - it’s just that no one tried to detect them. Even when things are normal, there are already issues waiting for you to resolve them. A business that recognizes this and persistently looks for problems to solve can remain stable for a long time.

Rewards and punishments. A leader cannot win until he learns to use rewards and punishments. The use of rewards and punishments is a delicate issue, since negligible impacts can lead to unimaginable long-term consequences. The effective use of rewards and punishments maintains order in the organization, high motivation and morale. What else should you expect from a leader if not this skill?


Why do we work? A job that simply earns a living can be difficult, but a job that can give your life meaning is never a burden. What are you working for? Of course, in order to keep yourself afloat. But if this is the only incentive, then work will bring you only difficulties. When you consider work to be a burden, you constantly look for ways to avoid doing it or to do as little as possible. Work can become exciting and easy when you consider it a contribution to your life and a means to improve the world.

Start with the first step. Whatever we do, we always do it step by step. People always try to put off until later things that seem dull or uninteresting to them. ‘In the same way, in our daily work, we tend to procrastinate on the part that is difficult or unpleasant, even if this is fraught with problems. But if you think about it, you will realize that until you change your approach, nothing will work out for you.

Work to learn. Not everyone is destined to become a star, but if you give your all to your work, you will undoubtedly be a good specialist in your field. People become famous because they solve difficult problems with brilliance. Everyone strives to become a star, but not everyone is destined to achieve such status. However, if you focus on your work and do it consistently every day, you can acquire excellent skills and become an excellent specialist in your field. And at the same time, you will show others that they are capable of achieving at least the same skill.

You can't play alone. Just as one player cannot play a team game, you cannot do your job alone. The results of the game are made possible through the efforts of many partners in the same way that production is carried out by staff under the direction of the director. There is always a mentor organizing and supporting you. You can't play alone. No matter what your abilities are, without the cooperation of other people you will not be able to complete even the simplest task. It is important to remember this with humility and gratitude.

Be proactive. If you constantly strive to be ahead, you will certainly find a path to success. Some people don't complete tasks in a timely manner and let them pile up. Trying to do everything at once, they become tense and nervous. And the results are often disappointing. It's a vicious circle. You need to be ahead and take the initiative. And if you allow circumstances to get ahead of you, then your advantages will turn into disadvantages. If you always strive to be ahead, you will always find opportunities to innovate and experiment and you will win.

Show concern for the client. If you serve every customer with a sense of appreciation, people will be drawn to your business. Without any words, it is clear that people will not be regular customers of a store where the service is careless. When a customer is about to leave, you should react as if you were folding your hands in a gesture of gratitude. Such deep gratitude for the client is better than any words, and he, of course, will come to you again.

True wisdom is gained through sweat and blood. True wisdom is not born out of nowhere, it is obtained through sweat and blood, thanks to tireless efforts. Sitting at the table, you can develop all sorts of plans, but only a few of them are destined to come true in practice. Real and vital wisdom comes from your workplace, through continuous effort.

Work like you are your own boss. If you work by imagining yourself as the boss of your own business, your attitude towards work will change and your results will improve. If you view a company as a model of society, then you are the owner of your enterprise. If you want your company to prosper, then your managers and your subordinates become, in a sense, your clients. If you think of them as your customers, then the words “thank you very much” should always be on your lips. And, oddly enough, your work will then become more active and fruitful.

Try to see the good in those who work nearby. If you don't like someone, they're unlikely to like you. And if you like someone, most likely, he will have friendly feelings towards you. In any job you may meet people you don't like. Even if you don’t show it in any way, the person will still feel something and will probably respond in kind. And this will make it difficult to do your job. Therefore, it is important to see the positive in others. And then other people will also perceive you positively.

You can learn from any leader. Outstanding leaders help people develop, but mediocre leaders can also help people grow and improve. Many people develop their talents under the wing of true leaders, but not everyone is lucky with leaders. Rarely are even greater leaders born in the shadow of great leaders. On the contrary, a leader without talent or outstanding ability can support a subordinate and become a springboard for him to overcome difficulties.

