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Презентация по английскому языку на тему "марк твен". Адаптированные аудиокниги на английском языке

Талант — talent [ˈtælənt]

герой – hero [ˈhɪərəʊ]

псевдоним — pseudonym [ˈsjuːdənɪm]

Настоящее имя нашего героя Сэмюэл Клеменс. The real name of our hero is Samuel Clemens.

Он рассказывал, что свой псевдоним придумал во время работы лоцманом на пароходе, используя термины из речной навигации. He said that he had invented his pseudonym while he was a pilot on a steamer, using terms from river navigation.


Марк Твен родился в штате Миссури в 1845 году. Позже время семья сменила место жительства, переехав в город Ганнибал. В своих книгах жителей этого города он описывал чаще всего.

Когда умер глава семейства, и вся ответственность перешла на юных мальчиков. Старший брат занялся издательским делом, чтобы хоть как-то обеспечивать семью. Марк Твен пытался внести свою лепту, поэтому помогал брату в качестве наборщика текста, а позже – автором статей.


Mark Twain was born in Missouri in 1845. After some time, the family changed their place of residence, moving to the city of Hannibal. He described the inhabitants of this city most often in his books.

Soon the head of the family died, and all the responsibility was transferred to the young boys. The elder brother went into publishing to at least somehow support the family. Mark Twain tried to make his own contribution, so he worked as a composer for his brother, and later — as an author of articles.


— Разве имеет какое-то отношения к науке Марк Твен?

— Конечно! Он очень интересовался новыми идеями и теориями. Его хорошим другом был Никола Тесла, с котором они вместе занимались некоторыми опытами.

— Чем ещё увлекался Марк Твен?

— Он был прекрасным оратором и часто выступал на публике, находил юные дарования и помогал им пробиться, проявить свой талант.


— Does Mark Twain have anything to do with science?

— Of course! He was very interested in new ideas and theories. His good friend was Nikola Tesla, with whom they were engaged in some experiments.

— What else was Mark Twain interested in?

— He was an excellent speaker and often spoke in public, found young talents and helped them to get through, to show their talent.

It was at a banquet in London in honour of one of the two or three conspicuously illustrious English military names of this generation. For reasons which will presently appear, I will withhold his real name and titles, and call him Lieutenant-General Lord Arthur Scoresby, V.C., K.C.B., etc., etc., etc. What a fascination there is in a renowned name! There say the man, in actual flesh, whom I had heard of so many thousands of times since that day, thirty years before, when his name shot suddenly to the zenith from a Crimean battle-field, to remain for ever celebrated. It was food and drink to me to look, and look, and look at that demigod; scanning, searching, noting: the quietness, the reserve, the noble gravity of his countenance; the simple honesty that expressed itself all over him; the sweet unconsciousness of his greatness--unconsciousness of the hundreds of admiring eyes fastened upon him, unconsciousness of the deep, loving, sincere worship welling out of the breasts of those people and flowing toward him.

The clergyman at my left was an old acquaintance of mine--clergyman now, but had spent the first half of his life in the camp and field, and as an instructor in the military school at Woolwich. Just at the moment I have been talking about, a veiled and singular light glimmered in his eyes, and he leaned down and muttered confidentially to me--indicating the hero of the banquet with a gesture,--"Privately--his glory is an accident-- just a product of incredible luck."

This verdict was a great surprise to me. If its subject had been Napoleon, or Socrates, or Solomon, my astonishment could not have been greater.

Some days later came the explanation of this strange remark, and this is what the Reverend told me.

About forty years ago I was an instructor in the military academy at Woolwich. I was present in one of the sections when young Scoresby underwent his preliminary examination. I was touched to the quick with pity; for the rest of the class answered up brightly and handsomely, while he--why, dear me, he didn"t know anything, so to speak. He was evidently good, and sweet, and lovable, and guileless; and so it was exceedingly painful to see him stand there, as serene as a graven image, and deliver himself of answers which were veritably miraculous for stupidity and ignorance. All the compassion in me was aroused in his behalf. I said to myself, when he comes to be examined again, he will be flung over, of course; so it will be simple a harmless act of charity to ease his fall as much as I can.