There are no small things. Neglecting the little things can create huge difficulties on the way to a big goal. Have you ever caught yourself neglecting something because it seems small to you? The old saying goes that even an anthill can defeat an entire deer. “If you don’t solve small problems,” then they can accumulate, turn into a mountain and threaten the existence of your organization. You should never neglect the little things.

Collective wisdom is the basis of management. You can learn more from two people than one, and from three you can learn more than two, so always listen to people, because this is how we become wiser. When you encounter a problem, don't try too hard to solve it alone. There is a limit to what one person can know, but the advice of three colleagues can be a fountain of wisdom. At the same time, you need to understand with whom and how to conduct this advice and how to use its results.

The trap of complacency. If you are too proud of one successful outcome, you will never achieve a second one. When you achieve some success, your self-confidence grows, sometimes too quickly. Maybe you are tempted to be satisfied with what you have already achieved. People of this type quickly exhaust their potential. When a project achieves its goal and you imagine that the result was achieved thanks to the efforts of someone else, you feel a burning desire to repeat the success.

Go all the way to the end. Remember: the job is not done until you see it through to the very end. Doing the job even 99% is not enough. Even if just one part is missing, the product is defective. Make it a rule not to relax and remain vigilant until you are sure that the last detail is in place and the job is completed.

Information gives life to those who own it. You may think that it is human nature to seek information, but in fact it is information that is drawn to the right person. Information is life. She quickly finds those people who recognize its importance and really want to have it. Information bypasses those who only idly collect data and cannot put it into action. Whether the information is used or not depends on the person.

It is important to meet face to face. No matter how advanced technology may become, you need ways to communicate that convey warmth and genuine feelings. Modern telecommunication systems allow us to communicate with anyone in the world twenty-four hours a day. As a result, there has been a tendency in business to organize a business without even meeting with partners. Using modern means should not be the only way to communicate. People are a complex mixture of feelings and relationships. And if they do not meet face to face, the warmth will not be transferred.

The best service is a smile. A smile can be your main service. There are types of services that you can offer to a picky customer to get them to buy your products - free gifts, discounts, etc. But the best service you can offer is a smile. There is no one who doesn't like a smiling face. A smile is something that everyone is always ready to accept. Moreover, this is the best service because it does not cost anything.

Are you earning what you are paid? Put yourself in your boss's shoes and ask yourself, “Is this the kind of employee I would want?” Some people think that all they have to do at work is earn their salary. But what about the employer? Ask yourself: If you were the president of a company, would you hire yourself under these conditions? So what should you do to start doing more than just earning your paycheck?

You need to love your job. The more you try to love your job, the better you will do it. If you are doing work that you do not like, but you know that, like it or not, you will have to do it, your results will be so-so. On the contrary, if you enjoy the work, it inspires you, gives you pleasure, and this makes it more interesting. In this case, good ideas will come to you, and needless to say, your results will be excellent.

Focus on what you can do. If you believe that there are more reasons to do something than reasons not to do it, your work will be successful. People tend to find more reasons not to do something than to do it. But if no one does anything, but only apologizes for the lack of results, then the result will be disastrous. Make it a habit to look for as many reasons as possible to do something. This will pave the way for impressive achievements and lead your enterprise to success.

There is always a way out. There is always a way out of a difficult situation, so no matter how big the problem is, you will find a solution. When faced with a difficult situation, we may become frustrated and give up. But this can make the situation worse. No matter how bad the situation is, you must remain calm. There is always a way out. Stop, collect your thoughts - and do what you need to do.

If you hesitate, go back to the beginning. If you are in doubt and don't know which way to go, go back to where you started and you will see the right path. If you fail to reach the summit, the iron rule is to return to the place from which the unsuccessful assault began. The same can be said about work. When a problem suddenly arises, we panic, jump from one solution to another, and end up in an even worse situation. In such circumstances, it helps to go back to the beginning and reflect on your original thoughts about getting the job done. Then the direction in which you need to go will naturally appear in front of you.

A reprimand or scolding is your chance to succeed. When you are criticized, it means that something is expected of you. In this way, blame motivates you to live up to those expectations. We all love receiving compliments, but when there is too much praise, we can become complacent and growth will stop. What we really need is to find those people who will criticize and scold us. Prodding and condemnation can be beneficial.

Those who can do it do it, and don’t say that it’s none of his business. People who really know what they're doing never shy away from something by saying, "That's not my job." When you work in an organization, you are not able to do big things until you achieve some status. You will not be allowed to do everything you would like to do. But to accept that you can't do anything important until you are given higher status is to demonstrate a lack of enthusiasm and determination. We must show dedication to our work, at least in the eyes of higher-ranking employees.

Work in a way that rewards you at the end of the day. We must live each day fully so that we look back and feel satisfied. How often do we say to ourselves at the end of the day: “I did a great job today”? The days in which we get a great result and know that we did a great job bring us the greatest satisfaction in life. We should just try to do something every day that we can congratulate ourselves on.

Life polishes a person like a diamond. Like a diamond, human life can shine with a beautiful light when polished. Until a diamond is processed, it does not shine, but sparkles dazzlingly after polishing. This is because the possibility of radiance is hidden within it. All people are like rough diamonds. And even if they don't shine now, it all depends on how they are polished.

Enthusiasm moves people more than knowledge or skills. You may have knowledge and talent, but without passion you will not create anything. Take a man who is determinedly and steadily climbing the career ladder higher and higher. Yes, talent and knowledge are important, but by far the more important quality is enthusiasm or passion for something. The most important inventions are born precisely at the highest degree of such passion. What we need to cultivate even before knowledge and talent is enthusiasm.


Human life is valuable in itself. Politics, study, business - every sphere of human activity is aimed at protecting the world, people's happiness and prosperity. People are not pawns in politics, not vessels for knowledge, and not instruments of commerce or industry. Instead, they are policies, training and business tools to enrich people and meet their needs. War and poverty continue to devastate the earth as some people think there is something more important than human life.

To success - through unlocking potential. Anyone can become an accomplished person. One who has achieved a position in society and become rich and famous is called lucky and there are different aspects of success. But success is not about getting rich. Everyone can become an accomplished person. Everyone must achieve the realization of the potential with which he came into this world.

Acknowledge the existence of inequality. If you strive for the very best, recognizing that the world is not inherently the same for everyone, you can become happy. Not all people are born equal. It is a fact. There is a limit that cannot be crossed simply by virtue of birth. Those who can accept inequality and work to overcome it will find happiness.

We must appreciate what heaven has sent us. We need to recognize the special gift that heaven gives to each of us, and treat it with faith and gratitude. Just as there are no two identical faces in the world, there are no two people who are identical in their views, potential or talents. We are all different. This suggests that heaven does not give a person more than one special gift, but creates a special path for each person. So we all certainly have an exceptional, special sacred gift. And we need to do everything so that our special gift finds application in this world.

Always be prepared for the coming of death. Instead of fearing the inevitable death, we should fear that we will be unprepared for its arrival. Everyone is afraid of death, but it is inevitable. There is little use in being in awe of her. Preparing for death means thinking about how we can more fully realize the potential of our lives.

Truth has many facets. Things look different from different angles. Don't judge them from just one subtle point of view. If you look at a round column from above, it looks like a circle, but from the side it looks like a rectangle. It's the same in your work: good and bad can change places depending on how you look at it. There is nothing more dangerous than judging things from one point of view.

Strive to do good. People, by nature, do both good and bad things, but we should at least strive to do more good things than bad. Nobody in this world is perfect. As we go through our lives, we strive to do good things, but because we are human, we can make mistakes. And to truly be human, we must live in such a way that when the good and bad we have done are counted, the good outweighs.

Grow by asking “why?” We can grow every day of our lives if we keep an open mind and always ask the question “why?” Progress and development in human culture always begin with the question “why?” If we keep an open mind, we will endlessly have questions. We need to try to support both our own growth and the progress of society by constantly asking “why?”