I took him aside, and found that he knew a little of Caesar"s history; and as he didn"t know anything else, I went to work and drilled him like a galley-slave on a certain line of stock questions concerning Caesar which I knew would be used. If you"ll believe me, he went through with flying colours on examination day! He went through on that purely superficial "cram", and got compliments, too, while others, who knew a thousand times more than he, got plucked. By some strangely lucky accident--an accident not likely to happen twice in a century--he was asked no question outside of the narrow limits of his drill.

It was stupefying. Well, although through his course I stood by him, with something of the sentiment which a mother feels for a crippled child; and he always saved himself--just by miracle, apparently.

Now of course the thing that would expose him and kill him at last was mathematics. I resolved to make his death as easy as I could; so I drilled him and crammed him, and crammed him and drilled him, just on the line of questions which the examiner would be most likely to use, and then launched him on his fate. Well, sir, try to conceive of the result: to my consternation, he took the first prize! And with it he got a perfect ovation in the way of compliments.

Sleep! There was no more sleep for me for a week. My conscience tortured me day and night. What I had done I had done purely through charity, and only to ease the poor youth"s fall--I never had dreamed of any such preposterous result as the thing that had happened. I felt as guilty and miserable as the creator of Frankenstein. Here was a wooden- head whom I had put in the way of glittering promotions and prodigious responsibilities, and but one thing could happen: he and his responsibilities would all go to ruin together at the first opportunity.

The Crimean war had just broken out. Of course there had to be a war, I said to myself: we couldn"t have peace and give this donkey a chance to die before he is found out. I waited for the earthquake. It came. And it made me reel when it did come. He was actually gazetted to a captaincy in a marching regiment! Better men grow old and gray in the service before they climb to a sublimity like that. And who could ever have foreseen that they would go and put such a load of responsibility on such green and inadequate shoulders? I could just barely have stood it if they had made him a cornet; but a captain--think of it! I thought my hair would turn white.

Consider what I did--I who so loved repose and inaction. I said to myself, I am responsible to the country for this, and I must go along with him and protect the country against him as far as I can. So I took my poor little capital that I had saved up through years of work and grinding economy, and went with a sigh and bought a cornetcy in his regiment, and away we went to the field.

And there--oh dear, it was awful. Blunders? why, he never did anything but blunder. But, you see, nobody was in the fellow"s secret--everybody had him focused wrong, and necessarily misinterpreted his performance every time--consequently they took his idiotic blunders for inspirations of genius; they did honestly! His mildest blunders were enough to make a man in his right mind cry; and they did make me cry--and rage and rave too, privately. And the thing that kept me always in a sweat of apprehension was the fact that every fresh blunder he made increased the lustre of his reputation! I kept saying to myself, he"ll get so high that when discovery does finally come it will be like the sun falling out of the sky.

He went right along up, from grade to grade, over the dead bodies of his superiors, until at last, in the hottest moment of the battle of.... down went our colonel, and my heart jumped into my mouth, for Scoresby was next in rank! Now for it, said I; we"ll all land in Sheol in ten minutes, sure.

The battle was awfully hot; the allies were steadily giving way all over the field. Our regiment occupied a position that was vital; a blunder now must be destruction. At this critical moment, what does this immortal fool do but detach the regiment from its place and order a charge over a neighbouring hill where there wasn"t a suggestion of an enemy! "There you go!" I said to myself; "this is the end at last."

And away we did go, and were over the shoulder of the hill before the insane movement could be discovered and stopped. And what did we find? An entire and unsuspected Russian army in reserve! And what happened? We were eaten up? That is necessarily what would have happened in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred. But no; those Russians argued that no single regiment would come browsing around there at such a time. It must be the entire English army, and that the sly Russian game was detected and blocked; so they turned tail, and away they went, pell-mell, over the hill and down into the field, in wild confusion, and we after them; they themselves broke the solid Russia centre in the field, and tore through, and in no time there was the most tremendous rout you ever saw, and the defeat of the allies was turned into a sweeping and splendid victory! Marshal Canrobert looked on, dizzy with astonishment, admiration, and delight; and sent right off for Scoresby, and hugged him, and decorated him on the field in presence of all the armies!

And what was Scoresby"s blunder that time? Merely the mistaking his right hand for his left--that was all. An order had come to him to fall back and support our right; and instead he fell forward and went over the hill to the left. But the name he won that day as a marvellous military genius filled the world with his glory, and that glory will never fade while history books last.

He is just as good and sweet and lovable and unpretending as a man can be, but he doesn"t know enough to come in when it rains. He has been pursued, day by day and year by year, by a most phenomenal and astonishing luckiness. He has been a shining soldier in all our wars for half a generation; he has littered his military life with blunders, and yet has never committed one that didn"t make him a knight or a baronet or a lord or something. Look at his breast; why, he is just clothed in domestic and foreign decorations. Well, sir, every one of them is a record of some shouting stupidity or other; and, taken together, they are proof that the very best thing in all this world that can befall a man is to be born lucky.

текст про марка твена на английском с переводом небольшой пожалуйста!!!

  1. На английском языке
    Перевод на русский язык
    The Biography of Mark TwainБиография Марка Твена
    Samuel Langhorne Clemens was a famous American writer and humorist. He was better known by his pen friend Mark Twain. Perhaps, everybody knows about the adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. The author of these stories was Mark Twain. He was born in Florida, Missouri on November 30th, 1835. When he was four years old his family moved to Hannibal in Missouri. It was a port town on the Mississippi River, which inspired the fictional town in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. He was only eleven when his father died and he soon began working as a printers apprentice and contributor of funny sketches. When he was 18 he left the town to work in New York, Philadelphia and some other large cities as a printer. Mark Twain travelled a lot. While being on the voyage to New Orleans he met Horace E. Bixby, who was a steamboat pilot and who later inspired a young author to become a pilot too. He soon obtained a steamboat pilot license. Until 1861 he worked as a pilot. He also persuaded his brother Henry to work together. In 1858 Henry died in steamboat explosion. It was known that Mark Twain foresaw this accident in his dream. In 1876 he wrote The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. This book became popular not only with kids but also with adults. It was translated nearly into every language in the world. The book was such a success that in 1884 he wrote The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Later he also wrote Tom Sawyer Abroad, Tom sawyer the Detective etc. There were many other books written by Mark Twain but the stories about Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn brought him world fame.Сэмюэл Лэнгхорн Клеменс был известным американским писателем и юмористом. Он был более известен по своему писательскому псевдониму, как Марк Твен. Возможно, все знают о приключениях Тома Сойера и Гекльберри Финна. Автором этих историй был Марк Твен. Он родился во Флориде, штат Миссури, 30-го ноября 1835 года. Когда ему было четыре года, его семья переехала в Ганнибал в штате Миссури. Это был портовый город на реке Миссисипи, который вдохновил его на создание вымышленного городка в "Приключениях Тома Сойера" и "Приключениях Гекльберри Финна". Ему было всего одиннадцать, когда его отец умер, и вскоре он начал подрабатывать помощником печатника и автором смешных эскизов. Когда ему было 18 лет, он покинул город и отправился работать в Нью-Йорк, Филадельфию и другие крупные города в качестве печатника. Марк Твен много путешествовал. Во время путешествия в Новый Орлеан он познакомился с Горацием Е. Биксби, который был пилотом парохода, и который позже вдохновил молодого автора стать также пилотом. Вскоре он получил лицензию на управление пароходом. До 1861 года он работал в качестве пилота. Он также уговорил брата Генри работать вместе с ним. В 1858 году Генри умер в результате взрыва парохода. Было известно, что Марк Твен предвидел этот несчастный случай во сне. В 1876 году он написал "Приключения Тома Сойера". Эта книга стала популярной не только среди детей, но и среди взрослых. Она была переведена почти на все языки мира. Книга имела такой успех, что в 1884 году он написал "Приключения Гекльберри Финна". Позже он также написал "Том Сойер за границей, Том Сойер детектив" и т. д. Были и многие другие книги, написанные Марком Твеном, но рассказы о Томе Сойере и Гекльберри Финне принесли ему мировую славую
  2. Тома Сойера было два особых друзей. их звали Джо гарпер и Гекльберри Финн.hucklerru-длинное название.все называли мальчика гека.тетя Полли сказала, что к тому, что ты должен быть хорошим мальчиком, том и Джо с матерью сказал Джо вы мист быть хорошим Англии Джо. они wandted мальчики ведут себя хорошо. Гек Финн не жил ни с кем. у него не было матери или братьев и сестру.и у него не дяди и не тети.его отец жил далеко от него.он был плохим человеком и спал на берегу реки.в плохую погоду он спал в сарае.он никогда не ходил в церковь, и он никогда не ходил в школу.Гек носил очень старое одежду и он никогда не мыли. другие мальчики любил гека. они хотели быть Гек.хотел быть Гек. они не хотят ходить в церковь.они не хотят ходить в школу
  3. Mark TWAIN (eng. Mark Twain, real name Samuel Langhorne Clemens, Samuel Langhorne Clemens; November 30, 1835, the village of Florida (eng.)Russian., Missouri, USA April 21, 1910, Redding, Connecticut, USA) is an American writer, journalist and public figure. Its creativity covers set of genres humor, satire, philosophical fiction, journalism and others, and in all these genres, he has consistently taken the position of humanist and Democrat.
    Марк Твен (англ. Mark Twain, настоящее имя Сэмюэл Лэнгхорн Клеменс, Samuel Langhorne Clemens; 30 ноября 1835 года, послок Флорида (англ.) русск., Миссури, США 21 апреля 1910 года, Реддинг, Коннектикут, США) американский писатель, журналист и общественный деятель. Его творчество охватывает множество жанров юмор, сатиру, философскую фантастику, публицистику и другие, и во всех этих жанрах он неизменно занимает позицию гуманиста и демократа.