Know yourself. If you understand yourself correctly, you can avoid many mistakes. We must constantly strive for correct self-esteem, understanding our abilities, inclinations and shortcomings. If we do things this way, we can do what works best for us, focus our energy on work that suits us, and rarely make the wrong moves.

Achieve what you believe in. Your goal begins to approach you only when you passionately desire it. You can only get what you passionately desire - be it money, some thing or information. It would be naive to hope that what you want will come to you without any effort. The effort begins with searching.

Weakness gives birth to strength. By considering your weaknesses, you can find the best way to apply your efforts. People naturally strive to hide their weaknesses. They want to look flawless and strong. The result, however, may be the loss of the uniqueness with which they are endowed from birth. Those who show themselves as they are, including their weaknesses, can often open up to others in unexpected ways, and their communication becomes much more intense and effective. This is why weaknesses sometimes turn into advantages.

How to live correctly. If you want to live right, what you think must be in agreement with what you do. Your words, no matter how lofty or persuasive, will make no impression if your actions contradict them. Such contradiction will make you a laughing stock. The correspondence of words and deeds - this is exactly what the natural state of things should be.

Think of yourself as the custodian of the blessings given to you. Everything in this world - your life, your money, your things - is loaned to you. Don't waste them recklessly. Our bodies - blood, heart and other organs - work not according to our will, but according to their own laws. In this sense, our bodies are loaned to us by heaven for the duration of our lives. Money constantly changes hands, and it just so happens that at this moment you have it. If our bodies and our money are loaned to us, we should use them with extreme caution.

Learn from the sound of the wind. If your consciousness is open, you can learn even from the noise of the Wind. You may have a rich and exceptional experience, but if you are distracted, you may miss out on a golden opportunity to see something useful and learn something new. Whatever you do, take your life seriously. In this way you will continuously expand your knowledge, so that you can extract the truth from even the faintest breeze.

Live within your means. If you stay within what you earn each month, you won't need to borrow and will live a happy life. Don't overestimate your capabilities. The secret to a stable and comfortable life is to live to a standard that can be ensured by what you earn yourself. And when your life is calm, you can focus your efforts on developing your relationships with other people.

Believing in luck changes fate. If you believe that you are lucky, then fate will continue to favor you. Try to look at everything that happens around you with optimism. When a minor misfortune happens, convince yourself that you are lucky because no major misfortune happened. Feeling lucky can be a great springboard for your efforts. Bera for good luck is a property that can really change your destiny for the better.

Don't avoid being alone. A lot of people struggle with loneliness. But if you do not strive to get rid of loneliness, then you will not suffer from it. Sometimes loneliness can be difficult for us, and we oscillate between dealing with it—compromising with others and showing affection to them in the hope of finding companionship—and accepting loneliness and using it as a source of strength. But we shouldn't avoid being alone. If we face our loneliness and continue our work, we will discover that we are not really alone.

Turn criticism into advice. Meeting criticism with an air of infallibility only strengthens it. And by listening to it carefully, you can turn it into good advice. Hostile rejection of criticism can lead to even harsher criticism and give rise to endless verbal sparring. Try to listen better to what criticism has to say to your heart. It doesn’t matter what exactly it is, it may contain a reasonable grain.

It all depends on how you look at things. Life can change completely depending on whether you look at things positively or negatively. Even looking at a simple piece of paper can completely change the quality of your life. Who is he who leads to a better life? The person who uses paper as something valuable and irreplaceable, or the one who treats it as junk that can be found anywhere? A lot can depend on how you look at things.

Lies are much worse than fear. It’s not the mistake itself that you should be afraid of, but the fact that you won’t admit it to yourself. If you are a person who doesn’t learn anything from mistakes, then it doesn’t matter how many times you make mistakes. We must strive to benefit even from mistakes. You should do everything possible so that, even when serious trouble happens to you, you are ready to learn from your experience.

Do one thing at a time. You may have hundreds or thousands of reasons to worry, but you don't have to think about all of them at the same time. Reasons for concern, whatever they may be, do not press on us with insurmountable force. We focus our attention on eliminating individual problems when we are faced with big troubles. We don't need to panic over too many problems, it's best to just look at them one at a time.