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

1 слайд

Описание слайда:

2 слайд

Описание слайда:

Mark Twain His real name was Samuel Langhorn Clemens, but he is better known by his professional name, Mark Twain. He was a famous American writer and humorist. Его настоящее имя было Самюэль Лэнгхорн Клеменс, но он более известен под своим профессиональным именем, Марк Твен. Он был известным американским писателем и юмористом.

3 слайд

Описание слайда:

Mark Twain Mark Twain was born in Missouri in 1835. He never finished elementary school. He got his education mainly from his observations of people and events on the western bank of the Missouri River. Марк Твен родился в штате Миссури в 1835 году. Он так и не закончил начальную школу. Он получил образование, в основном, из своих наблюдений за людьми и событиями на западном берегу реки Миссури.

4 слайд

Описание слайда:

Mark Twain He was only eleven when his father died and he soon began working as a printer’s apprentice and contributor of funny sketches. Ему было всего одиннадцать, когда его отец умер, и вскоре он начал подрабатывать помощником печатника и автором смешных эскизов.

5 слайд

Описание слайда:

Mark Twain When he was 18 he left the town to work in New York, Philadelphia and some other large cities as a printer. Когда ему было 18 лет, он покинул город и отправился работать в Нью-Йорк, Филадельфию и другие крупные города в качестве печатника.

Описание слайда:

Mark Twain In 1871, he married and moved to Hartford, Connecticut, where he wrote his two masterpieces, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. В 1871 году он женился и переехал в Хартфорд, штат Коннектикут, где он написал два своих шедевра, «Приключения Тома Сойера» и «Приключения Гекльберри Финна».

7 слайд

Описание слайда:

Mark Twain In 1876 he wrote “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”. This book became popular not only with kids but also with adults. It was translated nearly into every language in the world. В 1876 году он написал "Приключения Тома Сойера". Эта книга стала популярной не только среди детей, но и среди взрослых. Она была переведена почти на все языки мира.

8 слайд

Описание слайда:

Mark Twain The book was such a success that in 1884 he wrote “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”. Later he also wrote “Tom Sawyer Abroad”, “Tom sawyer the Detective” etc. Книга имела такой успех, что в 1884 году он написал "Приключения Гекльберри Финна". Позже он также написал "Том Сойер за границей», «Том Сойер детектив" и т.д.

Описание слайда:

Mark Twain There were many other books written by Mark Twain but the stories about Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn brought him world fame. Были и многие другие книги, написанные Марком Твеном, но рассказы о Томе Сойере и Гекльберри Финне принесли ему мировую славу.

10 слайд

Описание слайда:

Mark Twain Mark Twain travelled a lot. While being on the voyage to New Orleans he met Horace E. Bixby, who was a steamboat pilot and who later inspired a young author to become a pilot too. He soon obtained a steamboat pilot license. Until 1861 he worked as a pilot. He also persuaded his brother Henry to work together. Марк Твен много путешествовал. Во время путешествия в Новый Орлеан он познакомился с Горацием Е. Биксби, который был пилотом парохода, и который позже вдохновил молодого автора стать также пилотом. Вскоре он получил лицензию на управление пароходом. До 1861 года он работал в качестве пилота. Он также уговорил брата Генри работать вместе с ним.

Mark Twain was bom in the state of Missouri in the United States in 1835 His father was an unsuccessful lawyer. The family seldom lived more than a year or two in the same town That is why the future writer did not even finish secondary school. He went to work at the age of 12.

For two years he worked for his elder brother"s small newspaper both as a printer and reporter.

In 1857 he became a pilot on the Mississipi river. He continued to write.

In 1976 he wrote The Adventures of Tom Sawyer . The book was read by everybody, by the young and old and was translated into nearly every language in the world. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was such a success that in 1884 he wrote The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn , and then Tom Sawyer Abroad and Tom Sawyer the Detective in 1896. There were many other books written by Mark Twain. But his novels about Tom Sawyer and his friend Huckleberry Finn brought him world fame. Mark Twain"s real name was Sammuel Clemens. He took his penname from the words to mark and twain which were used by leadsmen on the steamboats to mark the depth of two fathoms.

Mark Twain"s stories enjoy widespread popularity. His characters are always well-drawn, his stories are true-to-life and the plots of his stories are skilfully built up.

Many years have passed since Mark Twain"s ti death, but even now we enjoy reading his works. Besides being a humorist, Mark Twain is also a realist - the author of biting satires and bitterly critical pages revealing a good deal of the truth about American way of life.

Марк Твен

Марк Твен родился в штате Миссури в Соединенных Штатах Америки в 1835 году. Его отец был неудачливым юристом. Семья редко жила в одном и том же городе более 1 - 2 лет. Вот почему будущий писатель даже не закончил среднюю школу. Он пошел работать в возрасте 12 лет.

Два года он работал печатником и репортером в редакции небольшой газеты, принадлежащей старшему брату.

В 1857 году он стал лоцманом, плавая по реке Миссисипи и продолжал писать.

В1876 году он написал "Приключения Тома Сойера". Книгу читали все - дети и взрослые, она была переведена почти на все языки мира. "Приключения Тома Сойера" имели такой успех, что в 1884 году он написал "Приключения Гекльберри Финна", и затем "Том Сойер за границей" и "Том Сойер - сыщик", вышедшие в 1896 г. Марк Твен написал еще много других книг, но всемирную известность ему принесли его романы о Томе Сойере и Гекльберри Финне. Настоящее имя Марка Твена было Сэмюэль Клеменс. Он избрал себе в качестве псевдонима выражение "марктвен", которое у лоцманов на пароходах обозначало глубину в две морские сажени.

Рассказы Марка Твена пользуются широкой популярностью. Характеры его героев всегда хорошо раскрыты, его истории правдивы, сюжеты мастерски построены.

Прошло много лет с тех пор, как Марк Твен умер, но даже и сейчас мы получаем удовольствие от его произведений. Кроме того, что он юморист, он также реалист, автор острой сатиры и страниц резкой критики, раскрывающих правду об американском образе жизни.

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