An open mind is the shortest route to success. By keeping an open, uncluttered mind, you can grow and gain wisdom faster. An open, unblinded mind can remain free from self-interest, anger and temptations in order to see things as they really are, and thereby make correct judgments. Constantly maintaining consciousness in this state is not an easy task, it takes time, but it is the shortest path to success in life.

Expand your view of the world. If you want to live a long and fulfilling life, expand your view of the world. Living a long life with a narrow perspective is painful and difficult. A person with a limited view of the world not only does not understand where he is going, but also experiences difficulties in everything else. Often he gets involved in a meaningless fight. In the pursuit of shared peace, happiness and prosperity, even a 360° perspective is not quite enough.

Life consists of ups and downs. Life is a series of ups and downs, so do not plunge headlong into joys and sorrows, but face them with humility. In life, white and black stripes replace each other, polishing your character and deepening your experience. We should not become complacent when we are at the height of success, nor discouraged when we fail. Instead, one must constantly strive to develop with diligence and humility.

Life is open to those who dream. Discontent comes to those who have forgotten how to dream, and those who achieve the fulfillment of their desires find reasons to live. Imagination knows no bounds. But naturally, we want to make our dreams come true in real life. And although the achieved goal may not look exactly as we imagined, people who achieve the fulfillment of their desires feel a surge of strength that those who have forgotten how to dream do not have.

Even envy can be useful. In moderate doses, envy can be a springboard for growth. Envy is undoubtedly undesirable, but it is nonetheless inherent in human nature and is unlikely to go away. Undoubtedly, envy can be the meanest thing if it is in excess. But in moderate doses, it can be a stimulus and springboard for growth, bringing tension and dynamism into our lives.

Take things as they are. If you can see reality as it is, judge it and act accordingly, then you will always distinguish good from bad. The human heart is easily confused. In a difficult situation, we often fall into suspiciousness and uncertainty. But we need to try to exclude superficial impressions, open our minds and objectively see everything for and against, good and bad - as it is. This is the only way we can solve our problems.

The root of failure lies within ourselves. Accept success as a gift of fate, and failure as a lack of effort. When things go well, some people take credit for it, and when things go badly, they blame others. But such people cannot hope to grow. Those who accept success as a gift of fate and express gratitude to everyone who helped, and in case of failure see its source primarily in themselves, these are the people who truly develop.

Success depends on enthusiasm. People who are not enthusiastic have only a 1% chance of success, while those who are enthusiastic have a 99% chance of success. The probability that a person lacking enthusiasm will succeed in business is no more than 1%. On the other hand, the path to success is open to those who are full of enthusiasm, even if they face many problems, they move forward, and sometimes roll back, making repeated mistakes - because passion fuels wisdom and brings the most distant results closer.

Adopt good habits. By adopting good habits from someone, you yourself become their source. Habits are a set of rules that you can acquire with effort. The fastest way to acquire good habits is to observe someone who already has them. To enrich your life, you need to develop habits that will enhance your abilities and help you grow.

Friendliness is attractive. Those who are friendly towards others receive information thanks to this. People usually judge others by their appearance, behavior, manner of speaking, etc. But if you want to maintain a long-term relationship, then you cannot judge others superficially. This is why those who are friendly, cheerful and noble in behavior are attractive to others. Friendliness is one of the most important qualities, the possession of which gives special strength.

Take the example of a turtle. Life is like the fairy tale about the tortoise and the hare: if you act consistently, you will not fail in achieving your goal. If you rush and jump, you have a chance to quickly reach your goal, but you can also take the wrong path and exhaust yourself before you reach your goal. Just like the turtle in the story, you must maintain continuous movement, one step at a time. This is the best method.

Keep your antennas ready. If you are sensitive and observant, you can sense where time is flowing. We cannot keep our finger on the pulse of the times and follow changes in styles and tastes simply by sitting at our tables. We must go out, tune the antennas of our consciousness, observe carefully and listen carefully. Then we will know where to find clues to understand time.

Truths are all around us. If your mind is already open and receptive, you will be able to learn from everything around you. The words of people and the phenomena of nature contain great truths, as well as clues for inventions and innovations. To access these clues, we first need to open our minds to everything that can come into contact with it.

Caring for others is rewarding. Before expecting anything from others, give yourself to them first. People tend to prioritize their own interests and needs. The survival instinct drives this, but it deprives human relationships of warmth and true care. To get out of this vicious cycle, we need to put other people's needs first. When we care about others, they begin to care about us, and once the cycle is broken, society will become richer.

Do not spare words of gratitude. Expressions of gratitude, appreciation, and politeness are great stimulants of human relationships. Even machine tools do not run smoothly if they are not lubricated promptly. Moreover, we cannot mechanically build human relationships without greetings and good wishes. Such expressions indicate care and courtesy - “thank you,” “sorry,” “I’m sorry,” “after you.” They play a huge role in building human relationships and helping to make our lives more enjoyable.

Freedom within order. Freedom is a value for everyone. We need to make sure that it is not violated by anyone. Freedom does not mean that you can do whatever you want. Apart from you, everyone else also wants to enjoy freedom. It is shameful to use your own freedom to create difficulties for others. The extent to which you can exercise freedom depends on how effectively you can balance it with the social order around you.

Karma. Recognizing the deep karmic connections between people makes us more humble. People may feel that they are connected by artificial connections based on personal will and desires. But in fact, mystical connections, destined by fate, are stretched from person to person. We should be happy that such karmic connections exist. The gratitude we feel to the world for this should help us find more humility within ourselves.

The winner is the one who knows how to listen. Listening well can accumulate more information than speaking well. No matter what kind of speaker you are, you cannot attract people or get information by talking alone. You are more likely to find useful information among people if you are always willing to listen. Let's become good listeners.

Don't try to get more than you gave yourself. Poverty and conflict would disappear if we always gave more than we received. What happens when someone tries to give less than they received? This gives rise to people who always figure out how to get benefits without sacrificing anything. The consequences of this are poverty and conflict. Taking and giving is the rule of our world. Don't try to think all the time about how to win.

Contradictions and harmony go hand in hand. Although all things in the world are different, they are in harmony. The impulse to destroy the weight of difference or opposition is understandable. But it leads us to mental suffering and discomfort. In addition, those unlike us also have every right to exist. It makes more sense to embrace them than to reject them, and you should align yourself with those who are tolerant of differences.

The secret of eternal youth is the youth of the soul. Youth is eternal for those who keep their souls young. It is generally accepted that while a person is young, he is more energetic, mobile and his eyes sparkle. On the other hand, even in old age, many are full of life and energy. Youth is youth in the heart. It does not leave those who meet the changes of each new day with faith and hope for the best.

Maintain good health. Only with good health can you achieve success and fame. Health is a critical factor in life success. In the world of professional sports, for example, the better the athlete, the more physically prepared they are to compete. Athletes who enjoy long careers in sports lead simple, healthy lives. Take care of yourself, otherwise you will not be able to achieve fame in any field of activity. The most important thing in maintaining your own health is moderation in food, exercise, adequate sleep and positive thinking.

The road ahead is open. Each of us has our own path. It is not given to us to know what path we will take in life, but it is clear that a unique and meaningful road lies in front of each of us and no one else can follow it. This is a path we can only take once. Sometimes the road is wide and calm, sometimes it is narrow and dangerous. There are ups, there are downs. Sometimes it can be straight and smooth, and at other times it becomes steep and grueling. You will be surprised that a good part of the journey is followed by a bad part. At times you will want to avoid it or find solace in oblivion. But you will find that this is the only path you can follow. While you are peering into other people's lives and tormented by the question of what to do, life may seem over. To understand life, you need to take action. Free your consciousness and move forward.

Principles of success. The path may seem long and the goal unattainable, but if you are completely focused forward, a new path will always be open to you. And this will bring you the deepest happiness.

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